"Edward Attacks Jacob" ~ "Breaking Dawn Part 1" Deleted Scene (LQ) With Robert Pattinson
I was disappointed (as I know a lot of you were) that this scene was deleted from the movie but all is forgiven now that it's in the extended edition. I LOVE Angry Robward
"I'll deal with you later" HA, GO Daddyward
Source via Source
Showing posts with label deleted scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deleted scenes. Show all posts
"Breaking Dawn Part 1" Deleted Scene Featuring A Giggly Robert Pattinson As Edward
"Breaking Dawn Part 1" Deleted Scene Featuring A Giggly Robert Pattinson As Edward
A lot of people were disappointed because this scene was cut out of the movie. Yes it's the infamous dog bowl scene and it features a SUPER cute giggly Robward.
Check it out
via TBB
A lot of people were disappointed because this scene was cut out of the movie. Yes it's the infamous dog bowl scene and it features a SUPER cute giggly Robward.
Check it out
via TBB
HD video of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Breaking Dawn Part 1 deleted honeymoon scene
HD video of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Breaking Dawn Part 1 deleted honeymoon scene
"So sex was the key after all." Good GAWD.
Source | Via: TBB
"So sex was the key after all." Good GAWD.
Source | Via: TBB
Who Did Robert Pattinson Channel While Filming The "Breaking Dawn" Wedding Speech?
Who Did Robert Pattinson Channel While Filming The "Breaking Dawn" Wedding Speech?
The answer might surprise you.

From EW
One of the most anticipated scenes in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1? The long awaited wedding between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart). And considering how many people went to see the movie in theaters this weekend, plenty of people have now gotten to see the action for themselves. (But for formality’s sake, consider this your official SPOILER ALERT.)
We’ve already told you about why the Iron& Wine song that plays during the ceremony held special significance for some of the cast, but Stewart and Pattinson also tell EW about some of the things audiences didn’t get to see. For example, the moment when Pattinson channeled another actor while filming the speech he gives at the wedding to his new bride. “No one was there really,” he says. “Just a bunch of extras. And for one of the takes, I went into a total Christopher Walken impression. I don’t know why. [Director] Bill [Condon] said, ‘What just happened? Why are you suddenly playing this like Christopher Walken?’ And I just couldn’t get out of it. It’s one of the weirdest things that’s ever happened to me.” He laughs. “I wish it happened more often.”
Another scene, featuring the Denali cousins (important because of their role in Breaking Dawn — Part 2, out November 2012) coming over to congratulate Bella and Edward, apparently didn’t make the final cut. “A little tiny piece of the scene made it into the movie,” explains Stewart. “It was the last thing we shot, at 4 a.m. We did my close-up last, and I was laughing — literally laughing! — just looking at these ladies. All of a sudden it seemed so ridiculous to me, like, who are all these people at my wedding?”
“That scene just went on and on. It felt like forever. I loved it,” laughs Pattinson. “I always like the scenes where Kristen loses it.” A bonus feature for the DVD, perhaps?
via RobPattzNews
The answer might surprise you.
From EW
One of the most anticipated scenes in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1? The long awaited wedding between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart). And considering how many people went to see the movie in theaters this weekend, plenty of people have now gotten to see the action for themselves. (But for formality’s sake, consider this your official SPOILER ALERT.)
We’ve already told you about why the Iron& Wine song that plays during the ceremony held special significance for some of the cast, but Stewart and Pattinson also tell EW about some of the things audiences didn’t get to see. For example, the moment when Pattinson channeled another actor while filming the speech he gives at the wedding to his new bride. “No one was there really,” he says. “Just a bunch of extras. And for one of the takes, I went into a total Christopher Walken impression. I don’t know why. [Director] Bill [Condon] said, ‘What just happened? Why are you suddenly playing this like Christopher Walken?’ And I just couldn’t get out of it. It’s one of the weirdest things that’s ever happened to me.” He laughs. “I wish it happened more often.”
Another scene, featuring the Denali cousins (important because of their role in Breaking Dawn — Part 2, out November 2012) coming over to congratulate Bella and Edward, apparently didn’t make the final cut. “A little tiny piece of the scene made it into the movie,” explains Stewart. “It was the last thing we shot, at 4 a.m. We did my close-up last, and I was laughing — literally laughing! — just looking at these ladies. All of a sudden it seemed so ridiculous to me, like, who are all these people at my wedding?”
“That scene just went on and on. It felt like forever. I loved it,” laughs Pattinson. “I always like the scenes where Kristen loses it.” A bonus feature for the DVD, perhaps?
via RobPattzNews
Torture Tuesday with Robert Pattinson
Torture Tuesday with Robert Pattinson
He loves to crack that whip and torture us in the dark recesses, doesn't he? Or is that me? Doesn't matter. Let's get to it.

There are some love/hate issues with the Twilight films. Some of the things we end up hating are the scenes left out. Scenes we might have felt were essential. If you could pick ONE scene to be rescued...ONE scene you wish Robward could perform....ONE scene to rule them all......er...sorry. Wrong saga.
ONE scene you'll forever miss...which one would it be? WHICH ONE??? I excerpted your choices ;)
WANTED: First "I love you" (Twilight, Chapter 17)
Thank you, Marina, for the "Wanted" wallpaper up top :)
He loves to crack that whip and torture us in the dark recesses, doesn't he? Or is that me? Doesn't matter. Let's get to it.
There are some love/hate issues with the Twilight films. Some of the things we end up hating are the scenes left out. Scenes we might have felt were essential. If you could pick ONE scene to be rescued...ONE scene you wish Robward could perform....ONE scene to rule them all......er...sorry. Wrong saga.
ONE scene you'll forever miss...which one would it be? WHICH ONE??? I excerpted your choices ;)
WANTED: First "I love you" (Twilight, Chapter 17)
He put his hands carefully on both sides of my face. "I infuriate myself," he said gently. "The way I can't seem to keep from putting you in danger. My very existence puts you at risk. Sometimes I truly hate myself. I should be stronger, I should be able to - "WANTED: Blood typing (Twilight, Chapter 5)
I placed my hand over his mouth. "Don't."
He took my hand, moving it from his lips, but holding it to his face.
"I love you," he said. "It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing, but it's still true."
It was the first time he'd said he loved me - in so many words. He might not realize it, but I certainly did.
"Bella?" a different voice called from the distance.WANTED: The flight (New Moon, Chapter 22)
No! Please let me be imagining that horribly familiar voice.
"What's wrong - is she hurt?" His voice was closer now, and he sounded upset. I wasn't imagining it. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to die. Or, at the very least, not throw up.
Mike seemed stressed. "I think she's fainted. I don't know what happened, she didn't even stick her finger."
"Bella." Edward's voice was right beside me, relieved now. "Can you hear me?"
"No," I groaned. "Go away."
He chuckled.
Edward seemed perfectly content to hold me in his arms, his fingers tracing my face again and again. I touched his face, too. I couldn't help myself, though I was afraid it would hurt me later, when I was alone again. He continued to kiss my hair, my forehead, my wrists...but never my lips, and that was good. After all, how many ways can one heart be mangled and still be expected to keep beating? I'd lived through a lot that should have finished me in the last few days, but it didn't make me feel strong. Instead, I felt horribly fragile, like one word could shatter me.WANTED: Bedroom makeout (New Moon, Chapter 23)
Edward didn't speak. Maybe he was hoping I would sleep. Maybe he had nothing to say.
I stared at him darkly for a long moment. "The way I feel about you will never change. Of course I love you - and there's nothing you can do about it!"WANTED: The aftermath (Eclipse, Chapter 24)
"That's all I needed to hear."
His mouth was on mine then, and I couldn't fight him. Not because he was so many thousands times stronger than me, but because my will crumbled into dust the second our lips met. This kiss was not quite as careful as others I remembered, which suited me just fine. If I was going to rip myself up further, I might as well get as much in trade as possible.
So I kissed him back, my heart pounding out a jagged, disjointed rhythm while my breathing turned to panting and my fingers moved greedily to his face. I could feel his marble body against every line of mine, and I was so glad he hadn't listened to me - there was no pain in the world that would have justified missing this. His hands memorized my face, the same way mine were tracing his, and, in the brief seconds when his lips were free, he whispered my name.
"Yes, a few more minutes now. Just enough time to say one more thing..."WANTED: No more waiting (Eclipse, Chapter 27)
I waited. When he finally spoke again, he was whispering. "I can be noble, Bella. I'm not going to make you choose between us. Just be happy, and you can have whatever part of me you want, or none at all, if that's better. Don't let any debt you feel you owe me influence your decision."
I pushed off the floor, shoving myself up onto my knees.
"Dammit, stop that!" I shouted at him.
His eyes widened in surprise. "No - you don't understand. I'm not just trying to make you feel better, Bella, I really mean it."
"I know you do," I groaned. "What happened to fighting back? Don't start with the noble self-sacrifice now! Fight!"
"How?" he asked, and his eyes were ancient with their sadness.
I scrambled into his lap, throwing my arms around him.
"I don't care that it's cold here. I don't care that I stink like a dog right now. Make me forget how awful I am. Make me forget him. Make me forget my own name. Fight back!"
"Stop, Edward. Wait." My voice was weak as my will.Is this easy peasy or are you conflicted? Are you vexed? Are you tortured?!
"Why?" he whispered into the hollow of my throat.
I labored to put some resolve into my tone. "I don't want to do this now."
"Don't you?" he asked, a smile in his voice. He moved his lips back to mine and made speaking impossible. Heat coursed through my veins, burning where my skin touched his.
I made myself focus. It took a great deal of effort to just force my hands to free themselves from his hair, to move them to his chest. But I did it. And then I shoved against him, trying to push him away. I could not succeed alone, but he responded as I knew he would.
He pulled back a few inches to look at me, and his eyes did nothing to help my resolve. They were black fire. They smoldered.
"Why?" he asked again, his voice low and rough. "I love you. I want you. Right now."
Thank you, Marina, for the "Wanted" wallpaper up top :)
David Slade explains his decision to cut a certain Robert Pattinson scene in Eclipse
David Slade explains his decision to cut a certain Robert Pattinson scene in Eclipse
I apologize now for my bitter tone...blame Kate...she's making me post this ;) *shifts responsibility*
From HollywoodCrush
"We were trying to get the film to a manageable length, to flow really well, and it was like hitting a speed bump. You just felt it every time you hit these scenes," he explained. (Tink: Yeah those extra 20 seconds really would have rocked the flow of the movie.)
The scene that made it to the DVD's special features is one that "closed the argument." Edward is sitting outside Bella's house and is being "kind of a jerk, making certain demands which Edward is like to do throughout all of these films," and Bella finally gets fed up with him. She storms off to her room, locking her window, effectively telling Edward that he is not welcome in her boudoir that evening. But after a moment's hesitation, she unlocks and opens the window. (Aw, we wouldn't be able to keep the window closed either, Bella!) (Tink: But David Slade was able to keep the window closed.)
If there's one thing we can never get enough of, it's lovely little Bella and Edward moments, though we can do without them fighting. We're glad that David chose to add his own commentary to all these scenes to explain why he cut them (Tink: The explanation doesn't satisfy me at all.) I'm sure I'm not the only person out there who might have been okay with sitting through a three-hour-long version of "Eclipse." (Tink: It wouldn't have even been 3 hours to add this and other great Edward bits. It would have added like 3 minutes *grumble*)
Click HERE to read the whole article and like I said...sorry for my bitter tone...I'm harboring a little hostility ;) Be careful of my thoughts on one other scene. I'm more vicious about THAT edit. dun dun DUN!
Screencaps Of Deleted "Twilight" Scene With Robert Pattinson
Screencaps Of Deleted "Twilight" Scene With Robert Pattinson
Oh My....
This is one scene that should never have been deleted. Why Catherine?? Why did you do it?
..........If you go down to the woods today ................

{Love that first pic}


Source@Dallianna Via Gossip Dance & Twi Fans
Oh My....
This is one scene that should never have been deleted. Why Catherine?? Why did you do it?
{Love that first pic}
Source@Dallianna Via Gossip Dance & Twi Fans
New/Old still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from deleted Twilight scene
New/Old still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from deleted Twilight scene
Thanks TwiFans for sharing this with us!
This still was found in the French version of the Twilight Movie Companion book.
I cropped it so we have no line and just E & B flirting in fall leaves. I know there's a fan fic out there for this kind of picture.
Click for UHQ!
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