ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway Week: ROUND 2! Caption Robert Pattinson

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway Week: ROUND 2! Caption Robert Pattinson

In honor of our 2nd anniversary, we're running a "Caption Robert Pattinson" contest all week! The WINNER of ROUND 1 is *drumroll*

Mona! Please send us your contact info and the prize you'd like :)

Mona won with this caption:

"Ok I'll make this as clear as I can for all you paps. You bend wayyyyyy over like this, then you kiss my wine colored ARSE!"


Here are the top 5 captions after Mona :)
  1. From MyNumberWasUpWhenIFirstSawRob: "Here's a new moon for you..."
  2. From rubydynasty: "Displaying his keen knowledge of astronomy at the premiere of his new film, Robert Pattinson demonstrates to his adoring fans that you can't have an eclipse without a full moon."
  3. From MaryUK: 'Quick - hide - here comes Taylor'
  4. From Lorna Skyrme-Mason: It's a bend...and snap!
  5. From kellye: "Does this suit make my ass look good?"


The picture is posted below and to enter the competition, write a caption for it in the comments. Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment. DO NOT click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do :))



The winner will win a choice of $30-$40 package:

1. Special Edititon Robert Pattinson 2011 Calendar

4. A book one of his movies was based on:
Twilight (The Twilight Saga) ; New Moon (The Twilight Saga) ; Eclipse (The Twilight Saga) ; Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga) ; The Bad Mother's Handbook: A Novel ; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4) ; Water for Elephants: A Novel ; Bel Ami (Vintage Classics)

The gift will be worth $30-40 and the competition is WORLDWIDE!!!

Ready, set, GO CAPTION Robert Pattinson :)

What A Load Of Crap (International Edition)

What A Load Of Crap (International Edition)

Closer Magazine (France)

Even though I don't know what this says here's my guess. Kristen is jealous of Emma Watson and Rob's "relationship" and when they went for dinner recently they had an argument about it.
Want to put money on me being right about what the article says?
Yeap same crap different magazine. At least the zombie, I mean voodoo wedding and Rob's miracle pregnancy was a bit original, far fetched but original.


Click For Larger

What Else? Magazine (France)
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are crazy in love!
Now it is certain that their love is as strong as Edward and Bella's......


Click For Larger

Thanks To Darja for the scans

Famous Magazine
(Need I say anymore?)

Click For Larger

Thanks to Laura for the scans

ROBsessed Birthday Week Giveaway: Caption Robert Pattinson

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary we'll be running a "Caption Robert Pattinson" contest all week! We'll post a picture and you'll write a caption for it in the comments. Then your fellow robsessers will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment. (Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do:)).



The winner will win a choice of $30-$40 package:

1. Special Edititon Robert Pattinson 2011 Calendar
2. A Robert Pattinson movie: Dark Kingdom ; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Widescreen Edition) (Harry Potter 4) ; The Haunted Airman ; How to Be ; Little Ashes ; Remember Me ; Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition) ; The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Two-Disc Special Edition) ; Bad Mother's Handbook ; Love & Distrust
3. A book Robert Pattinson was spotted reading:
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe: and Other Stories ; Doomed Love (Penguin Great Loves) ; Nine Stories ; Kill Your Friends: A Novel (P.S.) ; Independent People ; 2666: A Novel ; My Friend the Mercenary ; Tom Waits - Anthology (Music Sales America) ; Complete Poems: Charles Baudelaire
4. A book one of his movies was based on:
Twilight (The Twilight Saga) ; New Moon (The Twilight Saga) ; Eclipse (The Twilight Saga) ; Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga) ; The Bad Mother's Handbook: A Novel ; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4) ; Water for Elephants: A Novel ; Bel Ami (Vintage Classics)

The gift will be worth $30-40 and the competition is WORLDWIDE since ROBsession knows no boundries :)

So go ahead and CAPTION Robert Pattinson :)

Celebrating Our Second Year Online-Long Live ROBsession


*taps megaphone* "Is this thing working?"

Today we are celebrating our 2nd year online! It really feels like we've been doing this for longer than 2 years. Blogging about Robert Pattinson and his crazy busy life has been a full time job and we've enjoyed every minute of it.

The welcome message I posted 2 years ago still holds true today:


So this is my new project. After being moderated, edited, shooed etc. I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I promise to keep you updated on Rob and you can chatter away as much as you want here :-))


Hope Dani, Kate, Kat, TINK and I could give you a place where you could indulge in your favorite secret or all out ROBsession :)

Thank you Robert Pattinson for making it SO easy to blog about and being so amazing to your fans.


Thanks to Mama and Papa P for Robert Pattinson :)

Thanks to my lovely RobKats and my first partner in crime Dani. They were the first people on this blog and helped me build it into what it is today. It was a team effort. Thank you for always being there to lend a hand :)

Thank YOU for visiting our blog. As I always say : "Without you we'd just be a bunch of crazy women rambling about the awesomeness of a guy...With YOU we feel kinda normal" :)

Hugs, cheers and lots of love,
Gözde, Kate, Kat, TINK.

2 years ago my first post was videos of Robert Pattinson in Mexico (there were 3 posts before the welcome message since Rob pix/videos are more important then welcoming people :))

Rob was so charming and Mexico went nuts for him :) We feel it's only fitting that we introduce Mexico Rob to the newbies in ROBsession in honor of our 2nd anniversary!



TONS and TONS of Mexico Rob AFTER THE CUT!
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