UPDATE: Added Full Interview (Scroll Down)
UPDATE: Added Transcript, Thanks to: ThoseBritishBoys
Check out this Sneak Peek Of A New Interview With Robert Pattinson. It's from a Film Magazine (don't know which one yet) that will be out soon.
The interview was done shortly after Comic Con and is for "Breaking Dawn Part 2" promo.
We'll have more from the interview as soon as it's available. For now enjoy the sneak peek ;-)
What advice would you give to your younger self on the first day of Twilight?
Robert Pattinson: On literally the first take of the first scene, I had
to run over and pick up Kristen. And I almost tore my arse-cheek muscle,
my glute, because I crouched down wrong. So I’d say: ‘Don’t squat down
so low’.
How was the Twilight experience changed you?
RP: I’m probably more insecure. My ego got smaller [laughs]. I thought I
was pretty cool after the first one. I finished the movie and for the
first time, I had some money. The
Twilight trailer had come out
and got eight million hits so I had all the best parts of being in a big
movie. I had meetings were people were saying, ‘This is the new hot
thing, eh?’ Everyone gave a shit about you, but no-one knew who you were
outside of that. So I spent eight months getting wasted with everyone
thinking I was great. It was really fun. It was different at the start.
TMZ and
all that stuff was getting prevalent and now, it’s insane. Becoming big
now, you became insanely conservative. Terrified about everything. Now I
just stay at home.
Did you keep any mementoes from the films?
RP: The first one, I kept pretty much the whole wardrobe because I
didn’t have any clothes then. There was an interview I did – with MTV or
something – with a superfan. I was supposed to go in and surprise her,
and after 10 seconds, she was like, ‘Are you wearing the same outfit as
Edward?’ I’d completely forgotten, but they were the same clothes!
Kristen describes you as being ‘ridiculously ambitious’. Is that true?
RP: I think I
want to be…The difference between me and Kristen is
that she can do a day of work and at the end of the day be like,’I did
the absolute best I could. Satisfied.’ Whereas I don’t think I’ve ever
had that day in my life. I always go home irritated and want to fix it
the next day. I don’t know who has the bigger ego in that case. Whether
hers is bigger because she thinks what she did is fine, or whether
mine’s bigger because I think I’m so great it’s never going to be good
What has the franchise done for you career in general?
RP: It’s done a lot. But the same time, you have to steer it. You can
sink just as quickly as someone who’s never had this. It’s not a free
pass. I think about how to carefully plan the route afterwards. You
can’t do anything you want. And if I ever stop acting, I want people to
remember my stuff as interesting after I got given my break.
Kristen’s interview –talks about Rob.
In what ways has Robert changed since the franchise began?
Kristen Stewart: Rob is ridiculously ambitious. I see this drive and
it’s only starting…especially right now because this is all coming to an
end. I guess it’s not a change, it’s just something that’s come out and
Most of the Rob bits are above but now you can read the FULL interview below
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