Robert Pattinson is among the most desirable celebrity husbands

I'd marry you...


I'd turn you into something edible and devour you...


It's a good thing I still hold onto some shred of sanity otherwise I'd crazy glue myself to you...


I'd do unladylike things to you...


I'd adore you (already do this actually)...


I'd want you more than Prince Harry and Justin Biebleh...


Yeah you read that last one right...Prince Harry and Justin Biebleh were named above Robert Pattinson in a poll for most desirable celebrity husband. OK magazine is the source so that's why this inconceivability has occurred. It's a bizarre readership that puts Brad Pitt at the bottom of a list and Prince Harry and Biebluh on top. *shivers* go back to looking at Rome Rob. He makes everything in this world better.

Most Desirable Celebrity Husband:
1. Prince Harry
2. Justin Bieber
3. Robert Pattinson
4. David Beckham
5. Russell Brand
6. Colin Firth
7. Prince William
8. George Clooney
9. Piers Morgan
10. Brad Pitt

Source via Strictly Rob

HQ pics of Robert Pattinson from the Golden Globes

HQ pics of Robert Pattinson from the Golden Globes

Oh look at those lips...


We saw this before but it was a slightly different angle. Who cares though because this face is classic :)


We can never have enough HQ Rob :)) Lick and save!

Click HERE to view over 150 HQ pics of Rob from the Golden Globes


Robert Pattinson's "How To Be" Available Soon In Turkey


Yes good news for those of you in Turkey! Robert Pattinson's "How To Be" is FINALLY going to be released very soon by Irfanfilm .

More info as we get it!

Thanks to Justin for the info.

Holliday Grainger talks about Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami


Speaking with Collider, Holliday Grainger (did she change her name form Holly?) mentioned Robert Pattinson and Bel Ami:

Can you talk about the roles you did in Jane Eyre and Bel Ami, which you also have coming out this year?

GRAINGER: When I was younger, I always wanted to do period drama and never got to do it, until last January. And then, this last year was just period drama after period drama. I have a small part in Jane Eyre. I’m one of the Rivers sisters that saves Jane (Mia Wasikowska) from destitution. They’re a very lovely, very godly, very pure family. Bel Ami is the opposite. My character is more like Lucrezia. She’s an evil little witch that knows what she wants and is out to get the guy that she wants. She’s willing to upset her mom and upset anyone, just to get the guy that she wants.

Did you get to work with Robert Pattinson?

GRAINGER: Yeah, my character’s scenes are mainly with Rob ‘cause she marries him in the end. She does get him.

Visit Collider to read the whole interview.

Here's Holliday with Rob in The Bad Mother's cute...and very different roles LOL


via PattinsonStew

New/Old fan pics of Robert Pattinson at the Eclipse premiere

New/Old fan pics of Robert Pattinson at the Eclipse premiere

Fan pics often capture such sweet moments...







Click HERE to visit Twilight Fever and see a couple more pics of Rob and other cast members from Eclipse :)

Thanks Nel for the tip :)

Robert Pattinson wallpapers: Making You The Love in photoshoots volume 7

Robert Pattinson must be under a witness protection program because he is MIA in a big way. It's great that he's not being harassed but let's not fool ourselves. Droughts are tough. Thank goodness we have creative readers who like to play with Rob ;)

Here are a few gorgeous wallpapers by Marina H. to help with this "dry spell". My theme today is celebrating some of Rob's photoshoots.

I LOVE this shot of him and was even MORE thrilled when the Vogue shoot came out in HQ. Look at that swagger! Love the way he walks...


This shot is also a favorite of mine. Who DOESN'T swoon out of their chair at the thought of Rob playing the piano (or doing anything musical for that matter)? Why doesn't he make a movie about a piano player? I'd die instantly. Kate gave us a great flashback post from the stunning Vanity Fair shoot.


This photoshoot is hmmmm....well....just look at the beautiful man in that leather jacket and snug, thigh-hugging jeans...and that wand.


Marina also designed a couple of Cosmopolis themed wallpapers for Cosmopolis Film blog. If you've read the book, you'll understand the tone...



Click the thumbnails to save the HQ versions

Click HERE to revisit volume 6, that gorgeous Golden Globes edition :)

Sam Bradley Mentions Robert Pattinson In An Interview With Buzzine

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

SG: So your musical beginnings were friends and family-based, and then so were your first big steps out into wider acclaim—outside London, out into the world, with your schoolmate Robert (Pattinson)…
SB: It’s still all friend-based. I don’t work with anyone that isn’t a friend. My band, my booking agent, my manager… Everyone I want to work with, I want to have a relationship that is stronger than just work. As far as the connection with Rob, he’s a friend—that’s it. There’s no special story. The special story is in our friendship. That’s it. There’s nothing grand about it. I got a song on this Twilight soundtrack—that opened up a bigger audience than I was ready for, perhaps, and then it was up to me to keep the music-lovers, and expand and grow on and through and past and with that.

SG: I can’t let you go and not go back to Rob for one final question, but I don’t want to get you into any trouble…
SB: You can’t get me into trouble. I can get me into trouble.

SG: Good point. But I’ll try not to lead you into any trouble.
SB: That’s fine, because I can deflect. I’ve been doing it for years.

SG: I bet you have. You’ve been mates for a long, long time. As surreal as life must be for him, which is up way up there, you have seen that from one step removed, and you have a sense of what that means as you’re an artist on the road connecting with people as well although maybe not quite to the “Beatles running down the street in ‘Help’” thing that he’s been going through. What does that leave you thinking? From what you’ve seen from him, what impact does that have on you? Does that end up being a blessing—you get to see how that can be from a pseudo-safe distance?
SB: If I thought about it and if I dissected it in any way, that wouldn’t be a healthy thing. It just is. There’s no difference in anything I do. There’s no difference in anything he does. There’s no difference in anything any friend I have, whether it be my wife… It just doesn’t make a difference. I’m gonna keep doing what I’m gonna do. Robert Pattinson is going to keep doing what he’s gonna do. Tom Sturridge is gonna keep doing what he’s gonna do. Bobby Long is gonna keep doing what he’s gonna do. Marcus Foster is gonna keep doing what’s he’s gonna do. Angus McNeice is gonna keep doing what he’s gonna do. Anyone I know are gonna do what they’re gonna do, and that’s not changed anything.

You can read the rest of the interview over at Buzzine

Via RpattzBaby

New/Old Robert Pattinson Pic From 2008

New Robert Pattinson Pics from 1st August 2008. It's the T Mobile Sidekick Launch Party
This one is new and the others below were previously posted but weren't HQ.


Click and Click Again For UHQ

Click and Click Again For HQ


Beautiful NEW Robert Pattinson Wallpapers

Some beautiful NEW Robert Pattinson Wallpapers from the lovely Jules

One for everyday of the week.

Let's start with some Golden Globes Rob :-)


Kill us with that stare, why don't you?


It's no laughing matter.


And let's finish up with some Robowski





Click and Save Below For Full Size

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