During the
Twilight Convention today, some of the cast: Peter, Charlie, Dan and Booboo spoke about Rob.
Peter:-During filming of Twilight he said that Rob said to him once that he didn't understand why they don't just eat people.
-It was really him (Peter) that Rob/Edward threw to the ground during that scene (not doubles) & viceversa
Charlie and Dan:-Fav twi character besides themselves: Charlie's fav is Edward.
(Kate:Good taste) Dan's is the wolves.
Charlie just called Rob Pussy whipped Pattinson. [he was asked who his favorite character is and he said it used to be Jacob but now Its Edward cause he feels like Edward needs a little fire up his ass cause Jacob taking over..then he said "ya I like Edward..but not when he's like...idk...if he's like pussy whipped pattinson then no" or something like that and everyone died laughing and was like OOOOOO and he just smirked and shrugged..it was really funny]
Booboo:-What was it like working with RPatttz: Booboo says he is really funny
(Kate: Don't we know it!)-Someone asked if Booboo has listened to RPattz on the Eclipse DVD commentary LOL
(Kate:Let's hope Boo Boo has a good sense of humour!)Tweets from
Twilightish &
T_MauricexoTo read other tweets about the rest of the Twilight Cast go to
Robsten Lust Online