Congratulations on all your success! In celebration, may we present the pic that started it all!

Who knew after that fateful night, when an unknowing Robert Pattinson was enjoying a Kings of Leon concert, this blog would be born.

In celebration, Rob was recently spotted enjoying some down time in Perkins Rowe, Baton Rouge with his favorite Robsessed bloggers!


Olive Juice- Goz, Dani, Kate, Kat, and Tink!

Gozde: This post was made by our lovely friends who "hijacked" the blog :) Not by us :)

"The Buried Life" dish more about their upcoming episode with Robert Pattinson

"The Buried Life" dish more about their upcoming episode with Robert Pattinson

Speaking with UsMagazine.com, the guys from MTV's "The Buried Life" talked a little bit more about "stealing" Robert Pattinson's lock of hair. I'll discuss why I put "stealing" in quotes at the end of the post ;)

UsMagazine.com: Way to be the envy of women everywhere now that you've bonded with one of the world's hottest vampires! How did this whole plan come together?
Jonnie Penn:
The item we wanted to cross off our list was No. 48: accept a dare. This season on the show, we wanted to do things that were really difficult and we asked the audience to challenge us to do something we didn't want to do. Stealing a lock of Robert Pattinson's hair seemed like the most impossible from the list our fans sent us on Facebook. Someone wrote in asking if we'd steal Mike Tyson's tiger from The Hangover, which sounded also very difficult, but could also be deadly, so we decided not to do that one.

Us: Were you a Twi-hard when you began this task?
JP: I was as familiar with him as the next person, but we had to do research online and on Twitter beforehand.

Us: You didn't have R-Pattz posters on your bedroom walls?
JP: No. But now I do! [Laughs]

Us: Dave and Duncan joined you on this task, which involved a movie premiere, an after-party and a tiny pair of scissors. Who was the one who actually yanked out his hair?
JP: Honestly, it wasn't a tackle and take down. We told him Rob we were dared to steal a lock of his hair and asked if he'd do it. He looked at me like I was crazy, but he ultimately said yes. We explained that it wasn't something necessarily that we were asking him for, but we told him the truth that we were put up to it. I guess he considered it and figured one little hair wouldn't hurt. He played along, which I commend him for. We chatted a little bit -- he was with two friends.

Us: Do you know if Rob watches The Buried Life?
JP: I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets asked about this. That would be cool if he watches. We could use a vampire on The Buried Life!

Us: So, do you prefer Rob bearded or clean-shaven?
JP: Well, No. 15 on our list [of 100 things to do before we die] is grow a moustache, so anybody who can cross that off before me I commend!

Us: So where did the hair end up? On eBay?
JP: We talked about exploding it out of a cannon, and Duncan joked about putting it under his pillowcase so he could sleep at night. We also considered using it to grow another Robert Pattinson, but none of those ideas panned out. I feel like we did the right thing with the hair in the end, which you'll see on Monday's show.

Find out what happened when the guys cornered Rob to steal his locks -- and what they did with the famous strands -- when The Buried Life airs Monday at 10:30 p.m. (EST) on MTV.

Tink: There's also a video from MTV giving us more of an idea of where these guys "stole" Robert Pattinson's lock of hair.

So it was at Hotel Cafe. We can make a guess that it was one of Sam's shows during the summer since Rob attended 3 out of 4 of those. I'm not stalking...proof is in the pictures ;) I'd also take a bet the 2 friends he was with were Sam and Tom.

Can't wait to see :)

Now why am I quoting "steal"? Well...because clearly from their article, they didn't steal a lock of Rob's hair. They do know what steal means, right? So they failed their challenge. I'm wildly competitive and I would disqualify their submission on the technicality.

I move to reissue a NEW dare to "The Buried Life"!

DARE: Find Robert Pattinson and snatch off his baseball cap. FREE THE SEX HAIR!!! FREE THE SEX HAIR!!!!!!

All those in motion say, "AYE!" ;)


Thanks RobPattzNews for the tip!

ROBsession 101: Robert Pattinson and the tight gray tee

ROBsession 101: Robert Pattinson and the tight gray tee

Recently, I posted a picture on twitter that a few folks thought was recent. The picture was almost 2 years old.

We over here at ROBsessed thought it would be a good time (and perfect for this long drought season) to get old school with Rob and revisit some classic photo memories.


ROBsession 101 is now in session! First up is the picture that started this idea from Feb. 18, 2009 in Los Angeles, CA.


Rob in the tight gray tee, flashing us the nipples and turning a parking lot into a runway. He was beardy! He was cap/beanie free! He was gorgeous! (duh)


Great balls of fire....I die. Too much hawtness *fans self* too much hawtness!


Click the thumbnails for the UHQ tight gray tee & snug black pants ;)

TightGrayTeeRob was first posted on ROBsessed, Feb. 20, 2009.

All photos courtesy of RobertPattinsonSource :)

Sky magazine scans of interview with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner

Sky magazine scans of interview with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner

The interview took place during Eclipse promo but was released for the Nov/Dec. 2010 edition.


Click the thumbnails to read the article

Spunk Ransom

Beard Tips For Robert Pattinson

Beard Tips For Robert Pattinson

Newsweek.com gives Rob some advice about how to do a better job growing his beard next time so that it will definitely work as a disguise. Mmmmm I still reckon I'd be able to spot him!


Photo Source Socialite Life

Pattinson tried to go incognito with this bushy beard last month in Los Angeles. The critique: "Boy, he's got to cultivate that better," Federoff says. "He's got an empty spot on his chin." His mustache looks like a different color, "like when you have a leaf with two different colors on it." Finally, he loses points for not enjoying his "beard-dom" very much. If it was meant as a disguise, he should have grown it out more for a "comb-over" effect. "I pull my beard up and it covers my eyes," Federoff explains. "I can still see through it, but nobody knows it's me."
Score: 2

Check out who else made their 11 Best (and Worst)Celebrity Beard List over at Newsweek.com

"Screen" Magazine (Japan) With Robert Pattinson (Scans & Translation)

"Screen" Magazine (Japan) With Robert Pattinson (Scans & Translation)


Click for Larger

“Eclipse Enchantment Book” supplementary booklet.

The supplementary booklet includes an introduction to the story of the Twilight series episodes one to three, a map showing the relationship between the characters, interviews with Rob, Taylor, and Kristen, a feature on the American movie posters, production notes, etc. Also in the magazine is an introduction to “How to be” DVD that will be released on November 3. The following is an excerpt of the overseas, non-Eclipse related portion of the interview.

Q: Apart from the Twilight series you choose art house style films, why is that?

Rob: Twilight is also a small independent film by an independent director, it’s a dark and tragic drama. I still can’t get used to the fact that it has suddenly become a hit. So I’m making film after film without a break, not thinking about the fact that I have become famous. I decided that I didn’t want to appear in Hollywood blockbusters, so I choose small features as I did before.

Q: In the next episode, Breaking Dawn, Edward becomes a father?
Rob: Actually in “Water For Elephants ” I’m the father of five children! I can’t imagine Edward and Bella having children, I know Kristen will play it well so I will take my lead from her.

Q: Who is your ideal woman?
Well… first they have to love dogs. (Kate: I LOVE DOGS!!!!) Also not shouting in a loud voice, (Kate: I love dogs :-}) they’re the only two conditions, after that it’s just a matter of whether we get on well.

Source Robert Pattinson Press Japan via Spunk Ransom

"One Tree Hill's" Clay Dresses As Edward For Halloween

"One Tree Hill's" Clay Dresses As Edward For Halloween

He's actually not bad as Robward but emmm what's with the fangs??
I wonder how long he was practicing the brooding stare in front of the mirror.

Thanks to Spunk Ransom for the vid and Kelly for the tip!

Robert Pattinson - Looking Good in Theater Culture Magazine "T" (Spring 2010 - Japan)

Scans and Translation



Theater Culture Magazine ”T”
English translation - Excerpt

"Robert is a 'hot star' among teens (Kat: they never quite get this age group correct!), and likely expected to choose parts that his fans would expect."

Rob: "I chose a part where people would see me as a human being. I don't want to be typecast and wanted to be recognized as an individual. It's not about public image, but about me continuing my career. I thought it was important to give a performance that would leave a different impression than those up to this point."

The sudden rise of popular actors such as Robert Pattinson (and Zac Efron,Sam Worthington,James McAvoy) threaten to dethrone other sexy stars like Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. That is because they have made clever plans to focus their careers along the same path that their predecessors have already traveled. They want to become something more than a flash-in-the-pan "sex symbol", but actors whose popularity does not soon fade away.

Looking at things this way, "sexy" actors have a future of many possibilities ahead of them, so long as they ensure they are flexible. Without adhering to a single image, they delve into new projects and, together with the creators of these works, go on discovering new sides to themselves. It seems simple on the surface, but if they do not have a good grasp of who they are, there is no point to it at all.

Those actors who challenge themselves without limit will continually embody different images, which in turn will keep their audience excited and interested. Those actors who can make people think, "I want to see more and more of his movies!" are the ones who will become enduring "sex symbols".

RPJapan via Gossip Dance

Robert Pattinson is The Sexiest Vampire

Glamour Magazine counts down the sexiest vampires of all time in honor of the best day ever: Halloween :)

The list includes David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Kate Beckinsale, Monica Belluci, James Marsters (I love you Spike!) , David Boreanaz, Mr. Hotter than Fire Alexander Skarsgard , the always gorgeous Brad Pitt and most of the cast from Twilight but of course number 1 is Robert `too hot for any list` Pattinson...


1. Twilight’s Edward Cullen
Played by: Robert Pattinson
Twilight’s resident Sex God, Robert Pattinson has brought new meaning to the term ‘pale and interesting’. Like all vampires, Edward has a taste for blood, but that’s all too easy to forget when you look at his ripped torso and intense eyes. A thing of beauty…

You can see the whole list HERE.

"Supernatural" - How many "T's" in Pattinson??

"Supernatural" - How many "T's" in Pattinson??

"Live Free or Twihard" is the name of a "Supernatural" episode that hasn't aired yet. Though the show never mentions "Twilight" or "The Vampire Diaries" by name, there's no chance the resemblance is coincidental.

Take a look at the preview below where Rob almost gets a mention.
The show airs this Friday on The CW

Read the rest at Zap2it via RobPattznews

TV Guide Channel ‘Sexy Beasts: Vamps, Wolves and Mutants’ Featuring Robert Pattinson

TV Guide Channel ‘Sexy Beasts: Vamps, Wolves and Mutants’ Featuring Robert Pattinson


The TV Guide says that a special that will air on TV Guide Network on 10/31/10 (Halloween!) at 8pm EST.
I'd imagine they're going to use clips of old interviews but thought you'd like the heads up anyway :-)
Thanks to Strictly Rob for the scan and info

Robert Pattinson Adorkable GIF

Robert Pattinson Adorkable GIF

Gif from the Behind The Scenes vid yesterday .
I LOVE this!


Thanks to Laura for sending it.

Robert Pattinson in 3rd Eclipse Behind The Scenes Video

Robert Pattinson in 3rd Eclipse Behind The Scenes Video

These Eclipse gum secrets have been so fun! The third installment is brought to you by Mr. Taylor Lautner.

Entitled "Taylor's Picks", its a fun look at behind the scenes of his top scenes. If Taylor makes you scowl a little bit like me (TEAM EDWARD FOR EVAH!), skip to 1:25 when Rob, our hunk of burning love, shows up and makes Taylor a distant memory.

Click HERE to view the previous BTS videos.

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