More Pics Of Robert Pattinson On The Set Of Cosmopolis

More Pics Of Robert Pattinson On The Set Of Cosmopolis

I have been waiting all morning to try these Irish Sausages that Kate sent for me.


Sarah: Ooh they look nice , can I try some?

Rob: No you can't! Didn't you hear me Kate sent them FOR ME!
Get your hands OFF my sausages.


Bear would love these sausages, I wonder would Kate mind if I gave some to Bear?


Oh Mr Pattinson, this could take a while...... there's dog hair ALL over you!
Was Bear sitting in your lap? ;-}

(Kate: I NEED to know where I can apply for the Bear Hair Remover Job! )


Click for Larger

Source , Celebuzz, Source & Source

New/Old Pic Of A Beanie Clad Robert Pattinson

Edited to add: Tink did a bit of detective work (she's good at that!) and reckons the pic is from this night on the 19th November 2008, I reckon she's pretty spot on ;-)

Aah yes Robert Pattinson in his beanie and LOOK it's the Stoli shirt!!


Click & Click Again For Larger

Source via Source

*NEW *Robert Pattinson on The Set of Cosmopolis!

Robert Pattinson on the set of Cosmopolis in Toronto! Finally! And he looks happy albeit a bit tired :))

Pictured here are Sarah Gadon, Kevin Durand and David Cronenberg (director) alongside Rob.

Lookin' good Mr. Pattinson :)



Yes gentleman I am THAT good looking...

And watch me drop thousands of females on the ground just by LICKING my thumb

Sarah: You mean like they just drop?
Rob: Have you SEEN my thumb licking skills?

It took sometime... but I perfected it...


Sarah: Yeah that's hot...
Rob: I know....


Click to enlarge and enjoy Rob :)

Tons more after the cut :)

Great *NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" NYC Premiere Video

I love this video Of Robert Pattinson from the "Water For Elephants" Premiere in NYC.

Source Twitarded via twilightish

Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson Playing Air Guitar - April 2009

Since things are SO slow (Rob, come out and play for Kate's Birthday?) I thought I'd post one of my favorite "Robert Pattinson Out and About" photos. Rob outside 100 Monkey's Concert on April 19th 2009.

Is he playing air guitar? Is he talking to himself? Who can tell? One thing's for sure we L.O.V.E and miss Rob out and about :)

And if you want a blast from the past for the comments check THIS out for when this was posted in 2009 :)





Thanks to Robert Pattinson Source for the pictures :)

Click to enlarge:

Happy Birthday Kate!


Happy Birthday Kate!

We love you madly. Thanks for being the co-captain of our vessel :)

When I "stopped" blogging this blog would have died a painful death if it weren't for you. Thanks so much for always putting the blog first and for your friendship.

Wish we were there to have a pint with you or some wine and chocolates but since we can't we made a video you can dance to :)

Love you!

Happy Birthday!

Gozde, Kat, Tink

Big thanks to Marina for the wallpaper :)

Robert Pattinson screencaps from Water for Elephants Barcelona Promotion

Robert Pattinson screencaps from Water for Elephants Barcelona Promotion

You guuuuuys....why is WFE Barcelona holding out on us?? You know these have to be from a video. Ugh. I WANT. I want the videos and I want the HQs and I want it all.

Enjoy the caps from the press conference photocall, the premiere photocall, and the press conference. He looks delicious of course.










LOADS more $*@!hawt caps after the cut! (75 total)
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