Chubby Robbie :)

He wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't in a good shape in 2007 :)

This post is in no way negative, we like chubby Robbie :)

(Note 2: Alright already! He is not chubby, I take it back. I was kidding y'all! :))

2007 Evening Standard - photos by Kevin Foord

And the chubbiest of them all:))

Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Online for the pictures.

Por Ti and Notas Para Ti Translations

Once again Vale at Twilight Poison translated 2 Mexican Magazine Interviews with Rob. I am posting some highlights here and please visit her site to read the full interview :)

Por Ti Magazine:

They inteviewed Robert on his visit to Mexico city. This scan features exclusive pictures of Rob’s visit.
Here’s the translation of the interview:

This little English bon-bon personifies the sexy and enigmatic Edward Cullen. But when we met him we realized he’s nothing like his character. He’s the nicest and most shy guy on earth. Check out why:

Do you relate to him at all?
Sure, we try to be normal people. We don’t have fangs and we’re not affected by the sunlight at all (laughs).

Are you just as seductive as Edward?
(blushes) No, not at all!

Seriously, you’ve never had an intense love affair like Edward and Bella’s?
(laughs) I had a very intense relationship before, but never like Edward and Bella!

How has your life changed now that you’re famous?
I’m a little confused, especially when girls pass out or when they ask me to bite their necks (laughs).

Notas Para Ti Magazine:

Humble, light hearted and a little scruffy. This is how we found Robert Pattinson, who contrary to what people believe, he doesn’t like fame, he’s got his feet on the ground and he has a hard time hooking up. Impossible not to love him!

A very Nice vampire.

How much has your life changed since Twilight?
It’s changed a lot. I’m still the same person, of course. I haven’t gotten used to the fans’ signs of generosity.

Do you relate yourself to the character?
He has a lot of self-doubt just like me. He’s not very good at socializing either.

What did you like the most about being in this movie?
I loved feeling connected to something, feeling commited into creating something new, a new world. I don’t have much of a life outside acting, actually.

Do you believe in vampires?
It would be cool if they existed, but I have my doubts.

What’s your strategy to win over so many girls?
I can’t reveal that, it’s a secret. I have a hard time hitting on girls.

What has been the funniest fan experience you’ve gonne through?
Most of the girls who support me are cool and they behave. But I’ve gone to fan signing events and I find hundreds of thousands of girls waiting for me. Some have passed out.

Have you ever had an intense love affair like Edward and Bella?
Yes, I went through many amazing things with my ex-girlfriend. But never as hard or tough as they did(Gozde: oh the double meaning:)).

If you could change one thing about Twilight, what would it be?
I don’t know what to change. It’s captivated so many people. But maybe I would make Edward less perfect (laughs).

Before Twilight, you were in a movie about Salvador Dali. Tell us a bit about this project…
It’s was very fun and I understand they gave me the role because I’m just as crazy as Dali. (Gozde: hear hear :))But I hated that everyone spoke in Spanish on set except me, so I missed all the jokes. Either way, I’m very pleased with my work in it and I hope Mexican fans can watch it.

If you were not an actor, what would you like to be?
Pianist, or play writer.

Do you like horror movies?
I love them, my favorite is The Excorcist. It’s the most original story ever.


FANDANGO: The Top 10 Sexiest Screen Couples

In a February survey on Fandango, moviegoers chose Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams (THE NOTEBOOK), and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie (MR. & MRS. SMITH) as the top two sexiest screen couples in recent film history.

(Rob fans must have missed this poll, otherwise there is no way the couple would take 7th place :))

The Top 10 Sexiest Screen Couples:
    1. Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams (THE NOTEBOOK): 14%
2. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie (MR. & MRS. SMITH): 10%
3. Richard Gere & Julia Roberts (PRETTY WOMAN): 9%
4. Patrick Swayze & Jennifer Grey (DIRTY DANCING): 6%
5. Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet (TITANIC): 5%
6. Patrick Swayze & Demi Moore (GHOST): 4%
7. Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart (TWILIGHT): 4%
8. Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhaal (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN): 3%
9. Brad Pitt & Geena Davis (THELMA & LOUISE): 3%
10. Johnny Depp & Juliette Binoche (CHOCOLAT): 2%


New Pics and New Twilight Stills


There are rumors floating around about these 2 pictures. Some say it's from the BAFTA after party. The hair looks shorter so they are definitely recent :)

Source: rpattz daily

Entertainment Weekly Scans

Thanks to Cali Twilighter on for the scans :)

That is some hair they drew on Edward's head there :)

Laugh of the Day....

Serious lulz produced by this badboyclick the pic for an even bigger eyeful of laughs
Thanks to the super fabulous Stella-D for linking me to this awesome pic, I adore it almost as much as Zygote Rob.

Casting Requirements for Edward Cullen

It looks like the marketing campaign for Catherine Hardwicke's book is in overdrive. This is from MTV Blogs:

The result (the book) is a fascinating peek into the mind of the former Production Designer, whose scribbled notations include “As Bella falls in love, she starts to dress a little more feminine – floral prints, more form-fitting, etc.” and the casting requirements she had while casting Edward:

- Pale skin
- Looks like he is 17
- Great actor
- Great chemistry with Kristen
- Best looking guy in the world.

And did they find the guy they were looking for? We think they did :))

And here is a larger version of the EW cover I posted earlier today

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