InStyle Interview With Kristen Stewart - Update

*can opened worms everywhere!*

I promised an update on the InStyle Interview I posted 3 days ago. I got a response from the author. I am putting the email correspondence here word for word just because I promised.

Also some people seem to confuse InStyle with Life & Style. InStyle is a respectable fashion magazine, Life & Style is a tabloid.


Hello Mr. Renner,

I have one more question about your article if it's okay. You told me the interview was held in July yet your article says it's for Adventureland promos and describes Kristen's clothing from the day she was doing press for that movie. Which was in March not July. I am trying to be thorough about this. I am guessing you combined a couple of interviews?

Thank you so much for your time,

And the reply:

Hey there,

Yes, I interviewed Kristen a couple of times recently. The movie company wanted us to promote Adventureland first, that's why it's mentioned in the article. Most of the quotes used are from the recent interviews though.


The whole interview is behind the cut if you missed it... I know this won't make any difference 'cause people will believe what they WANT to believe but before getting all worked up about it sit back and try to think WHY you are getting so worked up :))

Oh and here's a manip that @Cyn_TR made for @MsJBell :)

Calmer now? :)

De-Tagged Robert Pattinson Picture from Virgin Blue

Thanks to bower_of_bliss for detagging it :)

Robert Pattinson in Slovenian and German Press

Thanks to Darja, our Slovenian dealer we have lots of scans and translations from Germany and Slovenia. Only 1 piece of crap which is quite an achievement :))

Slovenian New Moon Poster

Glamour Germany, October 2009

This scan made my day :))

Photosessions are the start of many Hollywood careers.

This Londoner is sporting the signature messy hair look since the age of 15.

Lady Slovenija 7.Oct.2009

Kristen in love, Michael offended

Will jealousy tarnish the wedding?

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are new idols of Hollywood movie industry. Since they made movie Twilight, they are a real life couple. Even more, they are thinking of wedding since they returned from their romantic holidays on one of Canadian islands. their friends say they are made for each other and wedding is the right thing to do. (Gozde: I mean obviously! who DOESN'T advice their 19 year old friend to get married? It's the right thing to do. *eye roll*)

"They understand and complement each other. In the euphoria of their popularity, they are each other' support," they say. Kristen's ex boyfriend, Michael Angarano is not happy about it. They have been together since 2004, when they made movie Speak. They broke up in summer, when Robert made his move. Friend fear his jealousy may tarnish Robert And Kristen's wedding. "Michael is crazy about Kristen and still hopes she'll break up With Robert and come back to him." (Gozde: I'm almost wishing this was true. Michael crashes the wedding, Rob slaps him and there's a bitch fight! One can only hope :))

TONS more after the cut :)

Alex Meraz: Robert Pattinson is So Mellow

Thanks to Twilight Britney Fan :)

If you are on twitter follow Alex Meraz. His tweets are becoming my favorites after Jamie Bower's ;) Oh and the Twilight Saga has an official twitter now: @Twilight. You can see the "real" twitters of TwiStars on that page. (No Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart or Taylor Lautner)

Robert Pattinson: SINGLE?

That's what EyeBiteTV says...

They should NEVER utter Khloe Kardashian and Robert Pattinson's name in the same sentence.

Thanks to Sleeper (Gizem) for the tip :)

Five Signs You Have a Crush on Robert Pattinson

Our long time reader and friend Khrissa flew to Sydney on Virgin Blue Airlines and she had a surprise waiting at her seat. No it wasn't Robert Pattinson sitting next to her but the new Virgin Blue magazine with Robert Pattinson cover kept her entertained ;)

I love these :))


Robert Pattinson - Yuji Tsunokami Photoshoot (Japan)

Robert Pattinson - Yuji Tsunokami Photoshoot (Japan) now without the tags thanks to


People Magazine : Special New Moon Edition - HQ

The magazine is on stands NOW. Run and get it :)


Thanks to Everglow for the scans :)

Robert Pattinson on Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors

Here are 12 quotes Robert Pattinson gave to .

Remembering His Lines

"Whenever I do a job I'm really kind of learning how to act from scratch again, [especially] when I haven't done it for a year. I've kind of forgotten how to do it!"

Taking the Backseat in New Moon

"It's just so nice being in a supporting role. There was so much pressure on Taylor for this one, and it's like, he didn't have a single bad day the entire shoot. I just stroll onto set, I'm like, 'Oh, I've got one line!'"

His Take on Edward
"I kind of just tried to make him a little bit more aware of the irony of the situation…a 109-year-old who's in love with a 17-year-old who he's pretending to go to school with."

Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors

"Literally, that would be terrifying if I suddenly — well, actually, it wouldn't be terrifying, it would be quite satisfying, actually, to be able to get someone pregnant from across the country. With a text message!" (Gozde: Rob is obviously not aware that he can actually get a woman pregnant with a stare ;))

Why He's Disgusted with Himself

"Because sometimes I look at myself in the mirror [Laughs] — I think anyone would be." (Gozde: Yeah, sure. I can see that...not...)

And the Signature Hair Secret Is...

"I just use water. No one ever believes me, but it's true."

Getting Deep with Kristen
"Kristen's a really great actress. I really like working with her, and she's very intense about things, and she'll go just as far as anyone else will want to go with it. If you want to go as deep as possible, into any form of material, she's more than willing to go there." (Gozde: the...gutter... :))

Under the Microscope
"It's funny what you really see when you're the subject of the completely bizarre gossip magazine industry. It's just like, 'WHAT?!?' All this stuff with Emilie [de Ravin, his costar in Remember Me] as well. The tabloids say stuff like 'They went on a date to an Indian restaurant.' We were doing a scene! There's a film crew there!"

Doing Interviews
"I don't find myself that interesting as a human being, so I don't really think that much of what I say or do warrants being recorded." (Gozde: Rob here is a grip, get it :) We love everyword you say)

Where He's Going Next…
"I might go to some tiny little town in Idaho with, like, three people living there." (Gozde: Believe me those 3 people will know you. You should follow my suggestion HERE. Remote island :))

Why He Shaved His Head

"I'd just done with the GQ shoot, and I got it cut after that, on the shoot, and I just thought, Well, I've just done a GQ cover, I might as well get my hair cut."

Nikki about Robert Pattinson

First Impressions
"The first time I met Jackson [Rathbone] was on the flight to Portland, and he had his guitar and his glasses, and I was thinking to myself, Oh boy, another introverted musician/actor. [Laughs] And I don't really know what I thought of Rob. My opinion of Rob has always sort of been the same. He's a great guy, he's really talented, [but] we're not as close as the rest of the cast."

Setting the Record Straight
"I can't win, even if I say something relatively bland. A few weeks ago I was at this event, and they said, 'You missed Rob's birthday, how do you feel?' And I said, 'I called him, it's fine.' And they wrote, 'She's clearly bitter over the breakup.' I'm like, what breakup? Rob and I were never together. (Gozde: Nikki, people will believe whatever they want to believe. Even I learned that and I only run a blog. When I publish something people believe I'm golden when it's the opposite of what they believe I'm a fat, delusional liar who needs to get a life :))

Ashley Green about Robert Pattinson

First Impressions
"When I met Rob, he literally didn't make any impression on me. He's quiet, he's not very outgoing, he wasn't like, 'Hey! What's up? I'm Rob!' So with Catherine, she was basically like, 'So, that's Rob.' And I was like, 'Oh, cool.' And it's just so funny now looking at it, because every girl swoons over him."

Kellan Lutz Robert Pattinson

If the Entire Cast Did Get in a Fight...
"I'd beat everyone, even Taylor, no doubt. If they all tried to jump me, they might have a chance. Rob can slap pretty hard though."

Thanks to Laura for the tip :) Robert Pattinson "I Can't Find a Date"

Update: YES I know this is part of an OLD interview. But Rob is on the front page of and I thought it was kind of cute some of the quotes and good promo for our boy.

Women take note: It may not be as hard to find your way into Robert Pattinson's heart as you might think. Just remember his name.

"Girls scream out for Edward, not Robert," the Twilight star tells the Sydney Morning Herald. "I still can't get a date."

Not that the 23-year-old actor is starved for attention. Far from it.

"Like yesterday, I was having lunch down the road," he tells the paper. "We were in this place for a couple of hours and suddenly there was like 400 people outside on the street. It was just so nuts and it's like that all the time now."

Still, even though Pattinson returns as sexy vampire Edward Cullen in the much-anticipated sequel New Moon, he thinks some of the hysteria will die down.

"I'm not the lead in the second film. Taylor [Lautner] is," he says, smiling. "I appear in Bella's dreams. So I'm in it but the focus is not on me."

Instead, he only has "significant moments" at the beginning of the movie and at the end, he says.

"So I'm more of a supporting role in this one, which is why I felt so free," he says. "I didn't have to deal with any of the b------ of the first one. I don't have to hold the movie or worry about the fans. I think I did it better without all those pressures."


Hmmmm...I have a hard time believing that this:

cannot find a date.

Thanks to my husband Ben who found this article on people for me.

Series City Poster Preview: Robert Pattinson

This is the image from the previous Series City post but just a delightfully larger version.

New 'New Moon' Still


Robert Pattinson in Glamour Magazine (Sweden)

Jessica (Gossip_Dance) scanned and translated Sweden's Glamour Magazine. Enjoy!

Article by: Francesca Orsini, Carin jonsson
Photo: Nathaniel Goldberg

Hottest right now!

Forget Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp... According to a survey, among Glamour readers, Robert Pattinson is the hottest right now. And doesn't he have everything to wish for in a man... he's sexy casual, makes great music and is dangerously handsome!

A taxi has driven in to him (without causing any damage to him), he makes strange statements about not washing his hair and changes hotel periodically to avoid excited fans.

Hollywoods new darling Robert Pattinson has what makes young females to scream whenever he's around, which has resulted in him needing atleast two bodyguards these days....

Is it his charming british accent, his credibility as a sexy vampire in the "Twilight"-movies or that he looks dangerous and cute at the same time, just like hunk icons such as Marlon Brando och Johnny Depp? Or is it because he just wants to be an ordinary guy, without attention, who'd rather read book and produce malencholy music in an appartment in soho (two of his songs are in Twilight)?

You decide on your own. Glamour wanted to know everything about the sensation that makes many women tremble.

Breaking Dawn Casting Calls - WRONG again

As we cautioned you yesterday the Breaking Dawn casting rumors along with the Portland location are confirmed to be false by Summit. I guess we won't be posting anything from (previously known as again...

Thanks Twilight Lexicon
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