You Know You're ROBsessed When...
A twitter friend asks if Andrew Garfield is taller than Robert Pattinson. You scoff and immediately look for evidence to prove she was temporarily blind. While gathering evidence, you stumble upon
a picture you've seen before except you notice something you didn't notice before: Rob's hand. Then you realize it's a new/old picture and you're excited because it's dry season in ROBsessed land and seeing his hand when you hadn't seen it prior feels like an Arnold Palmer on a hot day.
Then you decide to lighten the image to see what else you see *coughs* except it looks strange. Rob's thighs aren't
that thin. The picture looks awkward and puzzles you so you decide enough of that.
Then you go back to the original picture because it's larger and you miss the LB hat and Rob is so fine. You drool over his smoldering stare and his sexy smirk and chiseled jaw and wonder why you don't have a membership to the Soho House. Then you look at the drool on your shirt and you know why.
Andrew doesn't do it for you but you know he might do it for others so you post an old gallery of pictures to show Rob, Andrew, and how Rob is taller than Andrew which makes Rob lord of the manor, king of the county, master of the universe.
That's how you know you're ROBsessed.
Gallery after the cut!