France will get to see Robert Pattinsons "Remember Me" First

Le Monde de Francesca tells us that the release date for Remember Me in France is February 10, 2010. Two days earlier than the American date, February 12.

France will also watch New Moon before the rest of the world, except for a few other countries in Europe. The movie will be released there on November 18, 2009.

I'm serously considering moving to France - Kate

Source via Source

Robert Pattinson "Total Film" Interview

From "Total Film" Magazine
R-Pattz is back. We talk to the quiffed stud about New Moon Although his part in New Moon may be smaller than fans were hoping for, there’s no doubt Robert Pattinson is in the driving seat of the Twilight phenomenon, and standing on the edge of global superstardom.

A year on from our last date, we sat down with the actor on the eve of the release of the Twilight sequel New Moon, to discuss fame, mothers and all things Twilight.

How was it reuniting with Kristen Stewart for New Moon?

There’s a natural chemistry going on with Kristen. Even doing this sequel, it’s so easy… I was really worried that I wouldn’t know how to do it again, but it’s so easy to play off her.She always says that she pretty much got me the part – though I don’t really believe her!

Glamour Sexiest Under 30's Poll Results: Robert Pattinson is No1

The results are in. The celebrity the GLAMOUR.COM readers voted as the Sexiest Youngster was... Robert Pattinson. The Twilight actor garnered a significant percentage of the votes to be named the hottest star under 30. Second in the poll was Transformers actress Megan Fox, who you voted as the Sexiest Woman, and third was the loveable High School Musical star Zac Efron. Robert Pattinson's Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart wasn't far behind him, at No.4, and Vanessa Hudgens finished off the top five.

Source: (UK)

'New Moon' Star Jackson Rathbone Says Film Has Plenty Of Edward

From MTV :

'Edward is very prominent in the film, especially in Bella's mind,' actor says.

When MTV News recently caught up with "New Moon" star Jackson Rathbone on the set of his new movie "Girlfriend," we had to ask how much we'd be seeing Jasper Hale in the second installment of the "Twilight" saga.

"I only shot for three weeks, and out of those three weeks that I was [in Vancouver] I think I actually filmed four days," Jackson said. "So, I mean, I'm not so much in 'New Moon.' "

Since Robert Pattinson's Edward Cullen departs early in the book, he is largely absent, and the rest of the Cullens aren't seen until the end of the story either.

Bruno Tonioli Likens Aaron Carter's Tango to Robert Pattinson's?

This week's award for random insertion of Robert Pattinson's name goes to: Bruno Tonioli!

You can watch the whole dance here.

USA Magazine will have a New Interview & Pic of Robert Pattinson

From His Golden Eyes
I just wanted to let you all know for your fan site about our upcoming Twilight: New Moon issue for USA Weekend magazine. It will be in newspapers starting Friday (our magazine appears in more than 600 newspapers across the country, with a 23 million circulation), and will feature a cover story about the popularity of vampires, plus an exclusive interview with Robert Pattinson. In addition, our cover will feature an exclusive new photo of Pattinson as Edward Cullen.

Robert Pattinson in People Magazine (Untagged)

Click to enlarge:

Thanks to Thinking of Rob ;)

And some images from the magazine that already had HQs:

Timbaland Wants Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Random? Nope, Timbaland may look high (he probably IS) but he is a genius, he knows what/who sells. I think Fiddy and Rob should remake Ayo technology :))


LAS VEGAS — Ever since their careers exploded around last year at this time, it's rare to see "Twilight" stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart doing anything other than slaving away on the sets of "New Moon" and the next sequel, "Eclipse." Now, Timbaland wants to give the sexy duo a chance to let their hair down on his next music video — and if anybody can make it happen, it's the Grammy-winning producer and rapper.

"I want certain people in the video," he revealed to us over the weekend at Justin Timberlake's charity concert, talking about "Morning After Dark," the first single off his upcoming album Shock Value 2, and featuring the new artist SoShy. "I want the same characters of 'Twilight,' which I've almost got."

Timbaland has spoken to us before about how Shock Value 2 was influenced by the world of Stephenie Meyer, and that "Morning After Dark" seizes on some of the darker themes in her world. Now he says he's on the verge of getting Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and possibly other "Twilight" stars to appear in the video.

"If I get Bella and Edward, it would be [ideal]," he explained. "I'm gonna give a twist to it, though."

Nominate Robert Pattinson for People's Choice Awards

The nominations for People's Choice Awards are underway. You can (should/will) go and vote for Rob in 2 categories:

Favorite Movie Actor (Vote HERE)
Favorite On Screen Team : Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner (Vote HERE)

Twilight, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Anna Kendrick are also nominated in several categories. You can vote for them HERE. (If you register you will be entered for a chance to win a trip to the show!)

P.S.: Entertainment tonight aired the new clip from Twilight. No Robward (booohoo!) so we won't post but you can watch it over at Twilight Cartel.

Give Your Self/Husband/Director a Robert Pattinson Makeover has a new MakeOver tool that let's you try on New Moon looks. My attempts at inserting my face into the Bella hair was epic fail so I gave David Slade an Edward makeover! You can head over to and try it yourself :)

Robert Pattinson Says "Internet is for Porn" ;)

Thanks to Laura for the link ;)

Robert Pattinson in Obrazi (Slovenia) Magazine

The report isn't true but I gotta give them props for the picture choice. Nice side by side ;)

Royal Blood (Gozde: This rumor has been debunked by the director Peter Kosminsky)

Prince Harry is in the center of attention of British and world press lately. There are two reasons.
Director Peter Kosminsky is preparing to make a movie about the 25 year old prince who is third in the line for the British throne. Movie "The Spare" will be mostly focused on Harry's reaction on his mother, princess Diana's death and his serving in the army in Afghanistan. The rumour is there are two main candidates for his role, Rupert Grint (redheaded Ron from the Harry Potter Movies) and Robert Pattinson (sexy vampire from Twilight).
The second reason are rumours of Harry being together again with his ex girlfriend Chelsy Davy. Since their break up rumours never stopped, but they were first seen together in public, leaving a London night club and acting more than friendly.


A BIG thanks to Darja for scanning these for us :) She is our Slovenian "dealer" :))

The Post Twilight Acting Future of Robert Pattinson

Article By Larson Hill

Given the increasing Twilight buzz surrounding New Moon star Robert Pattinson, it should come as no surprise to any Twilight Saga fan of Pattinson that the Twilight lead doesn't know how long he wants to be an actor. In a recent Twilight Pattinson interview with Seventeen Magazine (via MTV), that's exactly what Robert Pattinson revealed, stating, "I don't even know if I want to be an actor that long." Also, in relation to future movies beyond Twilight, New Moon, and the Twilight Saga in general, Pattinson admitted, "... if I start doing lame work, I'm not going to stick around and do it!" Interestingly, Robert Pattinson also revealed in the Twilight and New Moon related interview that he felt uncertain about his image from Twilight and that also being on the Twilight soundtrack at the same time made him looked ridiculous.

HQ Joepie Robert Pattinson Scan

Well Good Morning

Click for HQ:

Source Robert Pattinson Australia

DVR Alert: Entertainment Tonight Reveals New Moon Footage Tonight

It's odd, I thought I already SAW the entire movie :)) This clip has no Robert Pattinson in it but Entertainment Tonight promises more footage from the movie tonight!

It was such a nice time last year when I stayed completely spoiler free. I HATE spoilers but I LOVE YOU all so I suck it up and watch all of these previews. Come November 20th I'll have seen all of the movie ;)

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip ;)
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