There are quite a few mistakes in the translation and some "harsh" words like "stupid" and "loser" that seem to have been "lost in translation" so read with that in mind, you'll get the gist :))
Thanks to
Gossip Dance and
@_German_Girl_ for translation :)
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„Twilight“ star and super hottie Robert Pattinson tells us, what kind of women fascinate him and why they can be afraid of him.
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Doesn't like to brush his hair: Robert Pattinson, the coolest guy since there are actors playing vampires.
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About a year ago, no one knew Robert Pattinson. The Brits kept there hottest .... since Jude Law – except a small part in Harry Potter – well hidden. But since his success as vampire Edward in Twilight he became one of the most desired men on the planet. And that could even increase with the start of the second part of the Twilight Saga (New Moon, release date November 26th) Robert Pattinson comes to the interview in black jeans and a black button-down – just like you imagine a vampire. A bit of chest hair can be seen in the neckline. Every now and then our talk is interrupted by screaming fans that are waiting in front of the „Beach Club“ in Cannes. The 23 year old tries to stay as relaxed as possible in this tense atmosphere and grins apologetically, as if to say: Really not my fault. But it is. Because even as a man you have to ungrudgingly admit: Robert Pattinson just looks illegally good.
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The important stuff at the beginning: Millions of girls are wondering if you are in a relationship with your co-star Kristen Stewart?
Honestly? I can understand that my fans are interested to know but I just want to say this: She's a wonderful co-worker. I haven't read anything that's been written about us in a long time.
Are girls afraid of you?
Are afraid of me? I hope so! When you don't have something dangerous, animalistic as a man you aren't a real man, are you? (laughs)
What kind of women do you like?
I like women that are a bit dark and that don't have superficial self-confidents.
Leonardo DiCaprio told me once that with Robert Pattinson there was finally a young man in the film business he could give his title „eternal romantic hero“to. Do you accept?
He said that? Wow. It sounds stupid but do you know what? It is kind of cool. The guy has a great career and made the best out of his early success. In this respect I gladly step into his foot steps.
You are not only a talented actor but also a gifted singer. Your song “Never Think” is on the “Twilight” soundtrack. When will the album be releases?
I’ve been making music for some time. The director heard one of my songs and wanted it for the soundtrack. The whole music thing is a bit embarrassing for me. I once had a band, but now that I’m this popular it sounds weird: Robert Pattinson, the singing actor.
Fans are supposedly camping out in front of your apartment in Los Angeles. Can you keep up counting?
(laughts) They didn’t really camp there. And at the moment I’m not even there too often. But in the beginning they actually waited round the clock there. And they left messages on my car daily.
What were the messages like?
It started with: “Please don’t think I’m crazy but call me.” It built-up to “If you don’t pay attention to me, I kill myself. But I’m not crazy…”
Well, wherever you are girls are screaming. And you still seem to wonder about that?
I’m still wondering in fact. It’s completely crazy. I’m still surprised very time I see a real screaming fan.
Kristen Stewart said you change your clothes rarely. How long have you been wearing today’s outfit already?
I think from the belt upwards everything is new. Sometimes I really wear my clothes until I can’t stand the smell anymore.
Why don’t you change your clothes more often then?
I only have a few things I really like. And I’m always en route, away from washing machines. Why am I even telling you that? Ah, something else, I rarely brush my hair. My dad always wanted to brush my hair when I was little. I hated it. Now I sound like a complete freak. (laughs)
You’re driving an ancient car. You’re apartment has been paid by the production company. Still everyone claims you’re always broke.
I don’t know why. It’s a mystery to me. I’m probably losing my money on the streets…
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On the Twilight set Rob found his big love in Kristen. Both have a huge crush
2004: He’s still embarrassed about his role in „rings of the Nibelungs“
2006: as handicapped soldier Toby in „The Haunted Airman”
2007: his last movie before „Twilight“. Rob as gay painter Salvador Dali in “Little Ashes”
Headline: Robert Pattinson – Twilight saved me From Loser to super boy! From Freak to the coolest vampire in the movie history. How Twilight Star Robert Pattinson overcame his life crisis…
How happy they both look! Robert Pattinson (23) and Kristen Stewart (19) hand-holding at the airport in Paris. He’s beaming. She’s smiling. So cute! Life can be so beautiful. At the moment both are on a big promo tour for their new movie “New Moon” and travel through the whole world. BRAVO met the stars exclusive in Los Angeles and Munich. And both times show how much they enjoy their time together. Rob especially has every reason to be happy. Not only did he find his big love, fame, money and millions of fans worldwide due to his role in the vampire saga. The part as vampire Edward saved him from his serious life crisis. “Before Twilight I went crazy for some time” the 23-year-old confesses. Understandable – if you consider everything that went wrong.
Main problem: He didn’t get any big roles! After loser parts in TV movies like “Rings of the Nibelungs” (2004), Rob hoped to establish himself as wizard Cedric Diggory in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005). No such luck! Again only small roles in Low-Budget-Movies like “The Haunted Airman” or “Little Ashes” followed. “I always played freaks” Rob said. It got even worse for the Brit: “I even got thrown out of stage plays I had a solid part in” he remembers. Very depressing for someone who dropped out of school for his acting career.
The consequence: Rob started doubting himself and his talent, turned towards music and went through small London bars with his guitar. “It was seedy,” he admits “Nobody was interested when I went on stage.” At the end of 2007 he heard about the audition for the novel based movie “Twilight” by accident. “I never heard of it before,” he openly admits. But still he recorded a audition tape with his housemate. “I looked awful and never even sent the tape.” Robs luck: “Twilight”-director Catherine Hardwicke (54) knew the 1,85m actor from “Harry Potter” and invited him to Los Angeles for the audition. “I took it really serious,” Rob says about the minutes that should change his life. “I hit my head against the wall and kept telling myself how important it is. I went completely mad.” In this crazy condition he didn’t even realize how thrilled everyone present- including Kristen – was with his performance. “I didn’t think I’d get the role,” he explains. “Soon after I called my parents and told them “That’s it! I quit!””. When Rob got the role as vampire Edward, he couldn’t believe his luck. “That’s when it clicked. There’s just one thing I wanted: Making everything right!” And he made it. Now the former loser is the coolest guy in the world. And he couldn’t be happier….
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Fans: Millions of „Twilight“ fans are celebrating the super vampire worldwide
Success: Rob (here at the MTV Movie Awards) gets one prize after the other.
Robsten at the airport in Paris. Hand in hand they walk to their private jet.