More Manip Goodness- Wide Awake Edward

Yeah this is pretty much what I imagine when reading WA...mean and hot.

Thanks again to LadyDi @ RobIsMyGC for finding the smokin hot manips...yummy.
And to whoever made these manips...a big MWAH to you.

Edit: Mystery maker of manips solved!

(Angela @ Lion_Lamb LJ made these...thank you girly they are wonderful)

Blast from the Past - Rob under Water

Click for larger view. Rob is on the left :)

P.S.: The noses and the antlers are photoshopped.(Probably by a jealous Daniel fan :)

Thanks to anny12 on imdb for finding this gem!

Robert Pattinson Creme Magazine Interview

At Creme we get all the hard jobs and the worst luck(Gozde: for this sentence I need to give a shout out to my RobKats and all the fanfic readers :) .

When Twilight went absolutely bananas at the NZ box office (yay!) we got the chance to run this interview with none other than the hot, hot, HOT Robert Pattinson! Yup, how awful for the poor Creme team!

Did this movie make you think about the supernatural?

Decode director Shane Drake says: “We shot in the forest – we were trying to sort of mimic the Twilight vibe which happens in the forest and in the trees. I think we’ve done a good job of trying to find that essence, but still being unique and original.”

Clearly you and Kristen have great chemistry! Do you think you can cultivate that kind of thing, or is it a case of either you have it or you don’t?

In a way I think you can cultivate it – to an extent. You need to be quite committed to it but definitely from the beginning there was that thing with Kristen and I felt like it was right. On the other hand, if you stay somewhat in character the whole time it eventually starts to rub off.

So you stayed in character?

Well, sort of. I mean, I didn’t say much. I thought that would be best – oh no, I’m revealing all my tricks! (Laughs) But I thought the best way to do it would be to not say anything to the rest of the cast. So, I didn’t talk to any member of the cast about anything but the movie. I think that always makes you more attractive if you don’t say anything so I was trying to do that.

Like Edward, you seem a bit offbeat – do you relate to him on that level?

Yeah, I think I tried to make the character more like that because I get he is supposed to be straight-laced in a lot of ways in the book and I didn’t see how to play that in a way that would seem attractive to people who don’t know about the book.

What do you think it is about this book that has created this phenomenon? It’s more than just a teen obsessive love story…

I think there’s quite a few different things. I think one of the things, the initial appeal, when I first read it when it wasn’t so hyped, I read it and I thought this is weird. It’s like Stephenie Meyer’s fantasy. It seemed like the author thought she was Bella – there are so many things about Edward’s character that was so specific. So in a lot of ways you feel very voyeuristic and that was one of the strange things which put me off it, to be honest, but then when I started doing the job that’s what I liked about it.

Gozde: You can read the rest of the interview in Creme Magazine's February issue. If you are in New Zealand and get your hands on the magazine, we would love you to send us the scans :))


His fangs popup while making out

Source: rpattzdaily

Robert Pattinson is in Vancouver?

Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg spoke to about Vanessa Hudgens NOT being in New Moon and gave this earth shattering piece of information:

Rosenberg also offered a few other insider tidbits about the progress of New Moon. "Well, you know Taylor Lautner will be back as Jacob Black. I can tell you the original cast will all be coming back. They're on set right now, in Vancouver! They're all up there prepping the movie to start shooting very soon."

Kudos to Rob for not getting caught at the airport though it would have been nice to have a new picture. I'm sure fans (*cough stalkers) in Canada will send us a picture of him soon :))

Wonderland Outtakes....

Thanks to LadyDi @ RobIsMyGC Forum for the heads up you rock chica!

Robert Pattinson with Striking Brunette-Mystery Solved

Yesterday this appeared in the UK tabloid the mirror :

Fan girls everywhere went nuts! Who was this mystery brunette?

Exclusive to ROBsessed we reveal the identity of the mystery brunette!

They met when they were little boys. Took acting and dancing classes together...

They experimented.........with drinking and smoking :)

They shared their clothes when times were tough...

The moved to L.A. together and their adventures ensued...

Rob became famous and mystery brunette was always there supporting (or lurking, whatever :)

Rob got more famous. They partied...

Their love is a love that will last through the ages, talked about by many.

Their Bromance will be a threat to many women in their lives.

Historians will call them RobStu and they will always dance...

Pictures of RobStu dancing and Tom lurking in the background of Rob/Kris in car are photoshopped :)) The real mirror article says "to powder HER nose". Ya know I thought I'd put a disclaimer just in case :)

Thanks to our lovely Stella-D for the dancing manip. And I have no idea where the rest of them came from :)
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