About Last Night: Brian & Dana Meet Robert Pattinson

I have officially lost the last shred of sanity I had with this photo.
Oh Hot Damn? Nope, not enough!

Brian with Rob

Dana with Rob

As a New Yorker, I've been privy to meet many celebrities, and not once have I seen a situation like this where photos are taken from Twitter and such speculation is rampant. However, I've also never met an actor or musician with a fan-base with such a dedicated and insatiable hunger for information regarding their idol. Since the information being spread is pretty much all incorrect. I felt it was right to set it straight, because over the past few months my friend has been working on the tips and stories and sightings of other people in hopes of meeting Rob.

Last night, my friend and I who go to school in Long Island City were on our way home and decided to take a detour and pass by XXX where indoor principal photography for Remember Me is taking place and saw that a small crowd was gathered. We figured if there were people waiting there might be a possibility in finally getting to meet Rob. We had tried when they first started filming and were present on the now infamous day when that girl decided to force Rob to give her a piggy back ride. We waited with the group for about an hour and a half when finally Robert came out and we called him over. He hesitated and looked as though he was going to come over, but sadly he did not. Now, this is where the story might've ended if not for some good luck.

My friend Dana and I were held up, because another production vehicle stopped in the street to prevent people from being able to follow Rob's car, an action that seems unprecedented but some people at the set were more than ready to do so. When we finally got moving again, we saw the other two girls we had been waiting with and decided to stop and talk to them and say good night During the traffic jam, they had received some information from an onset source who we will keep unnamed to protect their job, about an outdoor shoot that was taking place that night a few blocks away by the XXX. We followed the tip over to XXX Street and saw a truck with a camera on the back, a few dozen crew members and in the middle of it all was Rob, riding a bike. The scene was pretty simple, just Rob riding a bike up and down the street. During the shoot he rode up and down a total of five times before they wrapped. After he shook hands and loosened his tie, he was heading to his car so we called Robert over.

And, he came right over to us, even before he confirmed what he was doing with his security guards. My friend Dana and I were among the first to get our photos with him, and besides being very sweaty and out of breath from his bike ride in the 87 degree heat, Robert was very friendly but was also a little reserved. My friend Dana's photo did not come out the first time, and when Rob granted her a second take, an overzealous fan jumped into the photo causing my friend to say "get the f#@$ out of my photo". To which Robert laughed and replied "good one". He then graciously granted her a third take, and the photo came out wonderful. I do not want to speak for everyone, but as far as I could tell the twelve or so people who had come across the set were lucky enough to get their photos with Rob before he excused himself to move to the next set and finish for the night. I do not want to come off as preachy, but while we waited we kept quiet and listened to the requests of the production staff and when Rob did wrap and we called to him, we did so calmly. When he came across the street, with the exception of the overzealous fan who jumped into my friend's photo, everyone kept calm and although he did not say Rob seemed to appreciate the fact that we did so. I think he showed his appreciation for our patience in waiting, and our calmness while dealing with him by allowing all of us the opportunity of meeting him. So if you are in a situation where you come across Robert, exercise restraint and remain clam and it should pay off.

Gozde: Thanks to Brian and Dana for sharing their story and pictures with us. Filming locations blocked for security. Don't hate me :)

Robert Pattinson With Fan 07/30/2009- Number 2

To answer a few questions that have been coming in: Yes, Rob is still filming Remember Me in NYC. Today is "supposed to be" the last day of filming. Looks like some fans got lucky last night and caught up with him outside the RM soundstage.

Thanks to Lynzi for sending us the picture.

I removed the fan since I do not know if she wants to be seen :)

Robert Pattinson With Fan 07/30/2009

*Oh thank God! The withdrawal was killing me!*

In New York City, outside soundstage, last night 07/30/2009

UPDATE: Found the source but waiting for confirmation to post. Here is her tweet from last night: I don't really know the exact scene. He was riding a bike. He was VERY nice, and VERY hot!

And if I may say: OH HOT DAMN!

Don't know who to source for this picture, if it's you in the pic we'd love to hear the story :)

Thanks to Suz for finding this gem :)

Entertainment Weekly: 14 HOT Vampires

He is in pretty good company : Brad Pitt, James Marsters (oh how I loved Spike), David Boreanaz, Kiefer Sutherland etc.

From EW.com:

International Magazine Scans Friday Edition

Australian Who:

And we thank you for that. They really didn't make anything up, it's rare these days...

Thanks to
[info]alykona in [info]team_kbitch for the Australian Who scans :)

I can't speak Russian but the pictures tingle my spider sense about possible "what a load of crap!" :))

Update: Lina translated the text for us. Thanks Lina :))

They say that R and K on-screen chemistry has exploded in the reality. That they kept it in secret for a long time. But some time ago were caught by paps in West Hollywood early in the morning leaving bungalow together. But as K still is in relationship with her boyfriend M, R has given her some time just to decide with whom she wants to stay. The decision will be made by the end of this summer.

Thanks to [info]naty_oreiro in [info]pattinsonlife for the above scan

Thanks to our lovely Kate for the RTE scans :)

8 Celebrities Who Crush On Robert Pattinson

Rob is too sexy for his shirt...So sexy it hurts :)

From yourtango.com:

It seems even celebrities cannot resist the charms of Twilight star Robert Pattinson. Robert's charisma is so powerful that the engaged, married, and otherwise taken cannot help but pine for the actor; even age and sexual orientation don't seem to get in the way of the RPatt love.

1. Jennifer Love Hewitt, who is very involved with (but not engaged) to costar Jamie Kennedy, believes Robert Pattinson could be her very own Aladdin. Read: Jennifer Love Hewitt Engaged (Almost) She told MTV News (via Celebitchy):

I'd pass out [if I met him]. I can't talk about it, 'cause I'd pass out. It's because he's Edward. Listen, Edward can fly you through the forest. He's like Aladdin with vampire teeth—there's magic-carpet rides. He can sing. He can watch you sleep. He plays music. He sniffs your neck. I mean, please!

2. Latin singer Shakira may be almost double Robert's age, but she can't help but blush when his name comes up. During an MTV interview she said:

No, no, no. I'm too old. I can't say those things. I mean, how old is he—23, 24? ... You are getting me in trouble!

3. On the other end of the age spectrum, Dakota Fanning, 15, admits to having a bit of a crush on her New Moon costar. When asked by MTV about the British sex symbol, Dakota giggled and said:

He is very, very cute.

4. Megan Fox has made no secret that she finds Pattinson delectable. She confessed to E! Online.

I would eat Rob Pattinson so that I could steal some of that pretty. I just wanna be pretty like he's pretty. I want that James Dean, that sexy-ass hair.

5. And after watching Twilight, Paris Hilton told E! Online:

I just saw 'Twilight' last night for the first time, and I have to say that I think Robert is a beautiful man and an amazing actor. He's fabulous!

6. Despite dating NHL player Mike Comrie at the time, Hilary Duff said she would be more than willing to let Robert sink his teeth into her, Aceshowbiz reported:

I told my boyfriend, I was like, Edward Cullen... I mean, find me a vampire, you might be done!

7. Even straight men seem to find Robert irresistible. Ryan Reynolds, who you'd think would be plenty content with Scarlett Johannson (Read: Scarlett And Ryan On The Rocks?), told ET he still finds Robert quite eye-catching:

Oh my God, are you kidding me?!?! Robert Pattinson in a word: dreamy.

8. Adding to the bromance, Daniel Radcliffe, who costarred with Pattinson on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire told UsMagazine:

Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol. Rob Pattinson is a genuine sexy guy. He's got the height.

All this, and he's still single?

Hallmark Introduces Robward(Twilight) Cards

Okay, these images are really small but I think the one above says:
Something smells really good around here.
And we're not talking about the cake.
Happy Birthday, hummus.

*Hummus? Yeah, probably not hummus :)*

I always wanted to get a Valentines Day card with 2 extremely pissed off guys on it:

Oh this one I like:

From E! Online:

Hallmark has already begun unveiling its awesomely campy new line of Twilight-inspired cards. New birthday greeters, featuring the likenesses of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and friends, will continue to make their way into stores through September.

But wishing pals and loved ones another year of life (a "big deal" and "rite of passage" if you're a human, as the cards say) isn't all the trinket dealer is selling.

The holiday helpers are also releasing seasonal creations for Halloween and Valentine's Day.

And better yet, many of the greetings don't just come with a dreamy picture of Pattz. They also have detachable bookmarks, sheets of stickers and built-in music makers that play—what else?—clips from the Twilight soundtrack.

Because a glimpse of Edward beats flowers, chocolates and jewelry any day.

See all the Hallmark goodness in the gallery below, plus, if you're trying to go green, click here for E-cards.

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