If you’re like me, sometimes you sneak on here when you shouldn’t… just to see if you’ve missed any news about Rob, maybe a new movie, new project of some kind. Sometimes you sneak on here to drool for a while. Sometimes you sneak on here to say hi to friends you’ve made…
Well now, you can sneak on and there’s no need to feel like you’re sneaking. This is an educational post… let’s go back to school and learn all about Human Anatomy courtesy of Rob…
Take a seat, books out… attention to the front of class…
We’ll start from the bottom and work our way up. (And yes, I am completely objectifying our lovely Rob, but I know you all love his brain just as much as the packaging it comes in).
So here we go – the toe bone is connected to the foot bone and the foot bone is connected to the slightly wonky ankle bone.
The ankle bone is connected to the leg bone which leads us nicely into the knee bone, the thigh bone then the hip bone.
This of course brings us happily to the butt bone (couldn’t miss out the butt bone).
The butt bone is then connected to the back bone, covered with perfection we want to nibble on and then up to the neck bone.
Let’s just take a break for a second right there…
OK, ready to continue? Let’s back track a little, the finger bone is connected to the hand bone.
The hand bones connected to the arm bone.
The arm bones connected to the shoulder bone which is directly linked to the salivary glands in women around the world.
Which brings us back to the neck bone which is connected to the fine specimen that is the head bone.
Here's were we’re treated to the jaw bone… the cheek bones… just overall awesome bone structure, go on take a good look, I know you want to.
See... that's a class you wouldn't skip often isn't it?
Let's raise a glass (it's 5pm somewhere) to the next 5000 posts...