Unbound Captives to Start Shooting in 2009

Unbound Captives set is going to be too beautiful to handle:

According to this article about Ashok Amritraj (producer of Unbound Captives), the movie will be shot at the end of 2009 and will be released in 2011. I feel like I'm aging trying to follow Rob's every move, he must be exhausted doing the "moving" :)

From Deccan Herald:
Amritraj right now is excited about his 100th production, Unbound Captives, which will be shot towards 2009-end and ready for release by early 2011. “It will be a big epic in the scale of Laurence of Arabia, and Stowe’s first effort at direction. John Toll of Braveheart and Last Samurai will be the cinematographer. It’s probably the biggest in scope and scale among all my films, and will have a budget of 80-90 million dollars,” he says.

A word of caution
The film will be shot “between” New Mexico and New Zealand as the subject demands shoots in different seasons.

via PattinsonLife LJ

Blue Plaid Shirt Under Close Examination

Once again I missed these 2 "vital" details on Rob's clothing because I was mesmerized by his jaw, eyes, face etc. Seriously when I look at a Rob picture I only see Rob. People tell me there is a fan next to him and I believe them. But there is always one ROBsessed reader that will catch the details. This time it was Jules :)

Hole on the shirt, looks stitched back to hold the button.

Yeah, that's a very nice jaw...
*shakes head*
*Concentrate on the shirt, you have to concentrate on the shirt!*
Oh yeah, the collar? How long have you been wearing that shirt Rob? :)

Previously on Robert Pattinson's clothes: Stoli Shirt was NOT Made by Elves

Robert Pattinson Fan Encounter and Heineken Appreciation ;)

Thanks to Twitarded we have a new fan picture and story:

so i live in brooklyn and they were filming a few blocks away; I wanted to go over there but my dad and grandma think i'm fucking crazy (like no joke, they want me committed to which i respond, hello! i just graduated college with magna cum laude! holy shit you think I'd catch a break?!) so I called up my mom (who lives in CT) and she was like, you will never get over it if you don't go--you must go to the set, and take pictures! [YAY Mom!] So i go super-early the next morning and they weren't there until later in the day. I go back at 8pm and wait with a bunch of other girls, some fucking annoying 12 yr olds were running up and down the block trying to get his photo, they were kicked off set luckily - people like that just ruin everything for the respectful (and somewhat less crazy) people like me :) anyway, so the crowd dwindles down to around 10 people around 1:30 am, and we had been shivering and standing in heels for hours... the crew wouldn't give us any food (jerks - and not the good Jerkface kind lol). Rob finally came out with his bodyguards (all of the PA's and guards have nicknames on twitter from fans btw like "the regulator," "dr. phil" [note from STY - I know EXACTLY which dude this is 'cause I thought the same thing!] (Gozde: Hey!!! I came up with that name!) "evil taye diggs" - the list goes on) and they made us form a line and i was 2nd in line and i was shaking because i was fucking IN HEAVEN!! and cold too and i smiled at him and he he was laughing at something and he put his arm around my waist and i put mine around his and he smelled like a man i would want to do dirty nasty things to me (don't tell me boyfriend although he already knows) and beer, lots of beer (heinken bottles were all over the inside of his trailer--you'd think he'd have better-quality beer these days).(Gozde: Heineken is damn good beer. *Shakes head* Americans don't appreciate good beer :)) then we took the photo and i was in shock, and i forgot to do the one thing my mom made me promise, so i got in line again, and when it was my turn I whispered to him "so my mom said she would never forgive me if I didn't ask you out for a drink" and rob--laughing in his melodic voice--says "what? with your mom?" and i said "no with me hahahaa" and he replied "hahaha i don't drink" and i blurt out "hahaha yeah right!" and then the guards whisked him away very swiftly and i got a very strong need to wear blue and red plaid all of a sudden - it's like he sleeps in that shirt. he was just so gorgeous i honestly can't find the right words for it and yet so humble and nice to us...c'est tres magnifique!

What a LOAD of Crap: Famous, People, OK!

First Famous Magazine which is published by soulless aliens:

Does the picture look familiar? Oh yes it does. Thanks to Phosphorus for providing the link to it :))

Then People Magazine: I used to think People was the most respectable of them all... I guess they also realized crap sells (right Ted C.?)

And OK! with its usual crap:

Robert Pattinson's Least Favourite Q: What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner?

'New Moon' Stars Still Find Comic-Con 'Terrifying'
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner discuss life in the 'Twilight' spotlight.

By Larry Carroll
SAN DIEGO — Appropriately enough for a movie series about a vampire clan that never sleeps, "Twilight" day at Comic-Con began bright and early. Gathered together at 9:30 a.m. Thursday (July 23) for an invite-only press conference, a small group of reporters took up about a third of the massive ballroom at the Hilton Bayfront hotel, eager to talk fame, fiction and fanpires with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.

"This year, I have something to say," Pattinson laughed, remembering that he was overwhelmed to the point of near speechlessness last year. "It's much more terrifying."

"This is a severely emotional movie. ... There are high points for Bella, but she's a manic-depressive basically," Stewart said of her "New Moon" performance. "There was more to think about. It's a more mature part."

Speaking with other reporters before the event, none of us Comic-Con veterans could recall a movie having an event like this before. Summit Entertainment claimed an entire ballroom for media only, no Twilighters allowed. Not "Lord of the Rings," not "Iron Man" or anything else had ever needed its own press event — a testament to the enormous growth of both "Twilight" and Comic-Con in general.

"It's crazy," Lautner said when the trio were asked about how they've been dealing with the fame. "None of us saw it coming, and this past year has been a ride for us."

Kristen Stewart, who currently has short black locks to play Joan Jett in "The Runaways," laughed, "I cut my hair off."

"It's still so young to me, I can't claim anything as a low," Pattinson said when asked about his avalanche of fame. "I live a nearly identical life, except for being recognized. It's not the worst thing in the world. I never did anything 'normal' before — and now, I get other people to do that for me."

Pattinson confirmed that Thursday afternoon's massive fan event in Hall H will screen a clip featuring him. The line outside the convention center is arguably the longest in Comic-Con history.

Speaking specifically about Stephenie Meyer's franchise, Stewart said, "You're so much inside [Bella's] head, it feels like home."

"When I play it, I try to eliminate the vampire element as much as I can," Pattinson said of playing Edward Cullen. "I only see it as a tool to make things more fraught."

"I did a lot of the apparition scenes, which were me doing one line a week," Pattinson remembered of the ghost-like appearances he filmed at the beginning of the "New Moon" shoot. "I had a stress-free three months. All the pressure was on Taylor."

Asked for the one "Twilight" question they hope to never answer again, Lautner knew his answer immediately. "To growl. I'm asked that by a lot by fans, and I don't like doing that," he said. "So, fans, please don't ask me that. Wait for the movie."

Pattinson's least favorite question? "What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner?" he grinned.

Source: MTV.com

Here is a video of Anna Faris talking about what she'd like Rob to give her R:)

P.S.: I know the first video was posted before :)

Fear.Net Interview From Comic Con

With a new director, new cast members, and a whole new artistic vision, New Moon promises to be a more mature and emotionally fraught film than Twilight. Fear Net chatted yesterday with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, the stars of the hotly anticipated vampire romance, as well as Chris Weitz, the second director in the Twilight Saga. Learn what they told us after the jump.

On preparing for New Moon:

Pattinson: ...as soon as I finished Twilight I knew what I had to do and I knew I had a lot of work to do. I mean, gaining 30 pounds. I stayed focused and it all worked out well.(Gozde:Okay, I missed all comic con but Rob gained 30 pounds? It's Taycob that gained the weight no? And if Rob did gain 30 pounds where did they go, in his beanie? :))
On the fans at Comic-Con:

Stewart: I knew what to expect going into this so I was much less surprised. When I show up at these places I'm always sort of blown away. In this case I was ready for it. I think I was overcompensating. I was really tired.

Pattinson: We've seen just about everything there is to see with these fans during the past year, so we expect anything. And it was just awesome to be with them again and show them the two clips.

On the film's romance:

Stewart: The [romance was probably] the only thing that could bring this girl out of the deep. I mean, it's much more heightened depression. In this movie you don't get sad, it's like you die.

On the third film, Eclipse:

Stewart: But it's kind of nice because we are playing the same characters and building on them and digging deeper into their lairs.

On what was learned from the previous movie:

Weitz: For one thing, I have a wonderful cast, which is really the main appeal to me. Because when I was offered the film I hadn't read the books yet, and once I did I saw that there was this kind of deep current of longing and romance to it. I inherited a huge fan base, which is incredible for a director, because you know people are going to come and see your movie. That's the whole thing you worry about when you're trying to make a film, because it's so, so expensive and you work so hard and you make other people work so hard. So knowing that people are going to come and see it is tremendously refreshing.

On changes to the first film's vampire makeup:

Weitz: There's more consistency between shots, to be cold-blooded about it. (Gozde: LMAO, you mean his ears aren't red while his face is white in this movie? That's gonna be hard to get used to :P)) The whole thing has a different kind of look because this is a whole new breed of vampires altogether. The diamond skin we're remaking – it's gonna be groovy.

You can read more from Chris Weitz here at Fear.net.

P.S.: I am not entirely convinced this interview was done with Rob. Sounds like Taycob to me.

ET Online Video

Thanks To Laura for the link
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