Robert Pattinson Picture Montage

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Rob with an added twist.

I'm off to bed, have fabulously sweet Rob filled dreams everyone!

Robert Pattinson on Who Magazine Cover (Australia)- New Moon Special Scans



Update: Robert Pattinson will NOT be appearing on "Friday Night with Jonathan Ross"

The Irish Twilight Sisters was notified today, by Jonathan Ross, that Robert Pattinson will not be appearing on his show, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, in November, as was previously reported.

I can confirm that Jonathan had been looking forward to conducting the interview and had previously expressed to me that he hoped he could 'do a good job' for us fans, in the interview.

We can only assume the reason Robert had to pull out of the interview is due to other work commitments around the New Moon release, but we hope to bring you news of further interviews with Robert & other cast members are we receive it.

Thanks to Bee from the Irish Twilight Sisters for the update.

PopSugar's Missed Moment with Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson Celeb Sighting! (AKA The Saddest Celeb Sighting Story Ever Told)
In September of 2008, I was still resistant to the Twilight phenomenon. It was idiotic, I know, but the movie hadn't come out yet and the books seemed a little too young for me ( need to say it, I KNOW). Considering what percentage of my day and job — — is taken up by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and all the rest of the cast now, it feels so silly. And thus begins the story of my biggest professional,, regret. My colleague and friend Becky and I were set to attend the 2008 MTV VMAs in LA. We were so excited for our first big red carpet together and got all gussied up for the event. During the red carpet the celebrities' publicists would come over to offer interviews for their clients "Would you like Kid Rock? Would you like Chris Brown?" Then, one came over and said, "Hey, would you ladies like to chat with Robert Pattinson? He's from the upcoming Twilight movie?"

I answered, "Is Kristen Stewart available?" since at that point, she was more famous to me (Panic Room being a classic, in my eyes, plus she had worked with Adam Brody...). The publicist said no, we gave a tepid "Sure, we could maybe talk to Robert..."

Right as Robert was making his way down the red carpet, closer and closer to us who did we see but Brody Jenner! Believe me, this hurts me to even talk about, but we let Robert walk right by. We were trying to talk to Brody. As you can see from this photo — we were SOCLOSE. Sigh, how much would I love to have that moment back? Since then, Robert has obviously blown up into one of the biggest stars in the world. There will be chances to talk to Rob on red carpets to come, but nothing like catching him right before the storm, right before everything changed in his quiet life. My celebrity sighting of Robert Pattinson is a sad, sad tale.

Lesson learned: Believe the hype and never question millions of teens. They're usually right.

Epilogue: At the InTouch Icons and Idols afterparty that night at the Chateau Marmont, Robert was alone smoking in the corner all night. Not even talking to anyone. I was busy making small talk with one of the kids from Greek. FML

Hilarious account from PopSugar and thankfully they have learned the error of their ways. Everyone makes mistakes. Thanks for the laughs.

Robert Pattinson #2 on Empire's 100 Sexiest Movie Stars

Johnny Depp is #1 on their list.

20minuten Asks Robert Pattinson About Sex Scenes in New Moon (huh?)

Link to the interview:

How are you?

Pattinson: Really good. In contrast to the 'Twilight' shooting, being on the set of New moon was much easier and not as stressful.

There won't be any sex scenes this time either.

Pattinson: Yes. It's a shame although I'd find it rather strange to do those kind of scenes.

Aren't you tired of letting the fans wait?

Pattinson: Yes, I am! However, they will have to wait until last movie.

'Twilight' turned you into a much sought-after heartthrob.

Pattinson: I didn't start acting to have people scream at me when I'm walking down the street.

Does it bother you?

Pattinson: Yes!It's a challenge!I never stay in the same place longer than 20 minutes.

You had a panic attack during the Twilight premier. Why?

Pattinson: The situation was just too much. I wasn't allowed to stay away but normally I don't watch my own movies.

Are you embarrassed?

Pattinson: The movie's just not interesting to me anymore after shooting. That's my recipe for avoiding a huge ego and depressions.

Do you sometimes read the gossip?

Pattinson: No. I don't want to be affected by other people's opinions.

Big thanks to DeeDee for doing the translation for us

New/Old Cannes Interview of Robert Pattinson

I love that he says "I'm 1 METRE away from killing myself" :) So European... (Update: I'm a dumbass since Brits use imperial units as well :))

Thanks RobPattzNews :)

New/Old Pics of Robert Pattinson at Planet Hollywood

Please can I have this womans job?(whatever it is)

Click for the rest


New /Old Pics of Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart at the Today Show

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Online

HQ Promo Pics Of Robward

Click for HQ's :

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