Good News: Eclipse has a release date, June 30th 2010

Summit Entertainment has revealed that Eclipse, the third film in the Twilight series, will arrive in theaters Wednesday June 30, 2010. The second installment, New Moon, is schedule to open in November.

Since the release dates are so close together one may assume that both films will be shot back-to-back, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Entertainment Weekly is reporting there will be a brief gap between the production of both films and Chris Weitz, who is directing New Moon, won’t helm Eclipse.

Summit will be looking for another director as Weitz, who also directed 2007’s The Golden Compass, will be in post-production on New Moon at the same time that Eclipse will begin filming.

Eclipse is the third book in the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer. It continues the story of 18-year-old Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and her vampire love, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). The book was released on August 7, 2007. The fourth in the series is Breaking Dawn.

So far, Eclipse in the only flick scheduled for June 30, 2010.

Thanks to our lovely Kate for the tip :)


Bad News: Little Ashes Release date, May 8th 2009

The release date for Little Ashes has been pushed to May 8th. It is confirmed on the movie's website:

According to

Looks like the much-anticipated Box Office showdown between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart has been called off.

According to a source close to Pattinson's Little Ashes, the movie's release has been pushed from March 27 to May 8. The March date was significant as it marked the opening of Stewart's movie Adventureland.

The new May release means the two stars—who famously played lovers in Twilight—will no longer go head-to-head on their respective opening weekend.

"It was going to be fun, the little competition with the two films," says the Ashes source. "But this gives everyone time to really give Ashes the attention it needs."

The timing issue came with the success of Departures, an Oscar-nominated film being released by Regent Releasing, the same company handling Little Ashes.

"They want to give Departures the attention and budget it deserves," says the source. "And then move onto Ashes."

Pattinson plays the artist Salvador Dali in Ashes.

Rob leaving the Gym

High quality pics posted in the above thread...

Celebrity Mundane: Rob out on Feb 20th

Hello arms!

I'm thinking Rob should go shirtless for the Oscars! If THAT doesn't sky rocket their ratings I don't know what will!

Thanks to Ashley for the pics :)

HQ at the Optometrist

These are seriously HQ. You can see his "nipular" area and the new muscles :) I really hope Rob doesn't visit our site and read these :) I swear I'm a normal person! The ROBsession is messing with my head!


Stalkerazzi Photos from Grey Goose Party

Rob outside the Grey Goose Party with his publicist Stephanie Ritz (Also seen here and here) and Manager Nick.

Click for larger view :)


Gossip Round-up

First is from Lainey (who is a total bitch about Rob and I shall not post a link, no hits for her from us!) I have deleted the parts where she insulted Rob. She was at the Grey Goose party:

Some girls like chests, others like a great ass, some prefer arms, I’m a hand girl, and also…the back of the neck. It’s a tricky area. A neck too thick and it can be a dealbreaker. A neck too thin is pin head-y and weird. A neck with odd directional hair can be… I can’t even go there.

But the back of Robert Pattinson’s neck is perfect. His hair tapers to a lovely pretty peak and then it just stops. No strays, great skin, boyish but not childish. So there. That should get you cougars quivering.

Finally, I did run into Pattinson at the valet. He’d been texting. At this point he had on a black leather jacket and there was an young aunt-ish (your uncle’s second or third wife) looking lady with her arm looped into his and she was cold so he was like – come inside, warm up, you don’t have to stand out there, and I remember thinking to myself: is that how high his voice is?

Later on we saw him at the Standard.

One of our readers let's call her "Sam" sent us this bit:

Ok how unlucky am I today? I was at "a store" on Beverly Hills to visit some friends before my hair appointment down the street. I stayed for about 30 minutes then ran off. My friend who works at the store texted me an hour later saying that he just left and she couldn't call me while he was there. I just missed him by a hair. He must be getting his tux for the Oscars. Any who...thought I'd share. I see you have pics of him already posted. So close yet so far. Bye for now. (Gozde: I removed the specifics per "Sam"s request :)

From :

Robert Pattinson threw some serious vampire magic late last night at Coach & Horses pub in Los Angeles.

When the Twilight star showed up with a group of friends at the British-themed bar after 10 p.m last night "the girl I was working with freaked out," bartender Peter Renaud tells Celebuzz.

"She went over to his table to serve him. He took it upon himself to introduce himself and shook her hand. And it happened. She turned into a five-year-old girl," Renaud says.

"From her reaction, he's clearly as hot in person as he is in film. She was too shy to really say anything to him."

Pattinson, in town to present at Sunday's Academy Awards, hung out with primarily British friends for about 2 1/2 hours. Heineken was the drink of choice.

"He was pretty much left alone, it was dark and they chilled," says Renaud. "Just booze, nice music and conversation."

Other than that old age-transportation-trick pulled on the bartender perhaps the only remarkable moment of the evening was when one of Pattinson's group fell off her barstool. "They all had a good laugh about that," says Renaud.

Oh, and one other note: Robert if you are reading this, your friend Zeb left his hat at the bar.

picture source

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