Black and White Robert Pattinson on Remember Me Set

Going through Remember Me Withdrawals? I know I am...

Oh Rob where are thou?

Thanks to and MrPattinson for the pictures and thanks to Corrina for photoshopping them :))


Recycling the Old 'Cause I Heart Rachelle Lefevre and It's a Sad Day UPDATED

We never post NON-Robert Pattinson stuff but I'm making an exception because I'm truly very disheartened by the unfair replacement of Rachelle Lefevre. HERE is a petition if you'd like to get involved.

Rachelle Lefevre ‘Stunned’ Over ‘Eclipse’ Recasting

Rachelle Lefevre: “I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight’ audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I’ve received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit’s surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse’ only the very best,”

You can read the rest of Rachelle's press release on Access Hollywood
.You can find Summit Entertainment's Press release #1 HERE and their response after Rachelle's press release HERE.

Here and HERE are 2 petitions you can sign to show your support or write to summit PROTEST mail :
RE:Rachelle LeFevre VS Bryce Dallas Howard
Summit Entertainment,1630 Stewart St, Suite 120 Santa Monica, CA 90404

Robert Pattinson Back Stage at Comic Con

Check out the scream level increase when Rob's announced :))

And youtube:


In case you ever wondered what it's like for the "Twilight" crew as they gather backstage while a throng of their delighted and excited fans nearly jump out of their seats waiting for the crew to make their entrance at a panel discussion for the latest "Twilight" flick in the saga, "New Moon," well here's behind-the-scenes video evidence for your perusal.

At last week's Comic-Con, the crew including Robert Pattinson and a Joan-Jetted-out Kristen Stewart, all made their way to San Diego for the highly anticipated "New Moon" panel and how they act backstage is quite revealing indeed.

All the crew seems quite composed before they make their big entrances to the stage, but it's the way both Taylor Lautner and Robert interacted backstage that warmed our hearts. They were quite adorable play fighting in the moments before Taylor took to the stage. And, RPattz's excited smirk as he ascended the stairs to hit the stage was decidedly adorable.

Via TwiCrackAddict :)

ROBsessed Love From Portugal

Robert Pattinson Portugal selected us as their "flavor of the month"...I mean "Site of the month" :))

Thanks Robert Pattinson Portugal! (Who is also our newest affiliate since we only add people that show us how much they love us :) Just kidding! (kinda))

We'd also like to thank all of you for voting for us in the Top Sites thingy on the side bar! We started at somewhere in the 200s and we are upto #11 on Top Twilight Blogs/Sites and #1 on Top Celebrity sites. We appreciate the love so much!

How do we show our appreciation?In the best way we know: A video made by Biel :))

International Magazine Scans Wednesday Edition

A huge thanks to Darja for scanning and translating these for us :))

OK! Germany:
Vampire Fever in Germany

GALA Germany:

Generation Babyface

It used to be about man in Hollywood films: he had broad shoulders and strong arms and prominent chin and at the end he always got to be with the woman of his dreams. His name was George or Russel or Bruce. That kind of man is now OUT.

New models have soft hair, long lashes, blue eyes, gentle face and nose and soft jawline and they are young. Their names are Zac or Chase or Shia.(Gozde: Soft jawline? Are you crazy/blind?)
They can be action heroes like Shia in "Indiana Jones" or Kevin Zegers opposite Lee Majors in "The Story Of Bonnie and Clyde" or a vampire like Robert Pattinson in "Twilight".

Obrazi (Solvenia):

Robert Pattinson : Seductive vampire's sleepover at lovely Emma?

The main question asked, while one of the hottest young actors was strutting the streets of NY was: where is he going and why is he carrying a sleeping bag? He is working around the clock for a whole year and his movie Twilight made unbelievable 351 mil. $, so recession can't be blamed for his financial status and he could definitely afford a hotel room in Manhattan.
Some considered the possibility that 23 year old visited colleague Emma Watson, who was promoting the latest Harry Potter movie in NY. But why Emma, you might ask.
Not long ago she revealed for one of the American gossip shows: he is a great guy and she is incredibly happy for his success and she hopes he is handling his fame successfully. Gossip magazines were hoping for something more, but there is only friendship between lovely 19 year old Emma and couple of years older Pattinson, who were costars in one of the Harry Potter movies.
So, where was good looking Pattinson headed to on a beautiful sunny afternoon with a sleeping bag under his arm? Was that Kristin Stewart, his costar from Twilight and the highly anticipated sequel New Moon, scheduled to hit movie theaters at the end of the year? No one knows exactly, what is going on between those two ( are they in love or not, is Kristen leaving her boyfriend?) and if they will finally become a couple in private life as well as on the big screen.
One thing is for sure: he didn't sleep over at Kristin, he was headed towards Remember Me film crew, a movie he is filming this month in NY. In the sleeping bag, only Emilie de Ravin ( Lost) might join him - or, in the worst case (well, it depends) charming Pierce Brosnan. They all star in the movie that will be in movie theatres at the beginning of next year.

Gozde: They wrote a nice story on the picture no? At least there are no lies.
I think (my alcohol induced) "Robert Pattinson's Internal battle with the Sleeping Bag" story was better than this one but I may be biased :))

Recycling the Old 'Cause I Heart Rachelle Lefevre and It's a Sad Day

Post updated with new information.

Chris Weitz Likens Robert Pattinson Fans to "The Birds" :)

After watching the videos and going deaf from the screams I agree with him ;)

Interview by Lev Grossman at Time Magazine:

... so yeah, I was late.

But Chris Weitz was very mellow about it. We talked about Twilight fandom and the lessons of Golden Compass and Weitz's natural estrogen levels. But we will begin in medias res with a chat about the Twilight panel from that morning...

Chris Weitz: It was this crazy thing, which everybody was kind of warning us about. 7,000 Twilight fans in a room screaming for Rob.

Me: It's an uncanny sound. I think only teenage girls can make that sound.

That high, keening noise.

It's like Beatlemania.

That's the only thing I can think of, the Beatles. You see old footage of that type of thing. It happened in Montepulciano, when we were shooting there. It was like The Birds, but with young girls. You'd turn a corner and there would be one or two or three. And the next time you looked there would be 10, 20, 50, 100.

Then before you know it gas stations are exploding.

Exactly. I think basically the panel today would have worked perfectly for the fans if it had just been us sitting there, and they could just look at Rob and Taylor. Maybe Rob and Taylor would move a little.

Taylor seems the most comfortable with this level of scrutiny. He doesn't squirm as much.

It's funny. In a way he's the least prepared for the intense scrutiny, but he's very balanced about it. Whereas I think Rob and Kristen are very sheepish about it. Not that they don't appreciate it. But they're thrown a bit by it.

They just seem very human about it. I mean, who would not be freaked out by that?

If you enjoyed it too much it would be weird. It would mean you were addicted to that kind of adulation. The thing is, there's so much love coming towards you, but you can't really tell whether it's towards the characters or the actors themselves, or towards an image in the media. and that's strange.

How closely did you follow the look-and-feel of the first movie in New Moon? Did you want to make it your own? Or do a seemless transition?

I think there's a balance possible. I do want to make it my own, and I'm not really interesting in tweaking the world in the digital intermediate so that it gets this kind of blue gloss which the first movie had. (Gozde: Ouch! True but ouch for Catherine) I'm much more interested in having a fuller palate, and a richer palate. And we're able to shoot some scenes in sunlight, eventually, which is really kind of nice. And to shoot interior scenes that have a kind of rounded glow to them, like the Volturi ... bad-guy headquarters, for want of a better term.

The footage today looked great, and there wasn't even any FX in it.

Not that you would notice. There's little stuff like, everytime you see Edward as an apparition he's been shot against a green screen and then taken out of the picture, and then treated and put back in. So you do a lot of work just to make it seem like he's sort of there. And then there's a lot of wire removal and stuff that you don't notice.

I hope there's sparkling in this one.

There will be lots of sparkling.

Is it weird to be a guy directing Twilight? Since it's a franchise that's considered more for … the ladies?

I think at first it was odd for the fans when I came on board. There was a question of whether I was going to kind of try to bring some amped up macho mentality … I wouldn't even know how to do that. I think I'm pretty fem. I have a lot of estrogen. (Gozde: I love you Chris, I do :) And David Slade scares me. Maybe we should give him some estrogen as well?)

At first Stephenie was a bit surprised that I had been brought out as a first choice. But we met and chatted and it all worked really well.

These are the parts concerning Rob to read the rest go to Time Magazine :)
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