Enough of my chattering...let's get to the man of the hour dishing out porn like it's going out of style.
I really don't wanna get profane with this picture because I feel like if I start....I won't be able to stop then next thing you know, someone's lost an eye. But are you on the same page with me? Please be on the same page. In case you aren't...concentrate on everything happening with his lower body. Every inch. Ok that's enough from me.
See now? Rob knows my mind was in the gutter. He's scolding me with his smirky, sexy, sneery, smolder.
I only blame him. He knows what he's doing on the red carpet.
The look of a man who knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
We started this pornographic post with some bottom lip porn...let's end it there.
Click the thumbnails for more Dries Von Noten SuitRob at the Water for Elephants UK premiere!