Better Quality Pictures of Robert Pattinson in NYC (March 1)
Popsugar has some better quality pics of Rob stepping out of a Manhattan boutique. They said with a garment bag but those are just Rob's backpacks, non? Whatever. Sexy man at night in sexy v-neck, jeans, and hoodie with cap is SEXY. As for why Rob's in NYC? My guess is for the pizza. ;)
All pics from THIS set are now untagged and LARGE. HoodieRob!
I cropped all of them. This is what happens during a drought. Cropping madness.
I can not handle his "I'm walking out of the store" strut.
The fan wrote this: Rob finally came, even though we look crazy..still love him(: lol Dinner was great! haven't seen Rob & Kristen in so long..I missed them<3 now omw home 2 pack..flight in the a.m
The fan spotted Rob at a sushi restaurant with Kristen Stewart (Feb. 6).
Visit the source to view her pic with Kristen.
Nice to see you, Rob! Thank you for taking that pic with a fan and thank GOD that fan shared it. *drinks the fine water*
Robert Pattinson Wallpapers: Making You The Pre-People's Choice Awards Love vol. 30
How excited are you? I'm vibrating in my seat. I can not wait! Marina is excited too and made us these pre-excitement excitable wallpapers to kick off the exciting day!
VIDEO: Robert Pattinson Highlights from Breaking Dawn Promotion
It's not Showcase Saturday but I just watched this video by RPAustralia and I'm grinnin' like a fool.
On the eve of the first rains of 2012, aka Rob at the People's Choice Awards, enjoy a highlight video of his momentous moments during Breaking Dawn promo.
In case you missed part one when we gotta watch this too.
How good do you feel now? Board up the house and hold on tight, DR! Rob's comin'!
Robert Pattinson will Appear At The People's Choice Awards
He's alive! And showing up at the People's Choice Awards!
From E!Online:
Robert Pattinson is a People's pleaser.
I can exclusively reveal...The Twilight star is expected to make an appearance at the People's Choice Awards on Wednesday.
Pattinson is up for Favorite Movie Actor against Daniel Radcliffe, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp and Ryan Reynolds. He also has his next flick, Bel Ami, to promote before its release in early March. (Tink: He did no interviews last time but I hope he gets asked about Bel Ami this time...)
The People's Choice Awards airs Wednesday, at 9pm ET on CBS. We'll be bringing all the goodies like we always do. ;)
A quickie poll for fun because I know some of you are already wondering...
And I can't even begin to imagine what his hair will be doing. Oh man...
Thanks for making an appearance, Rob!!!
HQs! Click to see the other people. So far the tally in the picture: Stephenie, Wyck, Dean, Peter, Kellan, possibly Rob's UK agent....why you guys are looking at any of these people is beyond me ;)
We posted this interview when it was released during Eclipse promo but it was broken up in parts. Also, it's not available in the format we posted any longer. That's too much explanation for why I'm posting a Robert Pattinson interview.
I'm pretty sure we're entering another drought and thats means seeing and hearing Rob is ALWAYS a welcomed treat :) No explanation needed.
Good video quality, uninterrupted, and of course full of the many beautiful and funny facial expressions of Robert Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson was spotted at Dimples Supper Club in Burbank California last night. He attended friend Shannon Woodward's birthday party. Katy Perry was also in attendance. Radar Online wrote a slimy little story about how Katy and Rob looked "more than just friends" and how Rob was drunk blah blah blah. It's Radar Online...
Rob and Katy attended Shannon's birthday party last year and the same "Rob and Katy are so doing it!" stories were told... 1 year later, same people, different venue, same story :)
The videos below are STALKERAZZI videos, zoom lens & all. You've been warned, watch at your own risk:
Thanks to Donna who did some cyber stalking to find these tweets and figured outKarli Henriquez (Kiis FM and MTV) and Aaron Light were also at the karaoke bar :)
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