Robert Pattinson Dior Pic Now Better Quality In Alsterhaus Hamburg Magazine (Germany)
We saw the pic below before but in LQ, now it's larger in the german magazine Alsterhaus Hamburg
Look at that smile. LOVE it!
Click for Larger

Translation (Thanks to Flo in our comments)
The praise:
'Who else’ was the question, when Dior enounced in July
that Robert Pattinson would be the new face of the Dior Homme campagn.
Who else could step so befitting in the footsteps of Marlon Brando,
James Dean, Paul Newman or Montgomery Clift? Who else embodies
masculinity, rebellion and vulnerability at the same time so elegant.
Who else has those eyes with this special sparkle in his clear and
lightly lower gaze ( flo: I think she is talking of his smirk?).
is more than a beauty. First vampire Edward Cullen in the
twilight-saga, the leading man in Cosmopolis, the last movie of
star-director David Cronenberg, heartthrob and style icon – the 27 year
old is an all round talent. And most of all he stands for a special
attitude toward life. Pattinson will go the way he wants to go – free,
wild, hard-line and always with greatest passion.
Then she is talking
of some shoots and at last she writes: if you look long enough, you