This man......what a dream.... *le sigh*
HQ scans from the magazine under the cut!
LCDC: We are one month away from the festival: is the film complete?
Josh: Almost: Oneohtrix Point Never made the music, and for the end they wanted a song en interaction with the film. We asked Iggy Pop, and he sings an incredible song in the style of Johnny Cash. Do you know how I learned we were in competition? Six months ago I was in Los Angeles at Robert Pattinson's house. He has Japanese toilet that blows hot air. I had never experienced such a thing ... I loved it so much that Robert said to me: if we go in competition, I buy you the same. And we were invited out of competition. Six hours before the press conference, we had a meeting to find out if we were really out of competition, because at the same time we were invited to La Quinzaine, and Rob was trying to contact me over and over again, but i was at this meeting, and suddenly he sent me a text message with a photo of the toilet! Thierry Frémaux had just announced him we were in competition. I was extremely surprised! It was extraordinary.
LCDC: This is the first time you work with a star.
Josh: Pattinson is English, and the actors around him come from the world of the film. He spent five months working on his character. He doesn't have the experience of this life. I wrote him a biography from the day he was born to the first minutes of the film. We wanted to shoot into the streets, but wherever we went, people wanted to take a picture of him. We developed the appearance of his character so that nobody recognizes him. But he is so professional! He is never complaining. It's him who contacted us. He had seen a picture of Mad Love in New York on the Internet, he asked to see the movie, he saw it, and told us: whatever you want me to do, I will do it.Click HERE to visit PAW and read the entire translation!
LCDC: What about your science fiction project?
Claire Denis: It's a SF project, but in my own way, very software (laughs)! (...) I'm strarting the preparation in a few weeks. It's an English-language movie that will be filmed in Germany. (...) It takes place in the space, not on Earth. This is a project I have had in my mind for the last fifteen years. At the time I thought of Vincent Gallo to play the leading role but the producers are often afraid of him. One day Robert Pattinson contacted the person who was doing the English casting. I was intrigued but I tought he was too young. Every time I went to London to meet some actors, he was there. His desire to work with me has never faltered. And now he is a little less young and it's perfect.
LCDC: He is one of those actors whose we can feel the intelligence when they play.
Claire Denis: Yes, absolutely. He has a lot of humor too. I tought it was so strange that this young man wanted so much to work with me when he could do whatever he wanted. I was almost embarrassed. But his unwavering envy and our mutual recognition have done their work.Source: Les Cahiers du Cinéma | Translation and images via: PAW - Good Time; PAW - High Life
Robert Pattinson is back in cinemas on October 8 with the film Life, by Anton Corbijn dedicated to James Dean, cinema legend who died exactly 60 years ago in a car accident. The actor became famous as a vampire in Twilight, however, did not take the role of the legendary Jimmy (playing him is Dane DeHaan), as widely expected, but that of photographer Dennis Stock, who in 1955 - the year of the stars death - snapped a series of photographs for Life magazine and immortalized James Dean as no one before him had done. Anton Corbijn is dedicating the whole movie to the relationship of trust that exists between the two: to speak in more detail about the film is Robert Pattinson, in this exclusive interview during the filming of the movie.Original Source
Dennis and James. A photographer on the verge of bankruptcy and an artist on the front page. Tell us about the dynamics of their friendship.
The story of the two has a very original dynamic. James Dean is a character so sympathetic and Dennis, however, is not always so. There is a time for me, that sums up their diversity fully. There's this scene where James Dean is playing with his cousin, and Dennis just says, 'I do not know how you can do it.' In essence he is saying 'I do not understand what they're trying.' Dennis had a son, of course, but does not love him and that's just awful. He is perpetually filled with the negativity, so full of anxiety, to the point of being irritating. I can not think that there are such people, you can not believe the fact that they say about not being able to love. It's kind of horrible, but in its being is a tragic character too charming. And as I said the dynamic between them is very interesting.
James Dean is a myth. Have you ever had an influence on your career?
I have long admired his work. I believe that in 16 years a lot of actors have had their 'James Dean' stage and for most of them, the important thing is not to interpret the role but become part of the myth linked to him - and I also experienced one of the two phases. He is certainly still an icon but Dane (DeHaan) would be able to answer that question better than me because he's more tied to James Dean, his figure, the myth.
Would you be interested to play the part of James Dean?
Oh no, absolutely not (laughs) Dane did a great job.
How did it go with Anton Corbijn?
Working with Anton Corbijn has been a great honour and his first film Control (about the life of Ian Curtis, leader of Joy Division), was the reason why I decided just to accept the part. I loved the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed Anton's style and I knew that LIFE would have followed the same path.
With the camera instead?
To practice better, I took some pictures on the set of LIFE and the other films that I was shooting The Queen of the Desert where I play with Nicole Kidman. So for a few months I took a number of wonderful horrifying pictures with a 1953 Leica M1. It was the staff of Dennis, but the same pattern. It should be a model came out some time before that of Stock. It's beautiful, and it works perfectly. I think that will never break. "
Who was Stock?
Dennis was always worried that everything went wrong. He felt haunted by the possibility that the public would not follow him, they were not on his side. But at the same time, I thought he was a completely current. It's the story of someone who is trying to become an artist, and the fear of not being able to achieve his dream is the saddest part of his life and demoralizing. Dennis is the kind of artist who is so fearful of not being at the height of his profession that he would use excuses for anything. When Jimmy sees for the first time, it's fun because it has just that effect is undeniable. Being in contact with someone who is reaching his potential is very good to see. Relating to James Dean and all that was happening to him, also allowed Dennis to believe a little more in himself.
Do you believe, therefore, that James Dean had a positive influence on the photographer?
Absolutely yes. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement and the fact that Jimmy told him 'These are fantastic' while showing him pictures showing him, for him was a huge source of pride. I think at that specific time Dean has shown clearly and paved the way for Stock. Jimmy was regarded as a true artist who has had a profound impact on his life. And so, when Jimmy gave his approval, well, that's all you need sometimes - this is all you need to start believing in yourself. And I think that's what happened. For Dennis, the meeting with Jimmy was fundamental and has changed his life and certainly his work.
SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN: "Everybody has a James Dean phase."
Do you see parallels between your life and James Dean's life?
A little, but funnily enough I wasn't really interested in James Dean's life, maybe because I experienced something similar.I didn't find my own life very interesting.I was more interested in Dennis Stock from the beginning.
Dennis Stock sacrifices the relationship with his family for his career. Do you know that feeling?
Not really. I don't believe Dennis truly sacrificed something, he told himself he did. He never thought about his son only when he used him as an excuse. That's what drew me to the role: here is a person that doesn't love his kid and waits for his life to make sense, but that never happens. He is a tragic figure. In later interviews you can tell he didn't learn a thing. At 80 he still complained about only being famous for the James Dean pictures although those were the ones he made money with.I really don't want to badmouth him, but I met his son Rodney and he says he was a bad father, but what can you do when you don't love your child? Everybody hates you for it, but you still have to live your life.
Is James Dean important to you as a role model?
I think every young actor has a James Dean phase.If you think about it: his movies were made in 1955 and 1956 and he still has such a huge influence. His gestures are a bit over the top, because he was just starting out. There isn't one bad picture of him and not just because he had such a good face, but because he had this intuition about how his face was seen by the camera.
How do you deal with being the object of photographers?
It's difficult. When the first Twilight movie came out I wanted to be seen a certain way. I thought I could control which pictures would be put out there. But that was impossible and I got scared of that loss of control. At the beginning of my career I had some friendships with journalists, we went out together, but I can'tdo something like that anymore. Now everyone tries to get an exclusive detail out of me and the worse the detail, the better.
Your life resembled a soap opera in the past few years. How did you feel about the reports on your life?
I never talked about my private life, but that didn't make a difference and people just made up stuff.I made the decision not getting my picture taken because I thought without new pictures people couldn't write stories, but they just used old pictures. It's gotten better now, I decided not to hide anymore and wear a hat and a scarf. It just drives you crazy.
So the worst is the paparazzi then?
Not only them. I used to get scared when people stared at me. It makes you feel like you are being judged, but I learned one thing: never Google yourself. That can become an obsession. Just imagine there are people talking about you in the next room, of course you are going to listen to it! It's worse on the internet and especially when you live a lonely hotel existence like actors do, you end up sitting in front of the computer to remind yourself who you are.
How do you manage not to loose your mind being alone in a hotel room?
Who says that that didn't happen already?
DIE PRESSE: "I'm not wearing a mask anymore."Original Source
Picture of life: In Anton Corbijn's beautiful drama LIFE, Robert Pattinson plays Dennis Stock, the photographer who shot the iconic picture of James Dean on Times Square.
Boy band, TV star of movie vampire, becoming famous as a teenage sex symbol can be a blessing or a curse for a young artist, but there is almost no other way to gain market values this quickly in show business. On the other hand getting rid of the reputation as a teen heartthrob is something many failed spectacularly. Contract to those who failed, Robert Pattinson seems to have been able to move past his history as a pale Twilight vampire in several ambitious movies he showed true acting talent, like in LIFE the fascinating story about the creation of one of the most famous pictures of the 20th century directed by the Dutch photographer, Anton Corbijn.
Are you a James Dean fan?
I was never really interested in him as a person, but as an actor he was huge. He was fearless in his acting and his movements were like ballet. What fascinated me, especially now where I looked at so many pictures of him, is that there is no bad picture of him. But that is not because he looked great, he played with the camera and he did that in a time where one wasn't photographed everywhere.
What about you? Do you like playing with the camera?
I'm definitely not a natural talent like James Dean (laughs), but I'm getting there. I wasn't able to control it. When the first Twilight movie came out I thought I had some kind of control about the pictures of me that were out there and you could see my panic over loosing that control.
Did you ever have a relationship with a photographer as James Dean had with Dennis Stock?
Not with photographers, but with journalists. When Twilight came out, there were a couple I got along with great. I remember when the first feature about me came out in a big British magazine, it was cool how that came about. The journalist and me went to a bar and got drunk (laughs) I can't do something like that anymore.
Is that something that annoys you? That you can't just simply go to a bar and see what happens?
It's slowly getting possible again. When something is as massively hyped as Twilight people don't care for individual nuances or details anymore. Everything you say creates huge reactions, but it has really calmed down a lot.
Do you wear a disguise when you go out?
No. A few weeks ago I decided I won't need to cover my face with a scarf unless it's cold. So I stopped with that and survived.
Sometimes your life seems like a soap opera. Do you also see it like that yourself?
Yes, of course. I was always adamant that I won't talk about my private life, but that didn't make any difference (laughs). People would always make stuff up. I became a part of a story that was told by someone else and I could do anything about it.
Dennis Stock sacrificed a lot for his career. Do you sacrifice as well?
Not really. I don't believe that Dennis sacrificed anything. He just told himself he did. In the end it's just about him and his fear of failing as an artist and so he looks for people he can blame for his failures. He doesn't think about his little son at all, only when he sees him as a burden. He is only focused on himself and waits for things to change and suddenly make sense, but that doesn't happen. He really is a tragic figure. If you look at recent interviews of him, you can see he didn't learn anything. At 80 he still complains of only being known for the James Dean pictures, but they are the only job he ever made money with.
Robert Pattinson: “I don’t look anything like James Dean.”
Also teen-idols grow up and in case of Robert Pattinson they even become an actor. Rob about his new movie LIFE, a biographical drama by Anton Corbijn, about the relationship between photographer Dennis Stock and film legend James Dean.
Pattinson: “I understood immediately why Anton wanted me to play Dennis Stock and not James Dean”, explains Pattinson about the surprising, but clever choice. “People would have immediately drawn a comparison between us. But I don’t look anything like Dean, not when it comes to looks and not as an actor. I also didn’t die at 24 years old. The only thing we have in common is that we are both famous. Dean owes his fame to people who looked up to him and asked him for advice about life, through his movies, the photos by Dennis Stock, his personality and mystery. I owe my fame to people who were fans of the Twilight books and thanks to the fact that they accepted me as the face of one of their favorite characters.”
For Dean fame was a heavy load to carry. How do you handle it?
Pattinson: “It’s easier for me now than in the beginning. When I had my breakthrough with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (in which Pattinson had the supporting role of Cedric Diggory) I was recognized in the street and people asked for an autograph, but during Twilight it became a madhouse. I couldn’t leave the house without having screaming fans or paparazzi following me. For two years I had an enormous problem with this and I was regularly in a slump. There were moments that I felt lost, disconnected from everything and everyone. Because I missed the ordinary everyday things. Walking in the park, having a drink with friends, but after seven years in LA I got used to my new life. I feel comfortable. I also notice that the worst part is over. Recently I went out with friends in London and that was fine. People let me be. A full beard and wearing a dirty sweater always help (laughs).”
And that for a style-icon and the poster boy of Dior.
Pattinson: (laughs) “Me a style-icon? I think it’s funny that people even dare associate me with fashion. I’m absolutely no fashionista. I always wear the same jacket and tee shirts. Sometimes for weeks on end. And because I moved frequently the last few years, there are hardly any clothes in my closet. Which is really weird. I stole almost every piece of clothing that I ever got for a premiere. Just don’t ask me where I left all those things.”
Back to LIFE: Dennis Stock died in 2010, but if you wanted advice about photography of course you could always turn to Anton Corbijn.
Pattinson: “That is right. Apart from director Anton is also a photographer who has photographed many famous people and given them their public image. Think about Joy Division or Depeche Mode. Immediately you think about Anton’s iconic photos as soon as you mention those names. Anton knows perfectly what kind of impact an image can have and how revealing or manipulative it can be. The first thing Anton did was to push a camera in my hands and encouraged me to make a reportage. That’s how I discovered that there are many similarities between acting and photography. Dennis was a shy guy who feared that he would never become as good as he hoped he would be. That insecurity hindered his potentials for a long time. But eventually he got to know Dean and he understood that he was dependent on the material and the people in front of his lens. The same applies to acting if you want to make it your profession. You can only be good when the script is good, when the director is good and you know where you want to go.
Interview without a hangover. Robert Pattinson used to suffer from hangovers during former press days, today he tells us how he grew up.Robert Pattinson became world famous playing the vampire in the Twilight Saga. The 29 year old British actor has long grew out of the role that made him famous and has become a convincing talented character actor like in his new movie LIFE by Anton Corbijn. In this biopic Pattinson plays a photographer who meets James Dean in 1955 and documents his life until his tragic death. That the once talkative Patinson is out of the woods, is really showing during the interview. His fiance FKA Twigs he routinely leaves unmentioned and today he has sort of an apology for his former flippant use of alcohol...
When I interviewed you for the first time Twilight wasn't even in the cinemas....
It was a crazy time. I was so inexperienced and not the least bit jaded. I remember that first day of interviews and how much fun it was for me because I hadn't done something like that before and I just spoke without notes...
Did fame change you?
I am trying to protect myself more, but I also got used to my situation. I used to be much more nervous in public and I would have never done things that I do now.
For example?
I went to the Venice Beach boardwalk for a walk. I haven't done something like that in years. And you know what? It was totally okay, only one person recognized me.
You seem much more relaxed.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and it's much easier for me to give interviews, because I'm not hungover. It took me ten years to understand that. This might be the first interview I'm not hungover for.
You grew up with two older sisters. How did that influence you?
As a younger brother I was always excluded from my sisters worlds, but my mother is a very strong woman. Growing up with self-conscious women certainly influenced me. If I had grown up with brothers, I would have had more interest in team sports.
Not a football fan then?
It annoys me sometimes how uninterested I am in team sports. I would love to be able to play football. One time I walked by a football field and someone shot the ball over the fence. The ball was rolling towards me and I was thinking: "Please, don't ask me to shoot the ball back." It was a nightmare. It reminded me of school when I tried to kick the ball and missed it. I deliberately walked slower to get away from that embarrassment. I even thought about changing directions.
This sounds like you are very shy.
It started when I was ten. I was always last when teams were picked then I thought: "I'll go and play with the girls instead." (laughs) I never enjoyed being part of a team.
You live between LA and London. Where do you feel at home?
I have been living out of a suitcase for so long, but I learned that it takes some effort to have a home. It sounds so simple, but having some furniture in the apartment makes me feel pretty good between my own four walls.
In your new role you are playing a father. Do you want to have a family and kids?
In the movie my character is a really bad father and not really a role model, but I definitely want to have kids. I thought about getting a dog first, although I think it's easier having a kid.
I can take a baby with me everywhere I go and people accept it. It's not possible with a dog.
One day a child may find you embarrassing...
Yes, kids will learn to talk sometime, a dog can't (laughs) although having a dog is a good way to learn responsibility. I think I would prefer having a baby over having a dog. I often have the vision of my kid being amazing in all the things I can't do.
You have to specify that.
For example my son being an amazing dancer.
Original Interview Source GalaAre you really that bad of a dancer?
Not when I'm dancing by myself. I feel great then. It's like when you sing under the shower.
Honestly Robert Pattinson, do fame and success drive you crazy sometimes?via In The Footsteps of Rob
Robert Pattinson ate a 'curry wurst' for lunch. That is the first thing he tells me after our 'hello' during our interview in Berlin. He pronounces it adorably 'Denglish Corrywuscht'. "I had French fries with it, but only five", he tells me grinning. "I'm trying to eat more healthy." He doesn't need it though: slightly tanned, the biggest thing about him is his beard, which, like his messy gelled hair, is very groomed. Ever since he played vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga, he is the most sought after blood sucker in the world. The tabloids like to describe him as shy, but here he is smiling non stop, like a rascal planning his next prank. Maybe he is happy that the 'blockbuster' times are over. Ever since the fifth and last Twilight movie came out three years ago he wasn't part of huge commercial Hollywood productions. Independent movies are now his thing. Like the ingenious biopic Life in which he plays the photographer Dennis Stock. He took pictures of James Dean for the US magazine Life in 1955, shortly before Dean died and made him immortal with his pictures. Fame and immortality are not strange concepts for Robert Pattinson, right?
Mr. Pattinson when was the first time you felt you were famous?
That was six months before the second Twilight movie came out. A PR guy invites me to a hip party in a club in LA. I forgot the name of the guy standing at the door waiting to be let in. The doorman just looked at me and said: "It's okay, you can go in." I was like "what?" Until then I never got into the clubs that easily. Shortly after that came the hot dog incident.
Tell me about that.
Well, I was eating a hot dog and dropped mustard on my shirt. Usually that would have made me uncomfortable, but everyone around me said "hey, that's totally okay", it was like I did something amazing . That's when I knew: I can do whatever I want.
Being famous can be confusing then?
Yes, but only in one aspect: I don't like to draw attention to myself, but I can't walk around without being recognized. If people would say a quick "hello", it would be fine, but every second person wants to do a selfie. That means I always have to be in a good mood.
Is there a question apart from the picture question, you can't hear anymore?
"I know you will hate it, but.......... "
Who says something like that?
Everyone. Especially back then. During Twilight a lot of people were pulling me about and telling me who I am. I didn't know who I was myself and honestly I still don't know who I am. But I wanted to have the chance to find that out by myself.
How did you not go crazy with the huge hysteria that came with Twilight?
Maybe becauseI never wanted to become famous. I'm satisfied with small things. The more famous I got, the more I wanted to hide. I was irritated by the hype. The climax of that was in the Munich OlympiaHalle: 3000 fans were cheering when I was answering a question. It's much better now. The Twilight fans got older and it's a lot more relaxed now.
Does an ex vampire go into the sun?
Yes. But I'm one of those idiots that puts on sunscreen with SPF factor 50 on the first day and then on the second day wonders "hey, I didn't get a tan. Let's take SPF 5." That means on every single holiday I get sunburn. It's good that I stayed in London for a while. It can't happen here.
Is London a safe haven for you like Marion, Indiana was for James Dean?
London is home for me. I have been living in LA for six years and didn't go to Great Britain for some time. During my last stay in London I realized how much I missed it. But it's more the people that give me the feeling of home and not really the places.
In Life you play the photographer that made James Dean a legend. James Dean died when he was 24 years old so you survived him by five years....
You won't believe how many of my friends wrote this message to me on my 28th birthday "happy birthday. You are still alive." Me: "Did you think I would be dead by now?" Them: "Yes." Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix and Amy Winehouse, they all died when they were 27.
Do you go to celebrity doctors for your check ups?
No. I went to a dentist in LA who was well know in celebrity circles. There was a techno music playing in the practice. He was telling me about all the people that come to him. The weirdest thing was: he wasn't wearing gloves for the treatment. I was laying there shocked thinking "do you think you are so cool that you don't need gloves?" Nasty, I didn't go there again.
Did you become weird?
I always have been weird. As soon as I have to talk to more than one person, it gets difficult. Having to do small talk at an event is hell for me. The crazy thing is that most people think that the more famous you get the more confident you are. I learned something about that playing a photographer: a camera around your neck will give you security. With it you get a reason to go to certain places or talk to people. I think I will carry a camera around with me from now on.
This is a reader's question: What is the best part about being a celebrity?
That I can choose my roles and that I can go around the queue at the airport. That is the best by far and I don't want to miss it.