Article on Rob

Young Fan Asks Twilight Star 
Robert Pattinson to 'Bite Me'

Twilight star Robert Pattinson sets pulses racing during promotional appearances – but one young fan wanted a bit more than just a picture. 

Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the upcoming flick (opening Nov. 21), recalls a fairly unusual request he recently received from a 7-year-old girl. 

"She went really quiet and she was like, 'Can you bite me?' " Pattinson, 22, told 
E! Online. "It wasn't a joke ... I looked at her and thought, 'Do you know what you're saying?' " 

Pattinson also revealed that he put off auditioning for the high-profile role for five months because the script described the character, created by novelist Stephanie Meyer, as "the ideal, perfect man." 

"I felt like an idiot being like, "Hi, I'm here for the ideal man audition," he said. 

He eventually landed the role – one that required he develop a six-pack – and now he has tweens shrieking at the sight of him during appearances for the vampire movie. 

"It's pretty nuts," he says. "It doesn't seem very real at all. I just go to these different cities and people start screaming." 

Thank you Eva for the find.

11/10 San Francisco Hot Topic Event w/ Rob CANCELLED!

Sorry to report that the SF Hot Topic event has been cancelled due to a crowd of 3,000 that showed up. Security at this event was expecting 200-500 people, and what were they thinking? Police had to struggle to restrain the large crowd. I am sorry for the people who came and are unable to see Robert, and I hope that this isn't an indication of things to come.

People at this event got hurt, one girl reportedly had her nose broken, and another could barely breath being pushed around the crowd after people started storming the door. 

Hopefully at the next events security will be more prepared, as for the fans, please respect one another. Rob is not God, he is a normal person with an extraordinary job who deserves your respect. So lets make the next appearance go a little smoother, and understand that only the first 500 get a wristband, pushing and shoving and hurting one another isn't going to do any good. 

I want to make it clear that I am sure there were some wonderful fans in the crowd who are most definitely not to blame for the chaos. Mall security and Hot Topic should have been more prepared.

Too bad Rob doesn't know all the wonderful fans who are on here everyday who know he is made of awesome. Hopefully one of our followers will be able to meet Rob on this tour at some point and report back to us with good news.


Source of

Rob interview with MTV

Rob & K Stew on Fox 10 News-Repost clearer version

K Stew Collider interview talking about Rob

Question: The 'Entertainment Weekly' story made it sound like Rob was obsessing about the role and that it fell to you and some other people to talk him down from the clock tower a few times. Is that true?

Stewart: Yeah, which was perfect the part. I mean, that's why he had to be in it. Especially when you're on location you're secluded and in this place and we had this big huge cast and they're all actors. They're not just like, 'Oh, we're making this movie.' So even when we went back home at the end of the day, whenever we would hangout it would pretty much revolve around the movie. So we all had that in us, but Rob really sometimes got…we wouldn't be able to shoot a scene. It was like, 'We're not going to be able to get anything in the can if you don't just calm down.' So, yeah, there were times where I had to like sort of do that. And he hated me too when I did that. The problem was that any time you'd say, 'No, you're really good.' 'No! You think that I need that?!' It's like, 'No. I'm just actually being genuinely honest because I really like what's going on here.' I think it had a lot to do with the part that he was playing.

Question: Was there a scene in this film that was deleted for time or whatever that you were sad to see go?


Stewart: I've seen the movie once and nothing stuck out. Well, yeah, one thing stuck out. But it was improvisational and maybe really didn't fit in. It was a scene where we're just walking and talking and doing nothing. I think that they thought it was outside of our characters which I completely and entirely disagree with, but I'm sad to see that go. Some of the lines in the movie are improvised which I thought were all going to be cut because they would say, 'Okay, we're just going to roll MOS and so just ramble off and we're not going to use any of it.' But they actually rolled and some of it is in the movie and that I'm really excited to see.


Question: Like what specifically?


Stewart: The one thing was, and this was a tough day too, when we were in the tree and he takes me up and is showing me the most beautiful view, his favorite view. It sounds so stupid to quote myself in the movie, but I remember the lines. I'm not going to pretend like I don't remember the lines. I say, 'This kind of stuff doesn't exist.' Then he's  like, 'It does in my world.' That's all Rob. Interview Screen caps

Because I love that V-neck sweater, some tasty caps below.

Its like he is looking right at you drinking a tasty Coke. Audio of Interview w/ Rob- Click Me

Click the headline above for the audio from the interview. It is lovely his voice is mesmerizing as usual. I think I am drooling onto my laptop as we speak.
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