New Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Arriving In Rio

They're blurry but there's no mistaking Mr Robert Pattinson!


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Source Vanessanazario

New Video of Robert Pattinson with Kristen Stewart and entourage at Rio Airport

We already saw the pics of the lucky fans with Robert the video :)

I could do Dean's job...I'd be very good at it and I'd work for free...think about it, Rob ;)

Kellan Lutz says Robert Pattinson is "mind-blowing"

Robert Pattinson mind-blowing? Oh most definitely...


"I don’t think I would have played a great Edward. I think what Rob [Pattinson] does with it is mind-blowing. They need someone like Rob to really give Edward so many layers without doing much."

Click HERE to read the whole article

And just because they looked positively yummy strutting across that grass...








it's hot in here...

Robert Pattinson & "Breaking Dawn" Cast In People Magazine

People Magazine tell us what Robert Pattinson & The "Breaking Dawn" cast got up to on their time off in Baton Rouge.

If there's a job going keeping Rob entertained between shooting scenes then I'm sure I could do a better job than a bike ;-)



The Random Trio: Robert Pattinson, Vin Diesel, Kristen Stewart Have Dinner in Rio?

A Brazilian gossip rag says Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Vin Diesel, he of the perfect muscles, had dinner at their hotel yesterday. It's gossip so take it with a grain of salt but it's so random that I had to post...Rob and Vin should totally star in "Fast and The Furious 9" or a sequel to the fabulous xXx. They can steal cars AND save the world!


On the evening of Friday, Vin Diesel, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had dinner together. The meeting of the stars of "The Fast and the furious five" and "Twilight" was promoted by the hotel where they are staying in Rio, the Copacabana Palace. The entire team of both productions of the films that are in Rio also attended the dinner.
Shortly before 18h, one of the halls of the Palace Cup was prepared to receive their distinguished guests. On the menu, delicious Brazilian cuisine prepared by the hotel buffet.

Before dinner, the duo Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart recorded interviews for a television program in the suite where they are staying. Robert made an appearance among the timid curtains for the sadness of the fans who played a space on the famous promenade in Rio.

Source Thanks to PattinsonStew for the translation

First Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson In Rio

First Fan Pics Of Robert Pattinson In Rio

Can you say CUTE!


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To see pics with Kristen and Stephenie head over to Foforks

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Co Land In Brazil

The Eagles Have Landed

More News from Brazil

Even though fans didn't get to see Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart when they landed in Brazil they did manage to get autographs.

Per BlogTwiBrasil:
Explaining why people got autographs but have not seen them: they were delivering the papers, posters, whatever, to the cops who were VERY nice and there were taking in to be autographed by Rob and Kristen and then they brought back.
Apparently some press also got the chance to chat with Rob (briefly we're assuming).

Per BlogTwiBrasil:

"Robert was literally melting! Apologized to me after I shook his hand because he was all sweaty!" (via @LeoBonifacio)

"The his portuguese is it completely sucked! lol. But it was worth a try saying 'Eu amo o Rio de Janeiro'!" (via @LeoBonifacio)

@JackyGomes shared this report from (translation via Google)

A few hours after landing in Brazil, Robert Pattinson, Twilight, made his first appearance in the hotel window to enjoy the view from Copacabana beach. Kristen Stewart and actor arrived in Rio de Janeiro at 10:38 on a flight coming from Houston, USA. The flight, scheduled to land at 9:13 a.m., arrived late to the chagrin of dozens of fans waiting for their idols in Galleon. At about 13h, Mayor Eduardo Paes also arrived at the hotel.

From the airport they went straight to the hotel. Many fans, photographers and onlookers waiting for the actors in place, protected by a security scheme. For the general frustration, however, the input of the actors in the hotel was quiet - for a secondary entrance - making it impossible to connect the people with their idols. The group was six cars that were followed over the course of four batters.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will shoot scenes for "Breaking Dawn", the final film in Rio. Filming will take place in Paraty, on the southern coast of the state, and the Lapa, the bohemian neighborhood of the city. However, the actors will have Friday and Saturday off to get to know the city. A They should also have a meeting with the mayor, Eduardo Paes, next Wednesday, April 10.

And from QUEM Magazine:

No appointments scheduled for Friday and Saturday (6), the actors will have free time for sightseeing. On Monday (8), they embark by helicopter to Paraty.

via RobPattznews


Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and co have already landed (November 5, 2010) safely in Brazil. It is said that they spent time at the VIP room with Stephenie Meyer. It is also reported that they will be transported by helicopter to their next destination. via KStewDefenders

Info About R/K's flight
via Foforks Live Coverage
Ontem, assim que robsten embarcou, o aeroporto Louis Armstrong, em NOLA, entrou em alerta laranja de ataque terrorista, assim como outros 4 aeroportos americanos. Quando isso acontece, várias medidas de segurança são tomadas. Os vôos podem atrasar e até serem cancelados, pessoas famosas são remanejadas para outros vôos, com nomes falsos, para serem protegidas. Imaginamos que por uma dessas medidas de segurança QUE SÃO NORMAIS NOS EUA é que eles viajaram em outra classe e outro vôo.

Translation and link thanks to BraGirl2 "Yesterday, right after Robsten embarked, Louis Airport Armstrong, in NOLA, went on orange alert for terrorist attack, as four other U.S. airports. When this happens, various security measures are taken. Flights can be delayed or even canceled,famous people are relocated to other flights, with false names to protect them.

Info via Robstenation

Hopefully we'll have pics for you soon!
Isn't this exciting??

New Pics of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Entourage leaving New Orleans

New Pics of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Entourage leaving New Orleans

Based on early reports, we can presume Rob, Kristen, and their entourage are heading to South America! GAH! The guitar is going to Rio! Does Edward play the guitar in Breaking Dawn? I think he should for the movie ;) And do you notice the more controlled sideburns? I think Edward is getting a makeover for BD.



Rob in Brazil playing HoneymoonWard...this is just too exciting for words. The End.

Source via Robstenation

ROBsession 101: Robert Pattinson and the LB Hat

ROBsession 101: Robert Pattinson and the LB Hat

I've got mad love for Rob's LB hat for personal reasons. It's my alma mater and I teach there. Rob, however, did not receive the hat from California State University, Long Beach (LB). Several people have asked me before where the hat came from and that means...


The hat was purchased in Japan during New Moon promo. It was first seen on Rob's gorgeous head a year ago today :)

Leaving his Tokyo hotel, the LB hat was first posted on ROBsessed on Nov. 4, 2009.



As you can see, the LB is not obvious. When I first saw these pictures, I denied that it was an LB hat because way. But I could not live in denial on Nov. 7, 2009 when Rob was spotted in a vehicle leaving a Los Angeles hotel.


And the first clear shot of the LB came on Nov. 8, 2009, leaving LAX and heading to Paris for the European leg of New Moon promo. First posted on ROBsessed Nov. 9, 2009.


We didn't actually know he purchased the hat in Japan until he did some interviews with Swedish and Italian press while in London earlier in 2010. The interviews seemed very lost in translation.

The Swedish mag has Rob saying the hat stands for "Long Beach" and came from Toyko but was purchased by AJG (???). However the Italian mag claims the letters are "SB" and quotes Rob saying the hat stands for Santa Barbara and he thinks he purchased it in Tokyo. See? Lost in translation.

The facts are these:
  • The hat is from Long Beach State University (GO BEACH!)
  • It was first spotted on Rob's head leaving Tokyo
  • It has remained a staple in his limited wardrobe for a year
  • I'm convinced its a sign that me and Rob are MFEO ;)

And because I'm psychotic and we're in a's a collage I made to ensure I one day get institutionalized.


Photos courtesy of RobertPattinsonSource

Robert Pattinson : This Time Last Year : Japan

Robert Pattinson : This Time Last Year : Japan

On the subject of Japan, this time last year (Nov 3rd) Rob was in Japan promoting "New Moon" with Chris Weitz and as usual some seriously cute pictures followed.

I don't need any excuse to rake up some Japan Rob so sit back and enjoy a little trip down memory lane with me.

We were lucky enough to be sent some exclusive pics last year by one of our readers Seiko you can read her story on the original post here

This time last year didn't know that this meant that Rob had been talking to his Dad
Although he said he hadn't found an opportunity to use this gesture.
Here's the proof that he does listen to his Dad!









LOADS More Pics and Vids After the Cut

2 More Days For "Eclipse" In Japan

2 More Days For "Eclipse" In Japan

I feel so sorry for the Twilight fans in Japan. It nearly killed me having to wait a couple of days longer than the people in the US to see "Eclipse" so having to wait nearly 5 months after everyone else is SO unfair.
But the time is nearly here for now as "Eclipse" Premieres on Nov 6th and to promote it Yahoo have released a video of clips from the movie including part of the famous tent scene.
(The title on the vid says it's for the DVD but it's not)

via Spunk Ransom

And here's another taster of what you have to look forward to.........

Source Twifans
Thanks to Ellie for the tip!

Am I supposed to function after watching that??
Gah, I will in a minute (off to watch again :-))

Steven Weintraub continues to torture Robert Pattinson's fans

Steven Weintraub continues to torture Robert Pattinson's fans

After getting bombarded with inquiries (me being one of the bombarderees) regarding what he saw in Bel Ami, Steven Weintraub tried to offer further enlightenment.


Anything else, Steve?



A fan agrees:

Come on, Steve! Get with the program! Rob's fans RUN twitter. You tweet his name, you better have a thorough dissertation ready to distribute about what you have to say regarding Robert Pattinson ;)

Sigh....and the wait continues....


Steven Weintraub Tweets About Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami"

Steven Weintraub Tweets About Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami"

Steven Weintraub from tweeted about "Bel Ami" a little while ago.


Tell us something we don't know Steven!

Source Steven Weintraub

Let us all say a little prayer that this promo is released to help us while we wait for "Bel Ami". Actually maybe it won't help us but make us worse but let's pray for it anyway!

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart In "Cinemania" Spain (15th Anniversary Issue)

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart In "Cinemania" Spain (15th Anniversary Issue)


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Source PattinsonWorld via Pattinson-Stewart Fans
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