It's in His Smile...That's Where It Is...

SplashNews have their smile pix here but I think you'll like our selection(here) better. After all I've been saying it all along: Rob smiles and we all melt :)

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Robert Pattinson in Entertainment Weekly - August 7th

So this is cover number what now? :)


Oh the stories Ted C. and Robstenites can write for this picture :))

Thanks to for the picture. We'll post when a better scan is available :)

Robert Pattinson Over Exposed? Nah, We WANT more...

Does he call him Robert PattinGson? Well apparently he is not exposed enough :))

It's at 1:08 mark.


I am sure NYC papz are saying a prayer to Remember Me and Summit at their dinner table.

100% Robert Pattinson Content: Pure Unadulterated Sexy Bliss - Part 3

...New Biel video...
And she dedicates it to UC and Moon from Letters to Rob, Just a Girl (JAG) from Random Acts of Rob and *blushes* me.
Thanks babe :)

You are SEXY Rob...Really!

Thanks to luffscruff for the link :)

Nikki Reed: Mouth Diarrhea? Bitter? Just Kidding? Serious(ly blind)?

From People Magazine:

She may not know anything about losing Rachelle Lefevre as a Twilight castmate, but Nikki Reed has a pretty good idea why fans swoon for costar Robert Pattinson.

With news still fresh on Lefevre being replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse, the third film of the popular series, Reed, who plays vampire Rosalie Hale, tells PEOPLE she hasn't "talked to [Lefevere] yet." "I don't know anything about it other than a schedule conflict," said Reed at the Express TXT L8TR Campaign party at Nobu in West Hollywood Wednesday night – the same day the news broke of the switch.

Summit Entertainment defended the decision Thursday to use Howard as the villainous vampire Victoria due to Lefevre's commitment to the Dustin Hoffman film Barney's Version, which is slated to film at the same time as Eclipse.

But one thing is for sure: No one will be replacing Pattinson as Edward Cullen, as fans are absolutely dedicated to the actor. Why does Reed think he's got such a following? "Rob is sort of feminine looking and I think young girls like boys that look like women," she said. (Gozde: Oh Nikki....I am not even bothering to refute that but since I like you (and think there "usually" is no base for people to not like you) here is a suggestion: you don't want to anger fans more than they already are. You claim you know nothing about the Rachelle situation? You might want to check the comments on the Rachelle news and see who they want replaced instead of her. I'm just sayin'...)

Thanks to Kim and Leann for the link :))

Robert Pattinson 101 : 25 Facts About Robert Pattinson

25 Facts About Robert Pattinson:

1. Rob has size 10 feet.
2. He was expelled twice from school.
3. He like Edward’s clothes so much that he ‘borrowed’ them after Twilight filming ended.
4. He was the first person to audition for the part of Cedric Diggory - and he got it.
5. He had his first kiss when he was 12.
6. He loves doing open mic nights but won’t do anymore because fans would film him and put it on the internet.
7. He loves writing songs and poems.
8. He would love a script he had written to be made into a film.
9. He was once in a band called Bad Girls.
10. Money doesn’t matter to Rob.
11. He was so nervous on the set of Harry Potter that it made him sick.
12. Rob has a dog called Patty.
13. He played Reese Witherspoon’s son in Vanity Fair.
14. His middle name is Thomas.
15. He has never been to drama school.
16. He is going to play the part of Phineas in Unbound Captives next year.
17. Rob isn’t a fan of clubs and would rather chill out in his hotel room with the likes of Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone.
18. He hates working out so does a bit of jogging instead.
19. His favourite book in the Twilight Saga is New Moon.
20. Rob’s scenes in Vanity Fair were cut out and no one told him.
21. Rob learnt to drive in a ten hour crash course.
22. He crashed on his agents sofa when he first moved to LA.
23. He loves eating burgers and drinking Coke.
24. Rob has been hurt by a girl in the past.
25. He isn’t looking for a girlfriend at the minute because he is so busy.

source: My Park Magazine via Cullen Boys Anonymous

Picture source: Robert Pattinson Source

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