Showing posts with label graham norton show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graham norton show. Show all posts
What is it like to win a meet and greet with Robert Pattinson?
Have you ever wondered what it is like to win a meet and greet with Robert Pattinson?
After Kate's post revisiting Rob's appearance on The Graham Norton show we were contacted by a lucky fan who had been at the show .... AND had been the winner of a 'Meet and Greet with Robert Pattinson'. Lynne has very kindly shared with us all what it is like to win a meeting with Rob.

I'm now entering every competition ever!! Are you wishing you had been Lynne too? Rob has fans all over the world and many may feel they would never get the chance to see Rob in person. So a big thank you to Lynne for sharing her story with us so we can all share a little in her experience.
Thanks Lynne for sharing your story with us!
After Kate's post revisiting Rob's appearance on The Graham Norton show we were contacted by a lucky fan who had been at the show .... AND had been the winner of a 'Meet and Greet with Robert Pattinson'. Lynne has very kindly shared with us all what it is like to win a meeting with Rob.
The day MTV UK telephoned me to tell me I’d won their competition, which was a Meet & Greet with Robert Pattinson plus tickets to the premiere of Water for Elephants in London, I think I honestly went into shock. I had already luckily got tickets for the Graham Norton show interview with Rob and Reese that I was very much looking forward to going to, so I was planning on a trip to London anyway.
The MTV prize included a night’s stay at the Hilton Hotel in Kensington with a private car taking me to the Connaught Hotel in London’s Mayfair. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
I checked into the Hilton in Kensington and got picked up by the car to take me to the Mayfair hotel. I’ve never been so nervous in all my life, literally felt like I would throw up. When I arrived at the Hotel, the prize winners were taken into the function room to be briefed about security etc and were told that Rob was running late for the premiere and it would be a group photo only due to time constraints with no autographs. The winners group was placed at the back of the room to set up the photographs and I was put in back row, in the middle as I was one of the taller ones there. A stand-in person then stood in the place where Rob would stand to set up the shot for the photographer. We were told that Rob would come into the room and pose with us for photos but he would have to leave soon afterwards to get to the premiere.
It was a very tense wait and everyone was quiet and incredibly nervous. The security surrounding Rob was quite overwhelming, it was definitely a VIP moment. Rob came into the room with a shy swagger, his hands in his pockets with a big smile and said a quiet "hi" to everyone. We all nervously said hi back and he went to stand in his pre-designated spot amongst the group. My first impressions were how young he looked and how slim and tall in the black suit he wore for the premiere and his shock of crazy messy auburn hair (he’d just finished filming Breaking Dawn 1 & 2). He stood in his place but he stood more in front of me so I was a bit hidden behind him. I leant forward and jokingly said "don't hide me Rob". He didn’t realize I was in a bad position where I was standing and he smiled and said "come here" and guided me forward to his side and put his arm round my waist. The photographer started taking some shots. I also put my arm round his back. By the way, he smelt very nice too, freshly showered. I’m pretty sure I felt him shaking slightly through his suit jacket, I’m sure the prospect of an imminent red carpet would do that.
After the photographs, the room was really quiet, but as I was standing closest to Rob he asked me if I was going to the premiere. Part of the prize was two tickets to the premiere but I had planned to go to the Graham Norton show interview instead and I couldn’t make both but didn’t have the heart to tell him that. I said I had seen the movie already (I saw a preview showing the week before) and thought it was brilliant and that he was amazing in it. He was very sweet and smiled, raised his eyebrows and shyly said “oh really? thanks”. Dream moment, having Rob himself ask you what you thought of his work. He wasn’t able to stay and give autographs as there were a lot of us and he was running late for his premiere at Westfields. There was some more cute fan interaction when Rob was given a ‘signed by Van Morrison’ CD of Brown Eyed Girl - which he seemed surprised and grateful for. His team moved him out of the room and he was gone as quickly as he arrived, leaving us all kind of dazed in a “did that really just actually happen?” way.
I had very little time to get to the studios for the Graham Norton show to get a decent seat, but I jumped in a taxi and made a mad dash across London managing to get seats in the middle of the studio & then spent a wonderful 45 minutes + of watching Rob being interviewed with Reese. After the day I’d had, I didn’t want it to ever end.
A week or so later, I was sent two of the HQ photos from the Meet & Greet by the organizers. There were many more photos actually taken on the day, so I’d love to see the outtakes but these were the only two they sent. The whole day was one I’ll never forget, I feel privileged to have had the chance to experience it.
I'm now entering every competition ever!! Are you wishing you had been Lynne too? Rob has fans all over the world and many may feel they would never get the chance to see Rob in person. So a big thank you to Lynne for sharing her story with us so we can all share a little in her experience.
Thanks Lynne for sharing your story with us!
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson On The Graham Norton Show
Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson On The Graham Norton Show
PJ mentioned on twitter the other day that she was looking at Rob on The Graham Norton Show with Reese Witherspoon during Water For Elephants promo back from 2011.
As it's one of my FAVOURITE Rob talk show appearances it inspired me to do a Blast From The Past.i
I sincerely hope that we get to see Rob on this show again because his interview was just gold.
I'd love to have seen him on the couch with Guy Pearce and David Michod during The Rover promo.
How much fun would that have been?
Make yourself comfy (maybe grab a beer?) and relive the interview below. It has some classic Rob.
Check it out AFTER THE CUT along with some gorgeous HQ's but don't hold us responsible if this happens .....
PJ mentioned on twitter the other day that she was looking at Rob on The Graham Norton Show with Reese Witherspoon during Water For Elephants promo back from 2011.
As it's one of my FAVOURITE Rob talk show appearances it inspired me to do a Blast From The Past.i
I sincerely hope that we get to see Rob on this show again because his interview was just gold.
I'd love to have seen him on the couch with Guy Pearce and David Michod during The Rover promo.
How much fun would that have been?
Make yourself comfy (maybe grab a beer?) and relive the interview below. It has some classic Rob.
Check it out AFTER THE CUT along with some gorgeous HQ's but don't hold us responsible if this happens .....
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 17~ Rob With A Beer
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 17~ Rob With A Beer
I hope you're all having a great St Patrick's Day! It's the perfect topic for today too, Rob with a beer! SO let's all grab Rob.......... I mean a beer and celebrate ;-)
"How about a bicep, a watch, a smirk and a beer? You got it. *Cheers*"
"Has to be this one for me. It ALWAYS makes me giggle and I love this interview that Graham Norton did with him for WFE promo. Cheers, Happy St Patrick’s Day"
"So peeved. and hot. drink that beer, honey. drink those daddy issues away while i watch you in this hot gif. "
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
I hope you're all having a great St Patrick's Day! It's the perfect topic for today too, Rob with a beer! SO let's all grab Rob.......... I mean a beer and celebrate ;-)
"How about a bicep, a watch, a smirk and a beer? You got it. *Cheers*"
"Has to be this one for me. It ALWAYS makes me giggle and I love this interview that Graham Norton did with him for WFE promo. Cheers, Happy St Patrick’s Day"
"So peeved. and hot. drink that beer, honey. drink those daddy issues away while i watch you in this hot gif. "
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Graham Norton Show : Robert Pattinson & Reese Witherspoon Episode On Tonight On BBCA
Yes those of you in America can watch the Robert Pattinson & Reese Witherspoon Episode of the Graham Norton Show tonight on BBC America.
Check your listings for times & ENJOY!

Thanks to everyone who sent us in tips about this!
Check your listings for times & ENJOY!
Thanks to everyone who sent us in tips about this!
What we missed with Robert Pattinson on The Graham Norton Show
What we missed with Robert Pattinson on The Graham Norton Show
I love this much :)

What did we miss from The Graham Norton Show? Editing Rob should be a felony. Instant jail time. From Lion & Lamb Love:
Click HERE to view the taping. It MUST be watched. :)
I love this much :)
What did we miss from The Graham Norton Show? Editing Rob should be a felony. Instant jail time. From Lion & Lamb Love:
So, there was a whole section where Graham talked to Rob and Reese about the fact that lots of the stunts they did for WFE looked genuinely dangerous. He mentioned Roman Riding (standing across two bareback horses while they are in motion) for Reese, along with the fact that she had actually been thrown from a horse at one point, which she said had been embarrassing. Then Rob observed that he was struck later by how they had done lots of stunts and scenes which in retrospect were actually really dangerous. He then referred to one scene he did with a lion, where the lion was in a cage, that he would have to put his arm in. Rob then said that the temperature was “like a hundred and ten degrees” then he seemed to get really nervous and said “that sounds like a made-up temperature, that doesn’t sound real,” but Reese assured him it could be real. LOL. Anyway, I digress. So he recounted the story where the lion was really lethargic because of the heat, so the trainer got it riled up with meat beforehand and it was really pissed off by the time Rob had to do his scene, which was to put his arm in the cage. He said that in retrospect, he can’t believe he did it because every time, the lion ate the prosthetic arm. And Reese was nodding in agreement at this point. He said that the reason he would do this dangerous stuff was because everyone was acting like it was totally normal and so he went along with it because “didn’t want to look like a pussy.” As he said ‘pussy’, I could just see on his face that he thought, “shit, I’ve said the wrong thing!” Too cute for words. Then he said he asked his bodyguard later, “If the lion had attacked me, what would you have done?” and his bodyguard answered, (Rob puts on an American accent) “I would’a shot it.” And Rob is like, “that would have been extremely embarrassing!”
Also, the part where he briefly recounts the screaming fans / German techno fantasy on the show, was longer. He mentioned that he had this idea for a comedy sketch, then he kind of checked himself in the cutest way and said, “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, because I might still do this sketch for a comedy show,” then continued to tell the tale anyway!
Finally, the other part I most liked that they cut was where Rob recounted a story about filming on location in Spain years ago when there was this one ‘stalker’ who would wait outside his apartment every single day, and so eventually, he asked if she would like to go out for dinner. (!!) So she took him to her parents’ place in the mountains, where they ate truly horrible food, and then he paid for the meal. He finished by saying she never came back after that! :(
I also liked the dorky way he applauded the other guest, Shappi Khorsandi, when she mentioned a charity fundraising effort – he clapped by hitting his hands against his thighs. ;D
Other favorite moment: the entire female population of the audience trying our best to pay attention to Hugh Laurie performing a song, while Rob lounged on a sofa sipping beer, looking utterly fuckable and watching him too!
Click HERE to view the taping. It MUST be watched. :)
Great quality video of Robert Pattinson on The Graham Norton Show
Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon cracked me up on The Graham Norton Show! I'm not surprised. Rob is ALWAYS enjoyable and he has a wicked sense of humor. DO A COMEDY, ROB!
So so funny :)
So so funny :)
Preview Of Robert Pattinson On The Graham Norton Show
A preview Of what's to come on The Graham Norton Show
Details Of Robert Pattinson's Graham Norton Interview
The BBC have released details and quotes from Rob's interview with Graham Norton.
I've put it after the cut for those of you that don't want to be spoiled (are there any of you out there??)
Don't forget to tune in on BBC1 this Friday @ 10.40pm

I can't wait for this interview (I may have said that before :-})
I've put it after the cut for those of you that don't want to be spoiled (are there any of you out there??)
Don't forget to tune in on BBC1 this Friday @ 10.40pm
I can't wait for this interview (I may have said that before :-})
Robert Pattinson & Reese Witherspoon On "The Graham Norton Show" (HQ Pics)
I CANNOT WAIT to see this on Friday night. Robert Pattinson & Reese Witherspoon on "The Graham Norton Show".
Graham is one of my favourite TV Talk Show hosts (and I'm not being biased because he's my fellow countryman, it's because he's brilliant)
For now we'll have to put up with just looking at these HQ pics from the show but we don't have THAT long to wait.
What I would give to go for a pint with Robert Pattinson

Click & Click Again For HQ

Graham is one of my favourite TV Talk Show hosts (and I'm not being biased because he's my fellow countryman, it's because he's brilliant)
For now we'll have to put up with just looking at these HQ pics from the show but we don't have THAT long to wait.
What I would give to go for a pint with Robert Pattinson
Click & Click Again For HQ
Robert Pattinson Arriving To Film The Graham Norton Show
Updated Added HQ Pics
Robert Pattinson arrives to film the Graham Norton Show

Click And Click Again For HQ

You Tube
Robert Pattinson arrives to film the Graham Norton Show
Click And Click Again For HQ
You Tube
Robert Pattinson Mention at The Graham Norton Show
Robert Downey Jr. is looking GOOD :)
And to answer the questions:
Does Robert Pattinson smoke? YES
Does Robert Pattinson have a twitter? NO
Does Robert Pattinson have a girlfriend? Wouldn't YOU like to know? :)
Does Robert Pattinson have myspace: NO
Does Robert Pattinson sing?: Like an angel :) Just kidding, yes he sings.
Does Robert Pattinson wash his hair? Yes, he's been known to do that :)
Does Robert Pattinson have a facebook?: NO but we do :) Add us on facebook
Does Robert Pattinson do drugs?: Not that we know of...
Does Robert Pattinson like Kristen Stewart?: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say YES :)
And to answer the questions:
Does Robert Pattinson smoke? YES
Does Robert Pattinson have a twitter? NO
Does Robert Pattinson have a girlfriend? Wouldn't YOU like to know? :)
Does Robert Pattinson have myspace: NO
Does Robert Pattinson sing?: Like an angel :) Just kidding, yes he sings.
Does Robert Pattinson wash his hair? Yes, he's been known to do that :)
Does Robert Pattinson have a facebook?: NO but we do :) Add us on facebook
Does Robert Pattinson do drugs?: Not that we know of...
Does Robert Pattinson like Kristen Stewart?: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say YES :)
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