Robert Pattinson 'New Moon' Press Conference Photos

Thanks to
Mr. Pattinson for the pictures.

Robert Pattinson New Moon Press Conference (Complete Audio)

Robert Pattinson Audio from New Moon Press Conference (Nov 6th 2009, Los Angeles)...


Thanks to Hollywood OutBreak for the audio :)

Robert Pattinson With Neal Karlinsky and Samantha Harris

Pictures from today which is the second day for Robert Pattinson/New Moon's press junket in Los Angeles.

Thanks to Sleeper and Jade for the tips :)

Robert Pattinson : Twilight is So Big That Even My Own Ego Can’t Cope With It

Another new interview another mention of Rob reading fanfiction :)

Every young girl’s fantasy vampire, the actor has to keep himself hidden since the phenomenal success of the Twilight books and film

Lesley White

On a balmy autumn day in Vancouver, a young man is longing for a walk outside in the sunshine, and deciding against it. Far easier for him to stay in his hotel room, cocooned in five-star luxury with a mobile phone that has run out of charge, safe at least from the girls chanting his name outside. Robert Pattinson, 23 and from Barnes in southwest London, ought still to be one of Hollywood’s beautiful dreamers, moving up the ranks of movie acting, enjoying his American adventure, his guitar, his good looks. Instead he lives in danger of being trampled in a stampede of teen love. He plays the vampire Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga, the biggest books-to-screen phenomenon since Harry Potter — in which, by the way, Pattinson was Cedric Diggory, heroic golden boy and victim of Voldermort. Boy, his life has changed since Hogwarts.

In Canada he is shooting Eclipse, the third of Stephenie Meyer’s quartet of novels. The second, New Moon, is released this month in a publicity extravaganza that will involve shutting down New York’s Times Square. The last time the actor was there, the square was also closed to traffic, for an event only marginally more fascinating to the world: the election victory of Barack Obama. We talk on the phone. Even now, a year after Twilight’s release, Pattinson sounds utterly stunned by the hysteria swirling around him.

“It’s been a little frightening,” he laughs, a sort of embarrassed chuckle that punctuates his conversation, the sound of someone negotiating the best bit of luck they have ever had, not wanting to sound arrogantly blasĂ© or overexcited. “In England no-one had heard of the series when I went for the audition, so it has been a total, utter surprise. The change to my everyday life is so extreme. Before this I was used to working 10 days a year. Originally, I did a three-picture deal, but I wasn’t even really thinking about that… I had no idea that I’d still be working on it now.”

Does the poor boy, who still calls London home, feel he has to hide? “I tend to stay in the hotel because it’s highly publicised where I’m staying all the time. There’s always a bunch of people outside. I can’t really be in LA now at all. It’s not that the fans are threatening, but the paparazzi follow me all night.” This hounding can evoke an absurd sympathy, considering the kid’s fortune and prospects. But then he brightens, telling me he was buying a guitar the other day and had to spell his name 12 times, and the guy still didn’t twig. “I loved that. It was my fault — I wasn’t speaking loud enough.” (Gozde: There are still people who don't know who Rob is and I will pretend to be one of them when I meet him... Sorry I didn't get that. Was it Rob Pattington? )

When he read the first script, he had no idea how to play it. “I thought Bella, the heroine, would be a damsel in distress and I’d have to be the alpha-male hero type, so I thought I was never going to get it. But when they cast Kristen Stewart, she’s not really like that, so I realised there was a different way to play Edward, to show his vulnerability.” Could he get trapped, find it hard to move on to different sorts of roles?

“It worries me, because the whole Twilight thing keeps getting bigger and bigger, and now it’s so big that even my own ego can’t cope with it. A certain amount of success you can mentally deal with, but there’s a point where you think, ‘Jesus Christ, what is this? I’m not that great!’ I just wanted to make an American film, and I wanted it to be relatively good and to be good in it. I have never pushed to do anything… As soon as you start going to the gym every day and try to look like a movie star, you’re going down a worrisome track.” He laughs. “Being an English guy you get a lot more breaks. You’re allowed to look a little worse. It’s that thing about English teeth. Actually, Canadian teeth are pretty bad.”(Gozde: LMAO! )

- skipped. This part of the article talks about the Twilight phenomenon, the convention in the UK etc.

And what of the young man who can’t leave his hotel room? Robsessed, a documentary detailing his unimaginable rise, is released this month; speculation fizzes as to whether he and Kristen Stewart are a real-life couple. A less scary individual it is hard to imagine, though some fans have apparently been alarmed by his wispy chest hair. He mumbles a bit, not in a Brandoesque way, but because he is a nicely brought-up, self-deprecating, privately educated Englishman and somewhat embarrassed by the fuss. As well as loving it. The mumbling is also strategic: “It’s an attempt to cover myself up,” he admits.

When he tells you the hardest part of filming Twilight was having to look convincing in the scene where he threatens four grown men, you believe him. He is the ideal, unthreatening, sensitive object of a first crush, the noughties answer to David Cassidy in a satin shirt. Rather than sleekly groomed, however, he is adorably dishevelled, confiding to Jay Leno that he’s given up washing his hair, which he is contractually forbidden to cut. When a loved novel is adapted for stage or screen, the casting is delicate; one of 5,000 hopefuls who auditioned for Edward, Pattinson claims that fans were “100% negative” about his casting. “That’s just Rob being modest,” smiles Katie in Northampton, who loves him to bits.

Is he embarrassed to have millions of girls in love with him? “The only time it’s embarrassing is when you do a photoshoot and people try to force you to look clean-cut,” he says, “when they use pictures where you’re smiling sweetly and having your hair brushed, because that’s not what you want to be known for. “I don’t really know why the girls love the movie so much. The whole series has become a bit of a cult. People like being part of the club. They’re obsessed. The fan fiction is amazing: I’ve been sent whole novels featuring me as myself, in the Twilight world, with Edward in it as well.” Gozde: Rob reading FF makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :))

You can read the skipped part and the rest of the article over at Times Online. It dissects the Twilight phenomenon and abstinence in the book...

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip :)

Nikki Reed and Edi Gathegi Talk about Robert Pattinson

Here is what they had to say about Rob in a recent issue of J-14 Magazine:


J-14: When fans tell you they want to marry Rob, do you pass along the proposals?

Nikki: Rob’s got a list of a million 12-year-olds waiting to marry him! If all else fails, he has a lot of options!

J-14: Did you guys expect that the fans would be this crazy?

Nikki: No! And it’s not just Rob — that’s the amazing thing. All the boys in this movie — the fans just go crazy for all of them. Sometimes Kristen and I just want to be like, “we’re so sorry we’re not the boys!”

J-14: If you had to come up with one word to describe each of the vampire guys in your movie fam, what would it be for…

J-14: Rob?

Nikki:: Hmm, yeah, Rob’s complicated!

J-14: Is there a story behind that?

Nikki: One that I shall not speak of!


J-14 exclusive interview with Edi Gathegi about what school superlative he’d give his castmates:

J-14: Let’s start with Rob Pattinson…

Edi Gathegi: Most likely to succeed. Already has success.

Robert Pattinson Leaving Jimmy Kimmel

Thanks X17 Online, check them out for Kristen and Taylor pictures :)

Thanks to RobertPattinson-Online for the video.

Good Quality Video From Robert Pattinson's Hot Topic Fan Event

Unfortunately Rob is only at the beginning...


HOLLYWOOD — "New Moon" mania took over the Hollywood & Highland Center on Friday night, as one of the first stops on the movie's nationwide Hot Topic promotional tour kicked off with an event featuring concerts by bands from the film's soundtrack, laughs with the cast, and a special appearance by the film's three biggest stars.

"Thank you to you guys," gushed Robert Pattinson, taking the stage alongside Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner in front of hundreds of shrieking, black-T-shirt-clad fans. "Without you, 'Twilight' wouldn't be anywhere."

Well, on Friday night, it was everywhere. In two different storefronts, autographs were being signed by the likes of Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene and members of the Wolf pack and the Volturi. In the main courtyard, Death Cab for Cutie, Band of Skulls, Sea Wolf and Anya Marina each rocked the stage for a few songs, promoting the "New Moon" soundtrack. Fans wrapped around the enormous outdoor mall like some sort of shrieking Team Edward anaconda.

"It's a massive phenomenon, not because people are into vampires, but because it's this love story that touches everybody," Marina explained. "I just saw the final cut [of 'New Moon'] last night. It's really great!"

Judging from the ear-shattering response of the fans, the cast Q&A was just as great. Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Jamie Campbell Bower, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz, Cameron Bright, Nikki Reed, Chaske Spencer, Kiowa Gordon, Alex Meraz and Bronson Pelletier all jockeyed for space on the crowded stage, waving to fans and smiling as they answered questions that usually started with "What's your favorite...?"

The 'New Moon' Cast Invade Hot Topic In Hollywood

Band? Burke loves AC/DC, Reaser chose the unlikely pairing of Jay-Z and Ryan Adams, Greene likes Jimmy Buffett, and Campbell Bower is a Queens of the Stone Age man.

Movie? Burke chose the original "Willy Wonka," Bright picked "Saving Private Ryan," Greene enjoys "Breakfast at Tiffany's," while Kellan Lutz (clad in a "Team Emmett" shirt) selected the never-before-compared duo of "Casablanca" and Tarsem Singh's trippy 2006 flick "The Fall."

"We'll talk about 'Eclipse,' because I'm actually in 'Eclipse,' " laughed Nikki Reed at one point, referencing Rosalie's minimal "New Moon" screen time. "We got to shoot my whole flashback sequence, which was cool."

Wrapping up the night, each star was asked what they would want to do in Los Angeles if their fame didn't prevent them from walking the streets unbothered. "I'd like to take a walk on the beach with Nikki Reed," teased Reaser. "I'd prowl the streets in the nude," added the always-outrageous Jamie Campbell Bower.

"I have a pretty good feeling that we'd be having game night at my house," smiled Greene, looking over at Lutz and saying they'd be enjoying a rousing round of Taboo.

Playing along, Lutz — who can work a crowd of Twilighters better than a politician at a rally — said he'd still want his several hundred closest friends to come along. "I'd invite over all you guys too," he said to approving applause.

Robert Pattinson is the Heavy Favourite for People's Sexiest Man Alive

According to, the telling video (from previous post) that People Magazine just released and millions of people that visit this site we'd say put your money on Robert Pattinson :)

From by Charlie Toft:

We're likely about two weeks away from learning the identity of the Sexiest Man Alive, as chosen by People magazine. Given that there are fairly strict (if unwritten) criteria for being awarded this honor -- SMAs of recent years have typically been film actors between 30 and 45 -- it's usually easy to guess at who the next winner may be. Here are 10 contenders, a few of whom are outside the usual template for Sexiest Men Alive. For starters, the leading contender is a mere lad of 23.

Robert Pattinson: He has to be considered the heavy favorite, to the point where I would be surprised if it is anyone else. For starters, the Twilight sequel New Moon will be premiering right around the time that the SMA issue comes out, providing a natural tie-in. And judging from how often Pattinson and his co-stars appear in the gossip media even without a film to promote, giving him the honor would be a license to print money. The only thing working against Pattinson is his age. The Sexiest Man Alive is typically not someone who could be described as "boyish." The honor has never been bestowed on someone who arguably needs to shave just once a month. Odds: Even money. (Gozde: Shave once a month? Have you seen the hair on that man? Seriously :))

Other favorites: Brad Pitt (sexiest man alive forever and ever),Neil Patrick Harris (Legen....dairy...SO sexy, funny, brilliant but gay :)), Robert Downey Jr.(Still?), Colin Firth (Mr. Darcy :) So dreamy... yet not a sex symbol for me), Mark Harmon (seriously?), Jake Gyllenhaal (oh how I love thee), Leonardo DiCaprio (is he STILL considered sexy?), John Mayer (douche alert with voice like butter :)), Barack Obama (only Will Smith and Obama can pull off ears like that and still be SEXY as hell :))

My commentary in parenthesis, check out what's Charlie Toft thinks :)

Thanks to Jules for the tip and to Random Acts of Rob for the video. If you think you can handle more videos like the one above, check 'em out at RAoR :)

Robert Pattinson in People's 100 Sexiest Men Video


Robert Pattinson for the win! Here he is stating his case on why he IS the sexiest man alive :)

Thanks to [info]dictums in [info]rpattzdaily

ABC News on Twilight Tour Kick Off

See Loretta? There are sane fans who don't freak out :))

Thanks totarget="_blank"> RobPattzNews for the tip :)

Robert Pattinson Videos (Audio) from Press Junket

Great videos of the ceiling :)) BUT you can hear Rob talk about his new projects, Breaking Dawn... You can hear Robert Pattinson TALK...Need I say more? :)

Robert Pattinson at Hot Topic Fan Videos

Scream warning! We should get used to the screams for the next month, that's all we and Robert Pattinson will be hearing :))

Plus you can't see anything either since it's hard to hold the camera steady when you are screaming and shaking :P

First 3 are introductions others are Q&A :)

Robert Pattinson on "He is pregnant!" Rumors :)

From :

BEVERLY HILLS, California — Rob and Kristen are engaged. They're going to name their first child a combination of their mothers' names, just like in the "Twilight" books. A big wedding is on the way, quite likely with Bigfoot officiating.

As their fame has grown, so has the insanity level of the rumors about their personal lives. On Friday (November 6), "New Moon" star Robert Pattinson sat down with MTV News, and was eager to address one of the more notable bits of news he saw the last time he Googled himself.

"I like the story about me being pregnant," laughed the 23-year-old British heartthrob. "It was in some Australian magazine, on the front page!"

As they've filmed "New Moon" and "Eclipse," Rob and Kristen Stewart have spent the last 12 months going from "the kid in the Harry Potter movies" and "the girl from 'Panic Room' " to the type of people whose every move is meticulously discussed, whether real or not. Luckily, Pattinson has the sort of self-deprecating British wit that allows him to laugh it all off.

"I was like, 'Wow, that's just [insane],' " he said of the pregnancy rumors. "And it's not even ironic.

"I don't even think the article [tried to justify it]; it was just a headline," Spunk Ransom marveled. "The article was just like, nothing."

On Friday afternoon, one day after the first public screenings of the eagerly anticipated "Twilight" sequel, the stars of the series invaded a hotel in Beverly Hills, accompanied by a small army of security guards. And, right away, RPattz had some big news he wanted to break while addressing those rumors that he is pregnant.

"I am, yes," he laughed, joking that he is now with child. "Yeah, it's in my armpit because I'm hiding it from everyone."

Stay tuned for tons of interviews with Rob, Taylor, Kristen and the rest of the gang in the days ahead. But as for the fun-loving Rob, he told us that he was just happy to extinguish what might be the craziest "Twilight" rumor of all time.

"Yeah," he grinned. "I guess that is the craziest."

Q & A Audio from Hot Topic

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks to araceli1023 via Thinking Of Rob

Robert Pattinson Arriving at Jimmy Kimmel Live

*New* Robert Pattinson HQ Pics

New Portrait session by Chris Pizzello.


Source via Source

Transcript from New Moon Press Conference

Thanks to for the transcript :)

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Robert Pattinson Interview
Written by Christina Radish

In The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the second chapter in Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally successful series, the romance between mortal and vampire reaches an intense and dangerous new level, and reveals a conflict that will haunt Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) as the story continues. Delving into the age-old rivalry between the Quileute tribe and the vampires, which comes to a head with her best friend, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), and her love, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), Bella quickly learns that the supernatural world that she longs to become a part of will put her at more peril than ever before.

As the reluctant vampire who has millions of females swooning all over the world, Robert Pattinson has been working non-stop since signing on for the first Twilight film. Having just wrapped filming on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the actor also hopes to make Bel Ami and Unbound Captives, before returning for the final chapter, Breaking Dawn, tentatively set to film in the Fall of 2010.

At the film’s press day, Robert Pattinson talking about getting used to life with the world watching your every move.

Q: What has this past year been like for you? How are you dealing with things? Are you more comfortable with everything now?

Rob: I guess it’s inevitable that you become more comfortable. You still fight against some things. There’s nothing really scary about the franchise itself. I like all the people I work with. I generally have very few disagreements about the script or anything while we’re doing it, especially on New Moon. It just seemed so relaxed and easy. I’ve been on three different sets, since January 14th. I’ve had like three days off. I’m going to be on set all next year as well. I don’t know what doing errands and things is really like ’cause I haven’t had a sustained period of time where I’ve been off. I don’t know how it’s really changed. I still feel like I’m pretty much exactly the same, which is maybe not a good thing.

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