We knew it would come and it did. Another part of Robert Pattinson's Details Interview is being reheated and served , you know the part where he utters the word negro:
Details: Rob, did you know that every time you say actor or acting you lower your voice to a whisper?
Pattinson: I do?
Details: Yes, so quietly it's like you're saying Negro.
(Pattinson laughs, lightens up.)
Pattinson: What if we were 'acting' like 'Negroes'? Then we'd be f*cked--we couldn't hear anything...
Celebuzz and a blogger named Zennie Abraham takes a VERY dangerous step towards creating hate.
Zennie Abraham keeps asking what issues Robert Pattinson has against blacks like him. I think Mr. Abraham should ask his therapist (I hope he has one) what issues HE has about many things.
And Celebuzz says: "At one point, R-Pattz let slip with a racial term that some might deem outdated and offensive". I think we all know/hope that celebuzz can read. The so called "slip" wasn't made by Robert Pattinson, he was answering Ms. Lumet's question with a joke to lighten the mood.
What they didn't research before calling Jenny Lumet racist is that her mom Gail Lumet Buckley is African American herself. She served as a student counselor at the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students between the years of 1961-62. Gail's mom Lena Horne is one of the first African American actresses in Hollywood!I wonder if Gail knew she was racist by being a part of an organization that had the word Negro in it. A fund that served with pride under that name.
It's easy calling people racist. What's not easy is repairing the damage you do by blaming innocent people. When there's hate so rampant all over the world I say SHAME ON YOU to anyone that publishes this crap without doing proper research, without thinking more than 2 minutes before spreading hate, before pointing the gun at someone.
Shame on you!