New/Old Robert Pattinson Pics

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New Vanity Fair Outtake with Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart


Source RobertandKristen.ORG

New Moon Trading Cards

There are some New Moon Trading Cards available and there are some stills on them that are new. I'm only putting up the ones with Robward in them.

They are available on Amazon
Set 1-10 here
Set 11-20 here
Set 21-30 here

Source & Thanks to Thinking of Rob for the Amazon info

E! News & The Daily 10

E! News 10-16-09

The Daily 10 (10-16-09)

Thanks to Spunk-Ransom for the vids.

Robert Pattinson "How to Be" Casting Parts 1-3

Thanks to Thinking of Rob

Robert Pattinson in Joepie Magazine (Belgium) Full scan

So I'm giving you an Oh Hot Damn warning this time!

Click for Larger (if you can handle it) :

Source Melanie via Thinking of Rob

Video of Robert Pattinsons "How to Be" Casting

This is part 1 of 4. We'll post the others as soon as they go up ;-)

Move to post above.

2 New/Old Robert Pattinson Pics

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source

New Robert Pattinson Pic from Joepie Magazine (Belgium)


Source R Pattz Daily

Robert Pattinson in Ok Magazine (Australia)

Here we go again.
Do we really need to repeat how much crap this is??
Didn't think so.

Briefly here's what it says:
-Robert has opted to stay in Vancouver, on his week long break from filming, to be with Kristen who is still shooting scenes from 'Eclipse'.

-OK USA reports 'They cant be apart, they're far too much in love right now to go anywhere without each other.

-With crazed fans mobbing them everywhere they go, their hotel suite in Vancouver is the only place they get any peace - and with the entire 34th floor to yourself why would you complain.

-When they do venture out they love to shop. When shopping in a vintage clothing store recently Rob paid for all the clothes, including Kristens.

-The store manager is reported as saying 'She (Kristen) objected when he (Rob) pulled out his wallet to pay, but he gave her this very cute look, like, "Dont do this again" and she just smiled. -
They seem like they have been together for years - like an old married couple, but way hotter.

-Life & Style mag is quoted as saying 'Kristen was all over Rob' recently at a night out at a steakhouse in VA. 'They sat very close, at one point she had her hand around his neck'.


Big thanks to IrishTwilightSisters for this.

Robert Pattinson Picture Montage

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Rob with an added twist.

I'm off to bed, have fabulously sweet Rob filled dreams everyone!

Robert Pattinson on Who Magazine Cover (Australia)- New Moon Special Scans



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