Blast from the Past: Robert Pattinson Interviewed by BBC

When I Was 12: Robert Pattinson

At Hogwarts school, Cedric Diggory was a top prefect, but was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire actor Robert Diggory such a perfect pupil when he was at school? (Gozde: Robert Diggory? Oh Rob you came a LONG way :))

Did you have school dinners or packed lunch?

School dinners. We didn't have packed lunches at my school. I was a lunch monitor as well - I used to take everyone's chips!

What was your most embarrassing moment?

Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel.

How much pocket money did you get?

I started doing a paper round when I was about 10. I started earning £10 a week and then I was obsessed with earning money until I was about 15.

Did you have a nickname?

Patty because my surname is Pattinson.

What was your favourite cartoon?

I quite liked Sharkey and George and then there was a cartoon with rapper MC Hammer in it - Hammertime - I loved that cartoon, it was genius! They don't make cartoons like that anymore.

Who was your hero?

Probably Eminem as I was really into rap - or Jay Kay from Jamiroquai.

Who was your favourite teacher?

Probably my English teacher because she got me into writing instead of just answering the question. I used to hand in homework with 20 pages of nonsense and she'd still mark it. She was a really amazing teacher.

Were you ever bullied?

Someone stole my shoelaces once from my shoes. I still wear them and never put laces in them - they're like my trademark shoes now!

What was your worst ever punishment at school?

I got expelled from my school when I was 12 - I was quite bad!

What did your school report say?

They were always pretty bad - I never ever did my homework. I always turned up for lessons as I liked my teachers but my report said I didn't try very hard.


Thanks to J Lu for finding this gem :)

New/Old Pix of Robert Pattinson at Cast Party on May 8th 2009


More from that night can be found HERE and HERE

source via Thinking of Rob.

Robert Pattinson to Attend Teen Choice Awards

ET Online Confirms that Rob will attend the 2009 Teen Choice Awards. New Rob pix and hopefully speeches when he wins? Yes please!

The "Teen Choice 2009" will air on Fox Monday, August 10

From ET:

The "Teen Choice 2009" is rapidly approaching and the wildly popular cast of 'Twilight' will appear on the two-hour special, ET confirms.

'Twilight' actors Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz are all set to attend the Fox awards show, hosted by the Jonas Brothers. The cast of Fox's new comedy "Glee" will also be appearing on the show.

You can vote for Rob HERE and HERE. You have to register and be under 19 years old to vote :))

Movie Actor: Drama - Robert Pattinson

Movie: Drama - Twilight

Movie: Romance - Twilight

Movie Rumble - Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) VS. James (Cam Gigandet)- Twilight

Movie: Liplok - Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson- Twilight

Other Stuff Male Hottie - Robert Pattinson

Who Should Co-Star With Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami

Movie Hunger has some suggestions for Rob's co-stars in Bel Ami. I am so excited for this movie. Rob as a womanizer? Yes please!

From: Movie Hunger

New Moon movie star Robert Pattinson seems to love taking on new movie roles that turn him into a character of mystery and culture. First the actor took on the role of Salvador Dali in the movie production of Little Ashes and now his future may be that of scandalous Frenchman.

Director Declan Donnellan plans to bring the short story of Guy de Maupassant to life on the movie screen with Bel Ami. It’s rumored that movie star Robert Pattinson will take on the role of Georges Duroy in the film. The movie will be focused around the life of Georges Duroy’s life as he goes from being an Ex-NCO to a very successful and wealthy businessman.

Robert Pattinson thought that his love scenes as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes were awkward, I wonder how he is going to feel courting several women at once as Georges Duroy? Why? Well the way that this character raises him to the top is by having affairs with several notable and wealthy women.

The question on my mind is the actress that will play opposite Robert Pattinson. This honestly sounds like an award winning movie. I wonder if they will cast new actors and actresses for the roles or if Robert Pattinson will be working with some of the Hollywood greats?

For example some of the roles on Bel Ami are Madeleine Forestier (Du Roy), Monsieur Laroche-Mathieu, Comte de Vaudrec, Clotilde de Marelle, Laurine de Marelle, Jacques Rival, Norbert de Varenne, Monsieur Walter, Virgine Walter, Susanne Walter, and Rachel.

When looking at these characters for the movie Bel Ami, I keep on getting visions of Emma Watson, Emma Thompson, Keira Knightly, Mery Streep, Colin Firth, and Orlando Bloom.

Madeleine Forestier (Du Roy) is George’s wife in the movie Bel Ami. I could see Emma Watson taking on the role of the woman that helps the journalist with their stories and introduces Georges to the powerful with her society connections.

Emma Thompson is definitely shy to roles of this nature. I could see her taking on a role in Bel Ami. I just wonder if she would be playing one of the socialites or one of George’s conquests. Clotilde de Marelle perhaps, a role of a woman who has too much time on her hands because her husband is always away on business.

George’s isn’t the only one who has an affair in Bel Ami. I could see Orlando Bloom playing the Monsuier that Madeleine has an affair with. Of course there is the role of the Newspaper head, I could see Colin Firth playing this role. I wouldn’t like to see him take on the role of the angry husband though. Colin Firth is one of my favorite actors.

Of course the production of Bel Ami and Robert Pattinson’s role are only rumors. Bel Ami is only a possible thought of a movie release. I do hope the Bel Ami gets the studio green light; I’d love to see Robert Pattinson in additional movie roles.

Gozde: Hoping for this sentence "This honestly sounds like an award winning movie." to come true...

Bel Ami is a novel written by French Author Guy de Maupassant in 1885. It The story chronicles Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor ex-NCO to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses.(Read more HERE)

Bel-Ami was made into films and mini series before. You can check Guy de Maupassant imdb page for more info.

You can order the book Bel Ami by Maupassant HERE for US and HERE for UK

Same Crap New Magazine - Malaysian HOT Magazine

Thanks to Twilight Malasia for the scans :)

Monday Morning Downer : Only a Man

Check out this beautiful video made by FakerParis at Thinking of Rob. It is a downer but it's good for the soul. It's good to remember next time you get angry at him for not coming over to sign your stuff or take a picture with you...

Robward Cullenson New Moon Picture from 2010 Calendar


Thanks to [info]ladolcevitablue in [info]pattinsonlife
for the scans ;)

You can order the calendar here !
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