HQ EW Outtake
MTV talks New Moon and Rob w/ Catherine Hardwick

And the other challenge, as Twilighters know, is staying true to the novel while also figuring out how to get more screen time for breakout star Robert Pattinson. "When you look at the book, you wonder, 'How is this going to work?' That's one of the balancing acts that is being considered. It's definitely an issue, because we all love that chemistry between Rob and Kristen, but that's also what's great about 'New Moon' — [Edward] has to break himself away from [Bella], and the depression she gets into, the deep depression. That is the whole story, and you have to keep the integrity."
To get around the problem, Hardwicke conceded, she and Rosenberg may abandon the series concept of the story being seen through Bella's eyes. "That could be one of the ways," she said, contemplating scenes depicting Edward's journey without Bella. "Though, his story was a little bit depressing; it seems like he just sat down in a room and [moped]. But, you can always make that interesting."
Go HERE to read the full interview
Blast Magazine

Pattinson said that when he was first cast into the role of Edward, he did not realize how big the “Twilight” phenomenon truly was.
“If I was doing [the movie] now, knowing it was going to be this audience, I think I probably would have done it differently,” said Pattinson. “But I think, at the end of the day, it’s a good thing I went into it thinking [‘Twilight'] is a small thing because it essentially is. It’s a small story; it’s an intimate story, and I think it comes across as being very human rather than being a big epic thing.”
tMf dissects Little Ashes

The Movie Fanatic has a 4 part closer look at Little Ashes HERE. Some parts:
Being 'very involved' involved in the filming process, what can you share with us on any 'behind the scenes' info? How did the actors work together? Any humorous anecdotes? And what everyone wants to know - How was it working with Rob Pattinson, seeing him in action as Salvador Dali?
Executive producer of Little Ashes Carlo Dusi: I have to tread a little carefully about any "behind the scenes" info, but I don't think that there's any problem in telling you that, despite the little money and very hard work involved in the shoot, the atmosphere behind the scenes was generally extremely positive, and everyone worked together very well, and have in fact all remained very friendly since then. Rob was as friendly, approachable and fun to be around in our downtime as he was a true professional while on set, and his commitment to becoming Salvador Dali' was extremely impressive - and paid off in generating a performance which I personally think is extraordinary.
We did completely confuse Javier Beltran's mother when she stumbled across our shoot and failed to recognize her own son dressed as Garcia Lorca, but other than that Barcelona proved to be a very friendly place to shoot in, and a wonderful base for us all to spend some time in. I'll save the proper gossip for when the site is well and truly up and running...
Access Hollywood-Little Ashes and more

Access Hollywood will show the trailer of Little Ashes today. Check your local listings for the time. And I'm sure we'll have it up by the end of the night on the blog :-)
Also Little Ashes director Paul Morrison was interviewed by Sam Kerby of tMf. And here are the parts with Rob.
What are your hopes for distribution? Independent cinemas? – or just as many as possible?
(laughs) As many as possible! It would be nice if it would cross over from being an art movie, because I think there is a lot in it for young people, so it could cross over – Robert will probably help with that! (laughs)
Yea the twilight thing will probably help…
Yea that would be great.
Did you know he was going to be in Twilight when you cast him?
Did I know? No, I kind of suspected he was going to be very big though.
Did you do research into the characters, or did you leave more of that up to the actors?
Well in the period I described to you, when you’re honing the script, I don’t do too much research. I like my head to be clear, to think about the drama and the writing of the story. (I do more) afterward, when I’m going to be asked loads of questions by really smart actors (laughs) - particularly Robert, who’s very very smart. Every actor is different, some just work from the page some like to do a lot of research. For me it was important that the actors weren’t mimicking the characters, particularly with Dali where there is a lot of media and footage and people have an idea about him in their heads – a caricature of Dali. These were young guys and it was very important that they act from their hearts rather than their heads.
What was the rehearsal process like?
We had two weeks for rehearsal which wasn't bad for a movie. I have a house in the South of France and I took Rob and Javier down, and my family was there, and they began to relate to their characters and the story. And then we went back to Barcelona. I don't really expect the performance to come together in rehearsal. It's time for everyone to find out what each scene is about and look inside each character so when we get on the set the groundwork has been done for them to create the characters. I don't expect them to be finished.
You can read the rest HERE.