New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson shaggy haired and white teed during Remember Me junket (2010)

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson shaggy haired and white teed during Remember Me junket (2010)

Awwww this is cute. Rob was film Bel Ami at the time hence the long shag of DuRob.

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Photo caption: For that brief moment in time after our junket interview, when I became Mrs. Rob Pattinson. #twihard #teamedward #robpattinson #redcarpet #junket #celebrity #producer #robpattinson #miamiblogger #miamifashionblogger #latinablog #latinablogger #styleblog #styleblogger #nycblogger #newyorkinmiami #fashionblog #fashionblogger #twilight

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VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and two lion cubs equals cuteness! Queen of the Desert *SPOILER*!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and two lion cubs equals cuteness! Queen of the Desert *SPOILER*!

You know how this goes. Who knows how long it'll be up so get it while it's hot!

Thanks Nancy!

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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ROBsessed Quickie: Robert Pattinson delivers "one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year"

ROBsessed Quickie: Robert Pattinson delivers "one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year"

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Regarding Rob's performance in The Rover:
"The part is a breakthrough performance for the actor who brandishes a convincing Southern accent and reveals a depth of emotion in what is one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year, and if the film had been seen by more people, certainly merits awards nominations."
~Meraj Dhir - Great Films The Awards Missed… David Michôd’s The Rover, starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson signing autographs in Budapest (Feb 5)

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson signing autographs in Budapest (Feb 5)

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Via | Thanks Cosmo!

FANVID: Robert Pattinson works Berlinale and is this love that I'm feeling?

FANVID: Robert Pattinson works Berlinale and is this love that I'm feeling?

SlaveForRob has done it again! Here's her latest video featuring BerlinaleRob past (2012) and present (2015). She also picked a great sexy number to lace over her sexy vid.


Blast from the past - Robert Pattinson and Cosmopolis win the MTV movie brawl

You know you've moved into the later stages of ROBsession with Robert Pattinson when this next image is still embedded in your brain.

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For those of you who don't remember it was the voting screen for The Rover in the MTV Movie Brawl in 2014.  Unfortunately The Rover did not go on to win the competition in a year that 'Maps to the Stars' was also in the competition.

But it was 'Cosmopolis' that caused the big upset of the 2012 MTV Movie Brawl by beating The Hunger Games.  Seeing Rob collect his award made all those clicks worth it!! You have to watch the clip to see how much Rob loved it......

And hearing what David Cronenberg had to say still makes me a very proud fan ....

MTV: David, thanks for talking with us! Have you been filled in on what’s happened with “Cosmopolis” over here? 
David Cronenberg: You know, I’ve been following it! I’m shocked! I’m shocked and amazed and really tickled. It proves that movie fans are unpredictable and really interesting and really passionate. It’s fantastic. I would have never, ever imagined that this would happen. 
MTV: How did the tournament first get on your radar? 
Cronenberg: Somebody sent me something and said, “Hey, we seem to be doing OK in this Movie Brawl thing that MTV’s got going on.” I didn’t know about it. At that point, we were struggling with “The Dark Knight,” I think. I thought, “Wow, that’s pretty impressive!” Because “Cosmopolis,” while I think in terms of what it is as cinema is pretty hefty, but in terms of budget and promotion, it’s an underdog compared to something like the “Dark Knight” franchise. I really didn’t think we would have much of a chance. That really got my attention. 
MTV: What’s kind of incredible, too, is that right before that battle with Batman, “Cosmopolis” was up against “Twilight.” It was Rob versus Rob! In what we saw, it seemed that fans were putting their votes towards Rob’s future instead of his past. 
Cronenberg: Well, and I think that’s one of the things that I meant when I said it was interesting. Because that’s not the kind of thing you would predict. But it was really terrific, and in that sense, they’re right. As I’ve said many times, if you’re a “Twilight” fan, then you might not be interested in “Cosmopolis” because Rob is not Mr. Cullen. But if you’re a Rob fan, then you’ve gotto be interested in “Cosmopolis,” because you will see him as you have not seen him before, for sure.

So what stage is your ROBsession?  Is the 2014 MTV Movie Brawl voting page still in your 'most visited sites' history too? How proud are you that Rob's fans got David Cronenberg's attention?

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