Encore for the 12 Days of Robmas 2015! Play our game and match the months with Robert Pattinson in Day 12!
The 12 Days of Robmas 2015 are over (cries) and we want to give the banners an encore performance in case you wished you could see any of them just a tad longer. Kate and I were your banner makers this year but if anyone would like to join us next year, shoot us an email to let us know!
Enjoy the ROBsessed12 Days of Robmas 2015 banners!
Kate: Odd Days Tink: Even Days
The final day of Robmas, Day 12, included a Rob from every month of 2015 IN HIS TRUSTY BASEBALL HAT! For a little ROBsessed fun, see if you can figure out each month and share your results in the comments. I'll come back later and let you guys know the answers. :)
The Robs were numbered to make the game easier and if you click the pic, you can view larger.
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