Robert Pattinson:MORE! Vanity Fair Peggy Sirota Outtakes

Kate is having a hard time with photobucket so here are ALL the new outtakes. Sadly they aren't HQ...hopefully those will grace us with their presence soon.

Thanks to Mr.Pattinson for the pictures.

More Vanity Fair Outtakes with Robert Pattinson

See post above for all todays new outtakes!

Laugh of the day: OK! Magazine Scans

Lets all put on our big girl panties and take this one with a truck load of salt mmmkay?
We all know its nonsense.


Robert Pattinson & New Moon on the cover of "Tribute" Magazine

It's a new photo on the cover and the magazine is available in Canada.

Source:Let me

Robert Pattinson "Remember Me" Trailer Details

So apparently someone saw the "Remember Me" Trailer, which is still in production so bear in mind that it could be changed, anyway this is what they had to say about what they saw.
I'm hiding what was said in case it spoils it for anyone so .....

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