Do you have trouble sleeping because you just saw a picture of Robert Pattinson and can't "cool" down?
Do you see an old picture of Robert Pattinson and automatically know where/when it's from?
Do you hide your "infatuation" with Robert Pattinson from your friends/family and coworkers?
Do you find playing "Where's Rob?" fun?
Do you have friends with Robert Pattinson pictures as their avatars on Twitter, facebook etc. and you think that's TOTALLY normal?
Do you check ROBsessed first thing in the morning, last thing at night....and 20 times in between?
Do you know what RobStu, Robsten, Taybert, Robvador, Robward stand for?
Do you read "Robert Pattinson ... promo" as "Robert Pattinson ... Porno"?
Then you suffer from ROBsession and apparently there's a cure now! I got this in my inbox about 2 weeks ago:
I tweeted it, not sure who came up with the song but we decided it should be our theme song and asked the always BRILLIANT PetitBiel to make a video for us :) We exchanged some ideas and we are honored she accepted to make it for us!
So without further ado here's our official stand on the cure for ROBsession:
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Rehab....Just Deal Us Some RobCrack :)
Thank you Biel :))