Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Will You Be In Heaven With Part 7? Do You Remember What Robert Pattinson Nurtured in 2014?

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway:  Will You Be In Heaven With Part 7? Do You Remember What Robert Pattinson Nurtured in 2014?

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The answer to Part 7 is very much love it or hate it. So was it YOUR idea of heaven?

Part 7: 2014
Besides his list of auteur directors Rob grew something else in 2014.
We want to know, what did Rob grow?

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Find out more about our ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway under the cut!

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Are you fixed for Part 6? Do you remember all Robert Pattinson's career highlights?

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Are you fixed for Part 6?  Do you remember all Robert Pattinson's career highlights?

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Here's the sixth question from the ROBsessed birthday giveaway celebration:

Part 6: 2013
Name the biggest thing that happened for Rob professionally in 2013? 

What do you do with the answer? What can you win?? Do you need any hints?  Check out the comments section!!
Find out more about our ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway under the cut!

Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

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ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Can you jive with Part 5? Do you remember Robert Pattinson's special words in 2012?

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Can you jive with Part 5? Do you remember Robert Pattinson's special words in 2012?

This was EPIC.

Part 5: 2012
What did Rob say about ROBsessed?

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Find out more about our ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway under the cut!

The Lost City of Z edition: Is that you Robert Pattinson?

The Lost City of Z edition: Is that you Robert Pattinson?

We pride ourselves of being able to identify BlurryRob in the toughest circumstances but some times a picture can make us ponder for a bit...this is one of those times.

RPAU has a good translation of SO Film's set visit and chat with James Gray HERE. The article also included BTS photos. One of those photos is designed to test your ROBsession. Let us see the evidence.

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On the left. Is it? Could it be? I'm going to tell you I say yes more than no. I think that's Rob and Charlie. Why do I think it's Rob? The hairline....the growth of the beard....the chin with beard growth...the lighter hue in the beard...the drop of the shoulder...the size of the neck...the appearance of a smile/lifted cheeks...we know Rob and the character are on this set...the blurry profile...the fact that it IS blurry...

These are the things that lingered in my ROBsessed mind. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? Take the poll and then tell us in the comments why you're saying, "AMEN, Tink!" or "Guuuurl, you crazy. You probably think a carrot looks like Rob."

ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway: Ready To See Part 4? Do you remember Robert Pattinson's immortalization in 2011?

You should now have a little list of answers, if not click HERE to see Part 1, HERE for Part 2 and HERE for Part 3.

And now we're onto Part 4. Good luck! 


Part 4: 2011
How was Rob immortalized in 2011?

Find out more about our ROBsessed Birthday Giveaway under the cut!

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