Robert Pattinson has the most expressive eyebrows ever, he'd be terrible at poker, they'd give everything away... let's celebrate the awesomenessnessness that are Rob's eyebrows just because we can! Any excuse to gaze at The Pretty...
Let's see how high can they can go?
I just know they can go higher than that!
Now, just how low can they go? Mean and moody gaze through the brows.
I'm totally throwing this one in to mess with your minds... you don't know where to look do you... eyebrows or mouth....
What I affectionately call 'my Robbrows' :-)
Confused brows...
Whassup brows...
There are many more, this post could last a week...
Holding them down ain't gonna work Rob, I'll still be back with more!
What's your favourite brow pic?