Gloria Obianyo Shares A NEW/Old Pic of Robert Pattinson & Her Excitement For 'High Life'
Looks like High Life's Gloria Obianyo is as excited for the film as us. And just look at this gorgeous pic she shared of herself and Rob over on her insta stories!
This super cute pic of Rob was posted on make up artist Tom Pecheux's instagram today but is possibly a new/old pic from the Dior Homme show last summer.
Who knows? We just know that he is the cutest!
Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous With Eddie Redmayne & Gates McFadden
Gates McFadden shared this pic of herself with Rob and Eddie Redmayne at the HFPA Charity Dinner on her twitter. It's not a new pic but I checked and don't see it posted in our roundup of pics from that night, so enjoy ;))
Comment on Pic: "I like the vampire on my left just fine"
New/Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous With A Lucky Fan At JFK (Dec 20th 2015)
UPDATE: This pic is indeed from JFK on December 20th. Original Source HERE
Don't have an exact date when or where this is but possibly from the same time as this fan pic that we got from JFK in Dec. Rob is wearing the same clothes.
We'll update if anymore info come out about it. Until then, enjoy the holy jaw!
Robert Pattinson Finds His Inner Pink Lady In A NEW/Old Pic From Halloween 2013
I LOVE this pic of Rob from a 2013 Halloween Party in Soho House LA. All I can think of is Grease and the pink ladies. Not what Rob was aiming for though. I spy bunny ears underneath Rob's arm ;)
The amount of times I have photoshopped bunny ears onto Rob. I never thought I'd see the day that he actually dressed up as a bunny. Is it too much to hope for that a photo exists of him with the bunny ears on? Yes I always want more.
NEW/OLD Pic Of Robert Pattinson Backstage With Chris Weitz At The Hamilton Awards (6th Nov 2011)
Do you remember when Robert Pattinson presented Chris Weitz with his Hamilton Award back in 2011? (Rob at 3:17 & 4:00)
Hmmmm we never did get to see a full video of Rob's speech did we? (yes, I'm still bitter about it). BUT we now have a new gorgeous backstage photo, so I'll live in hope that someday we'll see the full video of Rob's speech and finally get THE SOUP! (If you don't know what that's about click HERE)
Anyway here's the gorgeous NEW/Old backstage pic and boy what a treat it is. God that dark shirt and suit combo is a favourite of mine!
Seeing as we're kinda going down memory lane and Rob looked so damn handsome at the awards (as he always does), I thought it might be good time for a little flashback. Good excuse as any, right? Check them out after the cut!
Robert Pattinson Looking Adorable In A NEW/Old Behind The Scenes Pic From 'Bel Ami'
I love this cute behind the scenes pic of Rob from Bel Ami. It makes me wonder how may snapshots people have hidden away that we haven't seen and maybe never will!
Photographer William Rutten shared this stunning pic of Rob from HFPA (Aug 22014) on his Instagram.
Just be careful not to stare too long into those eyes!
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