Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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Robert Pattinson #weGOforRob Birthday Campaign

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It's coming up to that special time of the year again. But this year it's EXTRA special because this year Rob turns the big 3-0!

To honour Rob's 30th birthday the Go Campaign in conjunction with @RobPBirthdayPro have launched their fundraiser which got off to a fantastic start last night with over $3,000 raised already.

Making a donation to the Go Campaign to celebrate Rob's birthday couldn't be easier. Read more about the campaign and how you can donate below.

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From Go Campaign:
"Robert Pattinson has been an incredibly valued supporter of GO campaign for years. His passion for improving the lives of children around the world has allowed him to become an inspiring advocate for GO Campaign’s mission. In 2015 we had the honor and privilege of naming Robert as our first Ambassador! Truly, we couldn’t feel more grateful to have his continued support through the years.

As Robert Pattinson celebrates his upcoming 30th birthday, GO Campaign will also be celebrating its 10 year anniversary!

As all great anniversaries involve a little rumination, GO Campaign has not only been reminiscing about Robert’s amazing dedication over the years, but also about the remarkable dedication of his loyal fans. In our 10 years of existence, Robert’s fans have helped raise over $130,000 for GO Campaign! This is a powerful testament of what can be achieved when we put our hearts together

HERE COMES THE CHALLENGE – can we band together to raise $13,000 to celebrate Robert’s 30th birthday? We think we can!

This year, Robert’s fans have decided to join with GO Campaign once again to celebrate his birthday with a bang! For the next 30 days leading up to his big 3-0 on May 13th, Robert’s fans will be raising money for GO Campaign – propelling our mission of assisting Local Heroes forward to support orphans and vulnerable children around the world.

Let’s get those hashtags going #WeGOforRob #13GOingOn30 #RobertPattinson #88464kidsandcounting #GOCampaign
For the next 30 days, let’s come together in celebration of Robert and make a difference in the lives of those that really need it. You can feel confident that when you donate to GO Campaign, 100% of your donation goes towards our grantmaking - which means every single dollar goes towards helping a child in need. Robert may have a history of playing powerful beings on the big screen, but it’s the kindness in his day-to-day interactions and his big heart that really make him a superstar in our eyes. Here at GO Campaign, we believe we can all be superstars…and it doesn’t take much at all!"
If you'd like to make a donation just head over HERE to the Go Campaign site follow the step by step instructions and see what a difference every dollar/pound/euro can make! 

Also make sure and follow the Go Campaign and RobPBirthdayProject on twitter and check out the RobPBirthday Project Site

Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

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Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson Dior Portraits now in higher quality

These Dior images of Robert Pattinson from 2013 are now available in higher quality.  Bigger is always better when it comes to Rob pictures! Enjoy!

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Click below for more

Robert Pattinson portrait in good company

The photographer Jeff Vespa posted his portrait of Robert Pattinson today on his Instagram.

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Caption: Couple of portrait prints just for kicks. #robertpattinson #jakegyllenhaal #eddieredmayne #portrait

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Thanks Sally for the tip

Here Is....... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is....... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

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Thanks Nicole
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