Robert Pattinson's 'Life' Now Available For Download On iTunes UK & Ireland
The DVD & Blu Ray will be available to buy in the UK & Ireland in a couple of weeks BUT if you can't wait that long you can download Life RIGHT NOW over on iTunes HERE
And if you want to pre-order the DVD or Blu-Ray in Amazon UK (Release Date 1st Feb) you can do so using the links below......
You can also pre-order Life on DVD on Amazon US (for release March 1st) at the link below......
Life won both these categories by a landslide. The winner for Best Performance was Rob as Dennis Stock with a HUGE 94%. Best On-Screen Pairing with Rob & Dane was also a bit win with 70% of the vote but Rob's chemistry with Nicole was still well liked.
What did your mods vote for? We're on the same page...
Kat: "Life | Rob and Dane"Kate: "Life | I'm gonna say Rob & Nicole but I would have liked to see MORE."PJ: "Life | Rob and Dane"Tink: "Dennis Stock in Life. His Lawrence was good and more entertaining in ways but there was just more for him to work with in Life. It’s a leading role and it shows wonderfully. | I really liked Rob and Nicole but Rob and Dane win again because they had more to do and show us. Their dynamic sold the movie."
Check out the rankings below!
Click HERE if you missed ROBsessed Award winners already announced.
ROBsessed Awards: Robert Pattinson's Best Performance and On-Screen Pairing of 2015
2015 brought us 2 Rob performances and 2 on-screen pairings. It's always a joy to see Rob on the big screen but it's time for us to make a choice - which performance and which pairing was the BEST.
What did you and Robert Pattinson do to create that bond James and Dennis shared?
It's an interesting bond because I don't really look at them as friends. I look at them as two artists who were both struggling in different ways, because they work in different ways, and they come across each other and they influence each other as artists. So while a lot of people are calling it a friendship movie, I don't really see the friendship part of it. It's not like Rob and I weren't friends, it's just I felt like that was the relationship we had probably because of the film. We hung out a couple of times outside of set, but other than that, it would be show up on set and really get to know each other through the process of making the movie as two artists who go about things in two different ways. And I think in that way, you don't have to "act" the relationship, you just allow it to happen on screen.
You've worked with some actors with huge fan bases, like Daniel Radcliffe and Rob Pattinson. Did you see all that come into play when you were on set with them? And are you fearful of that kind of fame yourself going forward?
I've worked with Shia LaBeouf too, and it manifests itself differently for all those guys. It's interesting because all those movies have a different target audience. People love Dan in this way where they want to hold him close, where with Rob, they just want to jump on him and make out with him -- there's this sexuality that goes along with Rob's fans where they're just sooo into him as a sexual being. And then Shia's fans are like, "You're the Transformer hero!" They all handle it different ways. Their lives are all more crazy than mine is. But am I scared of that happening?
Yeah, like for example, can you walk around without people noticing you?
Yeah, well, they don't not notice me but ...
It's not like you're attacked.
Right. I can go to the grocery store and people are like, "Hi, I really like you." And I'm like, "Thank you!" ... When we were filming "Life," I remember one day on set Rob was like, "I went to the grocery store for the first time in so long." And I was like, "OK?" I don't know. I don't really think about that stuff that much because it's sort of out of my control and I’m just really grateful that I get to do what I do.
How was it starring opposite Robert Pattinson? “It was good! He chooses to challenge himself and works with great filmmakers. I probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make this film if Rob didn’t want to do it as well.” Be sure to catch LIFE in theaters or streaming on demand, DIRECTV, iTunes or Amazon!
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: 'Life' TV Spot With Robert Pattinson & Dane DeHaan In Theaters & On Demand 4th Dec
Today, thanks to Cinedigm, we're sharing an exclusive TV Spot for Life. I'm so excited that those of you in the US will get to see it in select theaters, Digital HD and On Demand from Dec 4th. I know you're going to enjoy it as much as I did.
Here's a taster of what you have to look forward to.
Here's the official synopsis (even though I know you guys know exactly what's it's about):
"Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga, Cosmopolis, Maps to the Stars) was only 26 when he was commissioned to photograph James Dean (Dane DeHaan, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Place Beyond the Pines), Hollywood’s rebellious free spirit on the verge of superstardom, for LIFE Magazine in 1955. In the months leading up to the premiere of Dean’s infamous role in East of Eden and filming Rebel Without a Cause, Stock and Dean took a photographic journey across the United States, from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Dean’s childhood farmhouse in Indiana. And while Stock thought he was capturing a young actor in the instant before he became a household name, in fact he documented the last moments of intimacy and simplicity that James Dean ever knew. From the Academy Award®-winning producers of The King’s Speech and acclaimed director Anton Corbijn (Control, A Most Wanted Man, The American), LIFE is inspired by the true story of the friendship between Stock and Dean, a bond that would change both their lives and provide the world with some of the most iconic images of the age."
VIDEO: Anton Corbijn & Dane DeHaan Talk About Working With Robert Pattinson On 'Life'
Red Carpet News spoke to Life Director Anton Corbijn & Rob's co-star Dane DeHaan at the Life Screening in London last month and asked them about working with Rob on the movie.
Some more Life promo with Rob & Dane from Berlin. We've heard these answers before either in print or on video. I can't quiet remember because there's been so many interviews lately.
VIDEO: Anton Corbijn Talks About Casting Robert Pattinson In 'Life' At The Gala Screening In London
The was a Gala screening of Life last night in London at the Soho Hotel. Premiere Scene spoke to Anton Corbijn about casting Robert Pattinson & Dane DeHaan for their roles in Life & More.
Check out the video below, Anton starts talking around the 2:55 mark.
To see more coverage from the screening, check out our sister site
Robert Pattinson & Dane DeHaan Grab A Bite To Eat In A NEW Still From 'Life'
Yes I know this looks familiar, it's similar to one we've seen before but it is different (and new).
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