Showing posts with label love this film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love this film. Show all posts
Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson
love this film,
Moment of Rob,
Robert Pattinson
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson's Awesome Role In 'The Rover'
ROBsessed's 30 Days for Rob's 30 Years: Robert Pattinson's Awesome Role In 'The Rover'
Rob's role as Rey in The Rover just had to be included on my list of awesome things. It was a breakout role as far as the movie critics were concerned and made them really wake up to what a talented actor Rob is.
On a personal level Rob's role as Rey will always hold a special place in my heart. The Rover was the first movie blog that I was involved in from beginning to end and I made to the trip to see the LA red carpet premiere.
And who can forget this classic scene ........
Remember if you want to add your list of '30 awesome things about Rob' please add to the comments section here. We'll end the month with a post filled with your lists.
Rob's role as Rey in The Rover just had to be included on my list of awesome things. It was a breakout role as far as the movie critics were concerned and made them really wake up to what a talented actor Rob is.
On a personal level Rob's role as Rey will always hold a special place in my heart. The Rover was the first movie blog that I was involved in from beginning to end and I made to the trip to see the LA red carpet premiere.
And who can forget this classic scene ........
Remember if you want to add your list of '30 awesome things about Rob' please add to the comments section here. We'll end the month with a post filled with your lists.
Robert Pattinson's 'Maps To The Stars' Out On DVD & Blu-Ray In The UK Today
Robert Pattinson's 'Maps To The Stars' Out On DVD & Blu-Ray In The UK Today
UK peeps make sure and grab your copy of Maps To The Stars out on DVD, Blu-Ray, Amazon Instant Video (links below) and iTunes from today!
UK peeps make sure and grab your copy of Maps To The Stars out on DVD, Blu-Ray, Amazon Instant Video (links below) and iTunes from today!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 4 - Fave Eric Packer Pic
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 4 - Fave Eric Packer Pic
"when a day is hard for me, i have to default to my first favorite. i also had to narrow things down. Cosmopolis is my favorite Rob film so i didn't let screencaps be an options. Rob's in practically every frame! but official stills were STILL too wide a selection since i wanted them all. that's why it came down to this classic shot of Eric Packer. i love this still sooooooo much. the unhinged look in Rob's eye. the crazed haircut. the depth perception of the shot. benno's office/Eric's tomb. nancy babich! it's a fantastic still. i also had Rob sign it at the BD1 premiere. it caught Stephanie and Nick's eye since Cosmopolis wasn't heating up yet promo wise. i was happy to get more than an "R" on the picture and it's one of the few Rob items i keep up at all times. im not a big autograph collector but i have 2 things Rob's signed that are special to me and this is one of them. i have an unconventional day job but if i had an office, my signed still would be on the wall and i'd talk endlessly about Rob and the film to anyone that asked about it. oh wait...i do that already :)"

Click for HQ!

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
"when a day is hard for me, i have to default to my first favorite. i also had to narrow things down. Cosmopolis is my favorite Rob film so i didn't let screencaps be an options. Rob's in practically every frame! but official stills were STILL too wide a selection since i wanted them all. that's why it came down to this classic shot of Eric Packer. i love this still sooooooo much. the unhinged look in Rob's eye. the crazed haircut. the depth perception of the shot. benno's office/Eric's tomb. nancy babich! it's a fantastic still. i also had Rob sign it at the BD1 premiere. it caught Stephanie and Nick's eye since Cosmopolis wasn't heating up yet promo wise. i was happy to get more than an "R" on the picture and it's one of the few Rob items i keep up at all times. im not a big autograph collector but i have 2 things Rob's signed that are special to me and this is one of them. i have an unconventional day job but if i had an office, my signed still would be on the wall and i'd talk endlessly about Rob and the film to anyone that asked about it. oh wait...i do that already :)"
"Love the suave and sophisticated look, with a touch of playfulness in his face."Click for HQ!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 2 - BTS/filming pic/gif from WFE
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 2 - BTS/filming pic/gif from WFE
Our first WFE day for the month! We're going to have so much goodness from this month because Robowski was WIN.
"Giggly Rob on the WFE set. I get the feeling he’s so fun to work with and this GIF makes me smile"
"we had soooooo many pics from this production and they were awesome. it was difficult to choose one so i went with one of my early favorites. Rob was sitting on top of the train car with Christoph between takes and flashed this sweet smile. he was definitely working his classic, handsome looks perfectly in this film - even off camera he was shining."
Our first WFE day for the month! We're going to have so much goodness from this month because Robowski was WIN.
"Giggly Rob on the WFE set. I get the feeling he’s so fun to work with and this GIF makes me smile"
"we had soooooo many pics from this production and they were awesome. it was difficult to choose one so i went with one of my early favorites. Rob was sitting on top of the train car with Christoph between takes and flashed this sweet smile. he was definitely working his classic, handsome looks perfectly in this film - even off camera he was shining."
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 22 ~ Fave Georges Duroy pic
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 22 ~ Fave Georges Duroy pic
Since I've been on this Anna Karenina-period-film-with-a-seducer kick, revisiting DuRob all this month has been awesome. Bel Ami is one of my top fave Rob films and revisiting our favorite pics of Georges is perfect to me.
"There are so many great Georges pics to choose from and when I wanted to make a Bel Ami Wallpaper a while ago deciding which pic to use was a major problem but I eventually chose the one above and it is still one of my firm favourites. So for that reason this is my choice for today. I can’t wait to see what everyone else chooses ;-))"
"shameless. conniving. seductive. all wrapped up in a little smirk. i actually used my favorite pic of Georges Duroy earlier this month but this screencap has the same essence that i loved in the other pic. Rob conveys the raw and simple truth of Georges feeling entitled and how he will achieve his place by any means necessary - physically fighting and f*cking and plotting his way to where he belongs - at the top. i see all of that in this pic."

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Since I've been on this Anna Karenina-period-film-with-a-seducer kick, revisiting DuRob all this month has been awesome. Bel Ami is one of my top fave Rob films and revisiting our favorite pics of Georges is perfect to me.
"There are so many great Georges pics to choose from and when I wanted to make a Bel Ami Wallpaper a while ago deciding which pic to use was a major problem but I eventually chose the one above and it is still one of my firm favourites. So for that reason this is my choice for today. I can’t wait to see what everyone else chooses ;-))"
"shameless. conniving. seductive. all wrapped up in a little smirk. i actually used my favorite pic of Georges Duroy earlier this month but this screencap has the same essence that i loved in the other pic. Rob conveys the raw and simple truth of Georges feeling entitled and how he will achieve his place by any means necessary - physically fighting and f*cking and plotting his way to where he belongs - at the top. i see all of that in this pic."
"This one because of the hair flipping Rob trait :-) Love it when a little bit of RealRob sneaks into his characters."
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Philadelphia Weekly says Robert Pattinson was robbed of an Oscar Best Actor nod for Cosmopolis + Best Of 2012 lists galore!
Philadelphia Weekly says Robert Pattinson was robbed of an Oscar Best Actor nod for Cosmopolis + Best Of 2012 lists galore!
Recently in Philadelphia Weekly, they made a list of Oscar odds-on favorites and a hypothetical list of this year's best (and "best") films.
They paid Rob a compliment by including him in their Best Actor category and making note of his skills with DeLillo's language in the Best Adaption category:
We did extensive coverage on the fantastic Cosmopolis reviews throughout 2012. Revisit those post in the links below!
They paid Rob a compliment by including him in their Best Actor category and making note of his skills with DeLillo's language in the Best Adaption category:
Best Actor
Who should have won overall: As much as I want to say Denis Lavant, for his literally shape-shifting work in Holy Motors, no performance was as exciting as Tim Heidecker’s raging wealthy dickhead routine in The Comedy. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Robert Pattinson wuz robbed—for Cosmopolis, not Breaking Dawn 2.
Best Adapted Screenplay
What should have won overall: David Cronenberg’s script for Cosmopolis makes great a so-so Don DeLillo novel, although its real power emerged when the actors came to speak their lines. Who knew Robert Pattinson was put on earth to deliver overly-stylized DeLillo dialogue?The recognition Cosmopolis and Rob continues to get makes you proud. This is the most recent edition of an ongoing list I'm collecting on CosmopolisFilm. The lists have evened out so it's good to share now without missing some great ones. If you click the links, some of the critics have praised the film and more. I included excerpts of the ones that dished specific praise for Rob.
- The Cinephiliacs/Peter Labuza: Number 1 film of 2012!
- Cinemart: Number 1 Film of 2012! "Cosmopolis is as talky as a screwball comedy and as visually wild as only cinema can be. David Cronenberg’s timely dissection of the haves and pseudo masters of the universe features an assured performance from Robert Pattinson as a man who just wants to get a haircut and ends up on an increasingly distracted quest that takes in existential angst, free market economics, a spot of casual murder, romance, sex, a prostate examination and anti-capitalism protests. A truly special work that demands you pay attention all the way, this one will stick in your head for weeks."
- City Connect: Number 1 Film of 2012!
- Art Forum/Amy Taubin: Number 1 film of 2012!
- San Francisco Bay Guardian: Number 1 film of 2012!
- Cahiers Du Cinema: 2nd out of 10
- The Password is a Swordfish: 2nd out of 10
- Huffington Post: 2nd out of 10
- Out 1: 2nd out of 13
- The Film Stage: 3rd out of 10
- Philadelphia Weekly: 3rd out of 10
- Film Capsule: 3rd out of 10
- This is Culture: 4th out of 5
- L Magazine: 4th out of 25
- Film News (UK): 4th out of 10
- Phil on Film: 6th out of 10
- Some Came Running: 6th out of 25
- MSN Movies: 6th out of 10
- Achilles & the Tortoise: 6th out of 10
- The Alamo Drafthouse Programmers: 7th out of 10
- Smells Life Screen Spirit: 7th out of 10
- Movie Mezzanine: 7th out of 50
- White City Cinema: 8th out of 10 "Robert Pattinson excelled as the despicable billionaire whose plight becomes both moving and tragic as the movie inexorably heads to its haunting final shot, an image more emblematic of our times than any other I saw this year."
- Sight & Sound: 8th out of 10
- The Bloodshot Eye: 8th out of 20
- Movie City News: 9th out of 10
- Arizona Newszap: 9th out of 10
- Movie Maker: 9th out of 12
- Processed Grass: 9th out of 66 "Guess what? I'm not super familiar with Cronenberg's stuff either. I've seen his past couple of recent films, and a while ago I saw Dead Ringers which I really didn't like, but with Cosmopolis I have reason to dig a bit farther back in to his filmography. I did love the talky nature of both this and A Dangerous Method, as a lover of theatre I can admire what happens when a film simply gives its actors a dense script and asks me to take it all in, though what Cronenberg does with his camera, making this confined limo just look so diverse, is much more impressive. There's this tense dichotomy between this safe space and an outer world in turmoil, that makes the collision of the two, both physically and found in Pattinson's performance, all the more intense."
- The Gerogie Show: 10th out of 10
- Chicago Reader: 10th out of 10
- Cinemablend: 10th out of 10
- Yuppee Mag: 10th out of 10"Cosmopolis as you may have already gathered follows the story of one man, that man is Eric Packer, played by Robert Pattinson in what turns out to be the best performance of his young career by a considerable distance....The movie is buoyed by some fantastic performances; Pattinson has finally sunk his claws into a role whilst Paul Giamatti is fantastic as a former employee of Packers in an incredibly tense end scene."
- Time Out New York: 10th out of 10
- Compulsory Internet Presence: 10th out of 10 - "A grand, weird, bold effort even by Cronenberg’s standards, this film is an absolutely mesmerizing adaptation of Don DeLillo’s novel. I could speak here about how timely the film is with its unsparing critique of capitalist society. Or how Robert Pattinson delivers an astonishingly assured performance that hopefully portends a career full of them."
- In Review Online: 10th out of 20
- Screen Crush: 12th out of 20
- Slant Magazine: 13th out of 25"From his rolling command center of a white limousine, the WiFi hot spot of the obscenely rich, billionaire Eric Packer (a revelatory Robert Pattinson) is at once linked up to the world and maddeningly removed from it, his personal, untried revolving door granting equal access to wisdom and delusion, personified by the limo's parade of guests. Evoking its director's past aesthetics and bodily interests with cool restraint, Cosmopolis is a wry, stylish nightmare of contemporary disconnect, and an audacious charting of all that crumbles when reality seeps in."
- NY Film Society: 15th out of 20
- Film Comment: 15th out of 50
- The Village Voice: 16th
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 18th out of 50
- Sound on Sight: 20th out of 40
- Criterion Corner: 24th out of 25
- Total Film: 37th out of 50
- Buzzine: 1 of the top 5 Indie movies"Reading much like a play, where characters stare off into space and seem to be speaking in riddles, Cosmopolis’ stark tones and direction fuse with a surprisingly confident performance from Twilight’s vampiric hunk Robert Pattinson to create yet another intriguing controversial masterpiece from the iconic Cronenberg."
- The Password is Swordfish: 1 of 2 favorites for 2012"Cosmopolis is a dark, hilarious, yet intensely sobering reminder of the nature of things, and as a film lover, it creates a marriage between DeLillo, Cronenberg, and Pattinson that I would love to see continue."
- Dread Central: Named Cosmopolis among the top 5 Best of 2012"David Cronenberg's misunderstood character study shows us how the 1% can be the most dangerous creatures of all. Robert Pattinson finally breaks away from those godawful Twilight movies, giving a powerhouse performance as a sociopathic Wall Street tycoon who is truly off his rocker. It's a claustrophic head journey through a class-warfare apocalypse and a step back in the right direction for one of this genre's greatest visionaries. "
- Shoot the Critic: 1 of 6 in no order - "Robert Pattinson steps up to the challenge of playing the twisted, self-doubting, masochistic, and sexually insatiable protagonist. He has lots of sex, philosophizes on life, gets lectured on art and theory, faces death, kills, and gets half a hair-cut - among other activities, all shot in a typically artificial yet beautiful Cronenberg way."
- CineTalk: 1 of 10 in no order"David Cronenberg adapts Don DeLillo’s pessimistic novel almost page for page and its tone and intellectual hyperbole is matched by Cronenberg’s cold and arresting visual palette. Robert Pattinson is outstanding in the lead role and Paul Giamatti, who only appears for a short while, delivers one of his most memorable performances."
- Chicagoist: 1 of 10 in no order
- TIFF: 1 of 10 best Canadian films of 2012
- The London Film Review: Number 1 out of 10 most overlooked films of 2012!
- Badass Digest: 3 out of 10 underrated movies of 2012
- Cinemablend: 1 of the 12 most unfairly overlooked films of 2012
- The Film Stage: On a list of overlooked films in 2012"This one’s been stewing in my brain for months, and none of the reflection has tainted this film one bit; if anything, it’s only grown more valuable over time. David Cronenberg’s limousine trip into the damaged perspective of a young, emotionally hollow fat cat — played to perfection by a not-as-advertised Robert Pattinson — can’t really be considered the most accessible work of 2012, but those willing to go with its strange rhythms and mysterious internal logic are bound to get… something. While I think it’s best people make the thing out for themselves by just letting it all sit, those simply hoping for a left-of-center cinematic experience ought to find themselves more than pleased. And that’s without even considering the incredible music of Howard Shore & Metric."
- Moviefone: On a list of 10 best films you didn't see in 2012
- TV without Pity: On a list of best films you may have missed"David Cronenberg and Robert Pattinson may seem like an unlikely team, but they each benefitted from their partnership. Pattinson got some much-needed acting cred for his darkly funny performance as a Master of the Universe who embarks on a surrealistic journey through the streets of New York, while Cronenberg was able to use his star's box-office power to make this challenging movie his way -- Cosmopolis features some of the most stylish and inventive direction of his career. Considering how well this movie worked out, we wouldn't object to a Cronenberg and Pattinson reunion."
- The Georgie Show: Most Underrated Film
- Philadelphia Weekly: Who Should Have Won Overall - Best Adapted Screenplay - David Cronenberg
- Philadelphia Weekly: Who Should Have Won Overall - Best Actor - Robert Pattinson
- Vancouver Critics Awards: Best Supporting Actress - Sarah Gadon
- The Film Stage: One of the Best Ensembles of 2012
- The Password is a Swordfish: 2nd on a list of Best Screenplays - David Cronenberg
- Processed Grass: 4th out of 5 Top Actors - "[Pattinson] delivers a pitch perfect performance in the role of a detached financial wunderkind. There's a confidence and tragedy to Pattinson's work here, but it's toward the end, as the film's world spirals out of control, that allows Pattinson to show why he belongs on this list and keeps his name as one to continue to monitor moving forward."
- The Password is a Swordfish: 5th on a list of Best Actors - Robert Pattinson
- The Village Voice: 6th on a list of Best Directors of 2012 - David Cronenberg
- The Password is a Swordfish: 7th on a list of Best Directors - David Cronenberg
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 8th out of 50 Best Ensemble
- 24fps: David Cronenberg named Best Director and Pattinson, Best Actor
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 20th out of 50 Best Director - David Cronenberg
- The Village Voice: 13th on a list of Best Actors of 2012 - Robert Pattinson
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 40th out of 50 Best Performance - Robert Pattinson
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 39th and 46th out of 50 Best Supporting Performances - Paul Giamatti & Sarah Gadon
- Indiewire: One of Favorite Unconventional Performances - Kevin Durand
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 14th out of 50 Best Screenplay - David Cronenberg
- Film School Rejects: 3 out of 12 best movie soundtracks and scores of 2012
- Indiewire Critics Poll: 15th out of 50 Best Original Score or Soundtrack
- The Village Voice: Paul Giamatti among a list of Best Supporting Actors
- The Village Voice: Sarah Gadon, Samantha Morton, Emily Hampshire and Juliette Binoche among a list of Best Supporting Actresses
- The Village Voice: Cosmopolis among a list of Best Screenplays
- Vancouver Critics Awards: Nominated - Best Canadian film, best director, best actor for Robert Pattinson, and two best supporting actress nominations, for Sarah Gadon and Samantha Morton.
- Online Film Critics Society: Cosmopolis nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay
- Canadian Screen Awards: Nominated for Adapted Screenply, Score, Original Song
- International Cinephile Society: Cosmopolis nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay
- Flavorwire: 27 out of 30 for best movie poster 2012
- FilmFest: Audience vote 1 of the 10 best of 2012
- IFC: Unforgettable Movie Moments of 2012
- Icon Film Distribution: Top 10 Actors of 2012 - Robert Pattinson for Cosmopolis
- CriticsTop10: 25th out of 50 films making Best Of lists
- Vulture: Critics list of cultural events of 2012 - Seitz
- Cinema Scope: Top 10 of 2012 - Honorable mention
- Saturn Awards - Best DVD/BluRay releast nomination
We did extensive coverage on the fantastic Cosmopolis reviews throughout 2012. Revisit those post in the links below!
- Part 1 - "Robert Pattinson giving a commanding, sympathetic portrait!"
- Part 2 - "Sensational central performance from Robert Pattinson"
- Part 3 - Robert Pattinson is "excellent in a difficult role"
- Part 4: Robert Pattinson's performance is "incredible", "riveting", "layered" and "one of the best of the year"
- Part 5: "Robert Pattinson is quite astonishing in the role as Packer"
- Part 6: Robert Pattinson gives "a frightening performance in the best ways and points towards a hell of a career"
- Part 7: "No one will be able to walk away from this movie thinking [Robert Pattinson] can’t act"
- Part 8: "Complete marvel" and "Simply tremendous" Robert Pattinson "projects a commanding, slow-burning detachment"
- Spoiler Post #1
- Spoiler Post #2 + Tink's Review from the Toronto Premiere Viewing
- Spoiler Post #3 + Kate's Review from the Irish Press Screening
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 9 ~ Bel Ami still
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 9 ~ Bel Ami still
We got loads of Bel Ami stills during the promotional period of the film. They were great too. The costumes and the sets. Oh yes...and the man. ;)
"There are SO many Bel Ami stills that I love (& I’ve used some of them in my 365’s already) so I’m going to chose this one for today. Georges is so wicked but so gorgeous in this still and I would surely have to go to confession for all the sins I would commit if i came across him sitting like this in church! Dead & done!"
"i love this still. i feel scandalized just looking at him. totally the cad."

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
We got loads of Bel Ami stills during the promotional period of the film. They were great too. The costumes and the sets. Oh yes...and the man. ;)
"There are SO many Bel Ami stills that I love (& I’ve used some of them in my 365’s already) so I’m going to chose this one for today. Georges is so wicked but so gorgeous in this still and I would surely have to go to confession for all the sins I would commit if i came across him sitting like this in church! Dead & done!"
"i love this still. i feel scandalized just looking at him. totally the cad."
"A Bel Ami still, we had so many treats it's hard to pick. But I'm gonna go with this one. So serious!"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
How does David Cronenberg describe Robert Pattinson? Intelligent. Sweetheart. Ferrari. Serious Actor. Cinephile. PLUS More Best Of lists for Cosmopolis!
How does David Cronenberg describe Robert Pattinson? Intelligent. Sweetheart. Ferrari. Serious Actor. Cinephile. PLUS More Best Of lists for Cosmopolis!
Are you excited Rob and David are working together again?

*giggles* I hear the resounding YES. Well here are two great interview excerpts from David Cronenberg that will make you giddy for Robenberg 2.0. Can't wait for these two to get together again to make Maps To The Stars.

It charts, Rob!
Are you excited Rob and David are working together again?
*giggles* I hear the resounding YES. Well here are two great interview excerpts from David Cronenberg that will make you giddy for Robenberg 2.0. Can't wait for these two to get together again to make Maps To The Stars.
You also said the characters of Cosmopolis attracted you. What was it about Eric Packer’s character that resonated with you?
For me, the whole idea that you must have a character who is perfectly sympathetic, is a very crude, and a very uninteresting kind of approach to cinema. I think the character has to be very interesting and fascinating and charismatic. I mean, he has to be somebody you want to watch and see what he says and see what he does.
So what’s interesting about DeLillo’s book is that all the way through, the characters are not particularly sympathetic in an obvious way. But by the end of the movie, you see that this character is, somewhere inside there, a very naĂŻve, vulnerable child, who’s only going to get a haircut, but what he’s really going back to his childhood. He’s going back to the barber who gave him his first haircut. And when he’s there, you begin to see the innocence that’s there underneath the hard surface, and I think it’s a really interesting transformation and transition that you see in this character. At the beginning you think that this guy is very unemotional and hard and cold, and cynical perhaps. And by the end of it, you see that there’s a lot of emotion and a lot of vulnerability underneath there and the character turns out to be far more complex than you might have thought.
A lot has been said about your unconventional choice of Robert Pattinson for the lead role.
The thing I liked about Rob Pattinson as an actor is that he’s a serious actor. And you could lose sight of that, because he’s had this big popular success with the Twilight movies, but he is not afraid to play a character who is difficult to like, you know, because some actors are afraid to do that, because they feel it is too personal, that they themselves will not be liked by their audience, and so on. But a real actor is not afraid to play an unsympathetic character, and Rob is a real actor.
Also, I think to be an actor, you need intelligence, first of all. For example, Rob immediately realised that the script was quite funny, and most people don’t get that. Then you want sensitivity to the subtleties of the movie, in terms of what is going on in the movie, the dialogue and so on. And Rob, personally, is very knowledgeable about cinema.David also spoke to Some Came Running in detail about Cosmopolis. I enjoyed this read beyond the quick Rob mention so check out the full interview at the source if you want to have more insight into the film and David's thoughts. He is Rob's future director again after all. :))))
(chuckles) I don’t think his Twilight fans realise this about him, but he’s really an aficionado about art cinema (Tink: Well, David is clearly not talking about the Robsessed. *wink*). I mean, on the set I’d find him talking to Juliette Binoche about obscure French cinema, (chuckles) so you know, he brings a real depth of understanding of the history and art of cinema and all of those things mean that you have a lot of power and a lot of responsiveness from your actor as a director. It’s like driving the Ferrari instead of driving, you know, a Volkwagen Beetle. And you get that with Rob. I must also add, he’s very down to earth and very easy to work with. He’s not diva at all, you know. He’s really a sweetheart. (Tink: I think David is campaigning for the ROBsessed Awards next week!)
SCR: A lot of people didn't see the irony or the satirical posture behind you and Pattinson ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
CRONENBERG: Yeah, I know, some people thought that we were betraying the movie by doing that. I thought, no, no, you're really not getting it at all. That was so perfect. I couldn't believe when they were asking us. But that was the perfect expression of capitalism. They were lovely there. They were so excited, they love their Stock Exchange and, after all, we were selling a movie and selling is what they know. So it was all perfect. A capitalistic enterprise, and there we were. Yeah, it's interesting, because Don and I on panels, in a way, that's when I kind of learn some things about his attitudes to things that I didn't really know or need to know but I'm curious about. We both don't feel that being a prophet is part of our job description. But if your antennae are sensitive enough to what's in the ether, you will inevitably anticipate some things that are just sort of accumulating but are not all that visible. And I think that's really the case here. As Don took pains to say, no, the book didn't begin with some grand, grandiose concept of coming to terms with financial responsibility globally and all of that kind of thing. It had to do with limos. It had to do with who would want one of those in the streets of Manhattan and why would you be in it, and who is it—and where do they go at night, and all of that kind of stuff. It begins with details. And it's the same with a film maker even more. You cannot film an abstract concept. We're in the concrete world, film makers.And what are people saying in the concrete world about Cosmopolis on Best Of lists?
It charts, Rob!
- Cinemart: 1 out of 10 Best Films of 2012! - "...pseudo masters of the universe features an assured performance from Robert Pattinson."
- L Magazine: 4 out of 25 Best Films of 2012
- Some Came Running: 6 out of 25 Best Films of 2012
- Flavorwire: 27 out of 30 for Best Movie Poster of 2012 - "Elegant and dangerous. The art encapsulates everything about David Cronenberg’s brooding drama."
- Chicagoist: Part of the top 10 list of Best Films in 2012
- Cinemablend: 10 out of 10 Top Movies of 2012
- Yuppee Mag: 10 out of 10 Top Films of 2012. - "...that man is Eric Packer, played by Robert Pattinson in what turns out to be the best performance of his young career by a considerable distance."
- Cinemablend: 1 of the 12 most overlooked films of 2012
- Movie Maker: 9 out of 12 Best of 2012 - "...the actor has always teased a love for the unconventional...Producing an outstanding interpretation with R-Patz laying waste to the doubters, Cosmopolis showed no restraint in taking pot shots at the current climate."
Indiewire lists Robert Pattinson among the Best Performances of 2012 + more great rankings for Cosmopolis!
Indiewire lists Robert Pattinson among the Best Performances of 2012 + more great rankings for Cosmopolis!
If you haven't smiled yet today, I can't imagine you won't beam with pride after seeing this. It charts.
Indiewire's 7th annual Year-End Critics Poll for 2012 was released and Cosmopolis was not a stranger in most of the categories! The highlights being Rob staking a place on the Best Performance list as well as Cosmopolis coming in the top 10 for Best Ensemble!
The US can pre-order the Bluray/DVD NOW!
You'll have a chance to win prize packs featuring Cosmopolis on the blog starting this Friday. Have you seen our trailer??
If you haven't smiled yet today, I can't imagine you won't beam with pride after seeing this. It charts.
Indiewire's 7th annual Year-End Critics Poll for 2012 was released and Cosmopolis was not a stranger in most of the categories! The highlights being Rob staking a place on the Best Performance list as well as Cosmopolis coming in the top 10 for Best Ensemble!
- Robert Pattinson: 40 out of 50 actors and actresses listed for Best Performance
- Cosmopolis: 8 out of 50 for Best Ensemble
- Cosmopolis: 18 out of 50 for Best Film
- David Cronenberg: 20 out of 50 for Best Director
- Paul Giamatti & Sarah Gadon: Placing on the list of 50 for Best Supporting Performance
- David Cronenberg: 14 out of 50 for Best Screenplay
- Cosmopolis Soundtrack: 15 out of 50 for Best Original Score or Soundtrack
The US can pre-order the Bluray/DVD NOW!
You'll have a chance to win prize packs featuring Cosmopolis on the blog starting this Friday. Have you seen our trailer??
Robert Pattinson continues to make Best Of lists for Cosmopolis + Keep Voting for Leading Man of 2012!
Robert Pattinson continues to make Best Of lists for Cosmopolis + Keep Voting for Leading Man of 2012!
- IFC: The Independent Film Channel named Unforgettable Movie Moments of 2012. The whole list is pretty cool and what's even better is Cosmopolis is included on the list: Eric Parker (Robert Pattinson) travels through Manhattan in his tricked-out limo in “Cosmopolis.”
- Icon Film Distribution: Australian distributors named the Top 10 Actors of 2012 and guess who made the cut? Rob! They got to be pretty excited to have him down under to film The Rover next year. :)
- Time Out New York: Keith Uhlich’s placed Cosmopolis on his Top 10 Films of 2012 list.
- Film Comment: Cosmopolis came in at number 15 out of 50 on Film Comment's Top 50 Films of 2012.
- Total Film: Coming in at number 37 out of 50, Cosmopolis made the cut for Total Film's Top 50.
- Critics Top 10: Cosmopolis ranks 22 on this list of 25 films that have Best Of tallies for 2012.
Cosmopolis with Robert Pattinson, "played to perfection", is one of the most overlooked films of 2012
Cosmopolis with Robert Pattinson, "played to perfection", is one of the most overlooked films of 2012
Be proud, DR! Cosmopolis makes another year end list!
This time from The Film Stage's Most Overlooked Films of 2012:
Be proud, DR! Cosmopolis makes another year end list!
This time from The Film Stage's Most Overlooked Films of 2012:
This one’s been stewing in my brain for months, and none of the reflection has tainted this film one bit; if anything, it’s only grown more valuable over time. David Cronenberg’s limousine trip into the damaged perspective of a young, emotionally hollow fat cat — played to perfection by a not-as-advertised Robert Pattinson — can’t really be considered the most accessible work of 2012, but those willing to go with its strange rhythms and mysterious internal logic are bound to get… something. While I think it’s best people make the thing out for themselves by just letting it all sit, those simply hoping for a left-of-center cinematic experience ought to find themselves more than pleased. And that’s without even considering the incredible music of Howard Shore & Metric.
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis makes Criterion Collection's top 25 films of 2012
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis makes Criterion Corner's top 25 films of 2012
UPDATE: Adding this great write-up from Moviefone about Cosmopolis. The film made their 10 Best Films You Didn't See in 2012 list:
This is especially cool to have Rob's film honored here since he once said all he wanted for Christmas was the entire Criterion Collection. ;) Click HERE to read the interview from 2009.
He's got to feel pretty proud Cosmopolis made their cut. :)
The Best Films of 2012: A Video Countdown from david Ehrlich on Vimeo.
UPDATE: Adding this great write-up from Moviefone about Cosmopolis. The film made their 10 Best Films You Didn't See in 2012 list:
There seemed to be a little juice behind Canadian director David Cronenberg's latest effort, a wonderfully meandering adaptation of Dom DeLillo's novel of the same name that charts a single, seemingly endless limousine ride. For one, the film premiered at Cannes, to mostly ecstatic audiences (full disclosure: I was in one of them), and for another, Cronenberg loaded his bizarre contraption with a secret weapon: Robert Pattinson. As a disaffected billionaire, Pattinson showed unheard of gravitas and wit, both of which were sorely missing during his five-movie tenure as sparkly vampire Edward in the "Twilight" movies. But not even his handsome or borderline hieroglyphic face, could get people to come out to "Cosmopolis." Granted, the movie is pretty weird. But it's also tremendously rewarding -- it works its hooks into you and, months after seeing it, I still can't stop thinking about it. It's also part of 2012's great limousine ride double feature, along with Leos Carax's equally strange "Holy Motors." The mini-bar optional.I've always loved film montages. This is a great one from Criterion Corner with awesome music. Visit the Vimeo page for a list of the songs.
This is especially cool to have Rob's film honored here since he once said all he wanted for Christmas was the entire Criterion Collection. ;) Click HERE to read the interview from 2009.
He's got to feel pretty proud Cosmopolis made their cut. :)
The Best Films of 2012: A Video Countdown from david Ehrlich on Vimeo.
Cosmopolis on another top 10 list and Robert Pattinson's Eric Packer appears in mashup video for 2012 films
Cosmopolis on another top 10 list and Robert Pattinson's Eric Packer appears in mashup video for 2012 films
Cosmopolis made the cut on Canada's Top 10 list of 2012 films! The Playlist provided a list of the country's best films, decided by "a panel of industry types all cast their votes for Canada's Top Ten", listed alphabetically:
To top off the Cosmopolis love day, Rob was featured in this 2012 movie mashup video for Cosmopolis! He pops up at :36 and has one of the best lines from the film laced over.
Click HERE if you want the whole list of films and minute markers
Keep a look out on the blog for our Cosmopolis Countdown giveaway. We were given some awesome prize packs to give to our readers for the US DVD/Blu-ray release. :)
Cosmopolis made the cut on Canada's Top 10 list of 2012 films! The Playlist provided a list of the country's best films, decided by "a panel of industry types all cast their votes for Canada's Top Ten", listed alphabetically:
Cosmopolis, David Cronenberg (Entertainment One Films)The film has gotten noticed in other industry circles, such as Cahiers Du Cinema and Sight & Sound. The recognition is pretty awesome for Rob since he IS Cosmopolis, through and through. TIFF_Net announced the titles on twitter and also featured a great write-up about the film HERE. With the DVD/Blu-ray out in several countries and its release in the US on Jan. 1st, there have been a few reviews popping up. Men continue to recognize Rob's magnetic turn and marvel over his terrific performance. Makes you want to pull the "proud mama Steph" face.
The End of Time, Peter Mettler (Mongrel Media, National Film Board)
Goon, Michael Dowse (Alliance Films)
Laurence Anyways, Xavier Dolan (Alliance Films)
Midnight's Children, Deepa Mehta (Mongrel Media)
My Awkward Sexual Adventure, Sean Garrity (Phase 4 Films)
Rebelle, Kim Nguyen (Mongrel Media)
Still, Michael McGowan (Mongrel Media)
Stories We Tell, Sarah Polley (Mongrel Media, NFB)
The World Before Her, Nisha Pahuja
To top off the Cosmopolis love day, Rob was featured in this 2012 movie mashup video for Cosmopolis! He pops up at :36 and has one of the best lines from the film laced over.
Click HERE if you want the whole list of films and minute markers
Keep a look out on the blog for our Cosmopolis Countdown giveaway. We were given some awesome prize packs to give to our readers for the US DVD/Blu-ray release. :)
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