The following images have been haunting us since the day they were "created". We get them in our tipbox every couple of months...
So here are some well made manips that ended up being like a bad rash we can't get rid of :))
The poor thing doesn't even have hands!!! Oh the humanity!
We are sad to say this is a photoshopped picture...Le sigh...
Breaking Dawn...
No!!! Seriously? :)
The day Rob actually poses like the next 2 pictures might be the end of my Robsession...
So cheesy :)
The hands are a give away that it's photoshopped but OH HOT DAMN!
The original is Justin Timberlake...
The original "head" is from the Rome pictures :)
I'm sorry shippers... This isn't IT :) The picture that will end all speculation...
Neither is this...SO bad it hurts!He looks crazy :)
Yeah, sorry y'all. Rob never posed for a gay catalog :)
And the shocker of all shockers! (made by the fab, talented RobNipulations :)
Oh and unfortunately the photo below has NOT been photoshopped. It's %100 Robert Pattinson in all his zygote glory :)