BLAST FROM THE PAST: Robert Pattinson At Comic Con 2008
In our 365DoR a little while ago we looked at Comic Con Rob from 2008. As it was 5 years ago and new to some we thought it might be a good opportunity to do a Flashback post.
Comic Con 2008 was Rob's first experience of Comic Con and of large volumes of people screaming for him. He kept saying "They're screaming for Edward" and that might have been the case in the beginning but all that changed pretty quickly.
Anyway here's a Round-up of videos from the Twilight Panel at Comic Con, a few cute interviews that I think you'll enjoy and pics of course.
Knock yourselves out!
This is the Full Panel in 4 Parts
In this one you get to see backstage before the cast went on (a very overwhelmed Rob)
and more
Couple of cute interviews and LOTS of pics, AFTER THE CUT