Twilight star Justin Chon tells me that director David Slade's Eclipse isn't exactly taking his lead from Catherine Hardwick or Chris Weitz.
"He's done pretty dark films so that's where I see [Eclipse] really gravitating towards—more of a dark kind of moody film," Chon said yesterday at BAFTA's pre-Emmy tea party. "Just shooting the scenes that I'm in, the mood is definitely different."
"David is very set on how he wants this movie to be portrayed," Chon said. "It's a lot more refined and maybe not as loose as the last two—at least for us humans. I can only imagine what he's doing with everyone else."
Chon also confirmed reports that Robert Pattinson has been living in a house rather than the usual hotel during filming in Vancouver, Canada.(Gozde: So you mean he is not "holed up in a HOTEL ROOM"? But how can DeepAss be wrong? I'm shocked :) Okay, just kidding. I know that he was staying at a hotel, he must have moved. Good for him ;))
"Security has been increased a lot," Chon said. "They're a lot more protective…If Rob was to go out in public without anybody, I think it could be pretty dangerous."(Gozde: Awww :( Really? Are people really that crazy? :(( )
Even so, Pattz is dealing with the attention well. "It takes him a lot more time to get in and out of places," Chon said. "But he doesn't get angry. He's handling things great."
I don't know about carrying his luggage but I'd like to be his bodyguard and take down the stupid crazies like the one below :)) (The one with the glasses)
And Kristen Stewart describes the Robward hallucinations:
I was first introduced to the "Robert Pattinson Stalker/Intern at Black Book magazine" by my friend TwiCrackAddict then the fab Letters to Rob had a piece about her and now her latest adventure is posted on She is quite cuckoo but who isn't? And she is very funny :) Enjoy!
BlackBook has a famous lineage of interns; we’ve yet again found another one amongst our unpaid ranks whose existence and presence has shocked, shaken, and amazed the staff in ways we didn’t think our interns were capable of doing. This one, like all the others, has a very special secret: her life’s ambition. No, it’s not a career in publishing. It’s finding and ravishing the man of her dreams (and those of every other girl aged 14 through 40): actor Robert Pattinson. While we simply talked to her about her obsession before, we’ve now given her time to explore it.
I enjoy a nice lunch in Washington Square Park and he just happens to be feet from my favorite bench in the park. I show up in NoLita for a late afternoon stroll and a blood orange gelato and there he is again with his posse of Schwarzenegger-esque guards. He goes to the same bars I go to. He hangs out in the same hotel lobbies I hang out in. And, no doubt, he finds himself wishing he could constantly be surrounded by talented British men. There is nothing blasé about it, but Robert Pattinson is stalking me.
Upon my arrival in Nolita this past Wednesday (June 24), for a lunch meeting/stalking session, I stumbled upon the Remember Me set. I found that the crowds had grown substantially from the first few days of filming. And so had the security—all a ploy for Robert to prove that they were there first. I wasn’t convinced. The crowds were all too cliché; The throbbing hearts of the Tiger-Beat-era, the “I’m too good for this” 20somethings that repeat they’re “over it” but still continue to camera-rape Robert, and the pushy moms that force their children to lie across a filthy New York cab that Robert touched in order to pose for a picture. I wasn’t buying it.
Of course, working for a magazine, I felt it my duty to examine the scene closer. Unknown to the crowds around me, I am the “Robert Pattinson Stalker” or BlackBook intern with an obsessive goal to ravish RPattz by summer’s end. I decide that the best route to keep the creepy, stalker vibe from surfacing is to play dumb. I ask those around me what is going on, and what all the fuss is about. The 12-year-old standing next to me looks up dumbfounded. My co-intern looks at me like I’m crazy. This totally makes me appear less creepy, or so I think. I blink stupidly and search around for Robert ... pretending I don’t know what he looks like.
It’s at this moment that Robert’s eyes graze the crowd. He pretends not to see me (as if he didn’t know I would be there). Yes, the tween next to me probably thinks he was looking for her, but I know the truth. I quickly turn into one of those 20somethings in order to avoid his wanting glance. “I’m so over this scene” I tell my friend and insist that Robert is working and all the people there disgust me by disturbing this poor actor who is just trying to do his job. I have to get to my “lunch meeting” anyway. I check my watch and realize I have five minutes to get from Nolita to Gramercy. A lunch break is not sufficient time for a meeting in Nolita.
As I scramble to catch the train, I mull over why I don’t just run up and grab him when I have the chance. Being a Robert Pattinson stalker, this would be the appropriate move according to many. The truth is I don’t want to be that crazy fan with the Twilight bag and the Fraybans. Maybe there is that small glimmer of hope my dream will come true—that I will meet him in a intimate bar, he’ll find me intriguing for who I am, and in return I’ll fulfill all his wildest fantasies. But in the meantime, I’ll probably frequent my favorite spot, Black & White, or perhaps I’ll catch up with a few friends at the Bowery Bar. I mean, with my current record, Robert will more than likely turn up where I am in a day or two. After all, he is stalking me.
According to RobPattzNews: NY UPDATE: Cab incident is confirmed. Story is true. But he's fine, "not hurt at all."
An eye witness account from twitter:
Tweet right after the incident: anniecm : Rob Pattinsons security just walked him into oncoming traffic and got him hit by a cab! Fire them! Or maybe let him see where he's goinggg
Tweets after we announced the news: anniecm : @ROBsessedBlog There was only one pap and about 6 girls there - his security guard led him into the street too fast and the cab bumped him.
anniecm : @ROBsessedBlog It was the paparazzi snapping pix, Robs face covered by hood/umbrella, tryin to get away -into oncoming traffic
ROBsessedBlog: @anniecm So he wasn't running away from anyone? It was the over eager bodyguard?
anniecm@ROBsessedBlog They were rushing him, but no fans were doing anything. There was one crazy paparazzi and about 6 girls trailing behind him
When I saw the line "Radar is reporting that Rob was hit by a cab in New York" on NewMoonMovie's twitter, my stomach flipped. I still feel nauseated, have a headache and my hands are shaking.
Rob Pattinson is quickly learning the hazards of filming a movie in New York City - he was hit by a taxi cab on Thursday while running away from hysterical fans! witnessed the Twilight star get clipped by a cab around noon in front of the Strand Bookstore on Broadway and 12th Street.
He was not hurt.
The 23-year-old London-born actor had been inside most of the morning filming scenes for his new movie Remember Me.
A team of five security guards were trying to fend off a crowd of teenaged girls when Rob was leaving the bookstore.
It was pouring rain as they tried to hustle him quickly across the busy street to the safety of his trailer.
Some of the teen girls were hysterical and Rob rushed across the road. As he did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed on his brakes as soon as he realized what had happened.
It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in the hip. He stood there for a moment looking stunned. The bodyguard next to him checked if he was okay and then screamed at the fans: "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
Gozde: This is seriously getting out of hand and is why I don't post set locations, so please stop sending me emails asking how to find Rob. I'll never answer. Everyone thinks "others" are crazy.
After the info we've been getting it sounds like a minor incident was blown way out of proportion. BUT it COULD have been a disaster and that should worry us all.
I'm about to make a "Leave Rob Alone" video a la Chris Crocker but I'm not that crazy. Just pissed off!
Additional reports:
As much as it pains me to say that I agree with Ted Casablanca:
UPDATE: Despite the fact that Robert Pattinson was supposedly hit by a cab running from insane stalkers, not to mention that alarming security breach that left Pattz straight-up vulnerable to the crazy fans, Summit, the studio Rob's currently working for while filming Remember Me in New York, reveals it isn't overly worried. A spokesperson for the studio states:
"Robert Pattinson is fine. The reports are exaggerated, and the accident was not caused by fans. Production continues."
The Summit rep refused to say what did cause the cabbie accident, or whether or not additional precautions were being taken for Pattinson. Jeez, why the hell not? But first, a disclaimer: Sources where Rob was filming, as well as bystanders, tell us they did not see the accident. Remember, Radar also "broke" that Kristen Stewart's boyfriend was chasing her around Italy (uh, didn't happen).
Now, back to R.Pattz's safety. What say you Summit insiders?
"We're taking it as it unfolds," says a source deep within Summit, who, for the moment, declined to release any official statement on Pattinson's personal safety during filming. "Security has been increased," adds our in-the-know insider. "But there's no grand plan."
What! Are you kidding? The most sought-after star in the whole friggin' world right now just seems a little too accessible, don't you think? Plus, we're told Summit isn't exactly keen on addressing the incidents, as it doesn't want to exacerbate the situation. Nor is it revealing, at this point, exactly what its "increased" protection game plan happens to be. Dunno ‘bout you, but "taking it as it unfolds" seems to be asking for super trouble to us.
I mean, what's next? Getting hit by a bus? And what if some nut job gets all Lohan-on-Ronson stalk-stupid after Rob's cute little behind?
How crappy that studio peeps try to control who their stars can and can't bed, but at the same time, can't control their stars' safety? Not cool.
The bad news first: is reporting that Robert Pattinson was hit by a taxi cab in NYC today while running away from hysterical fans.
The good news: The Remember Me star is totally fine, and sources tell OK! he wasn't actually touched by the car.
R-Pattz had his close call around noon outside a shooting location for his new flick, as a crowd of hysterical teenage girls swarmed him on his way out of a store.
Security guards tried to help him, hustling him across the street to his trailer, but the taxi grazed past him as he crossed the street, slamming on the brakes.
"The cab didn't hit him. It came close, but it's New York, that's what happens," an on-set source tells OK!. "It barely touched him. He maybe put his hand on the cab but he's fine. They all just went to lunch."
One of his bodyguards made sure there was no bodily harm done to Rob first, then screamed at the girls, "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
Let that be a lesson to you, obsessed Twilight fanatics: We know you love R-Pattz, we love him too, he knows you love him, so let's give him some breathing room and keep him safe.
Everyone was waiting outside for Rob. At this time there were only about 5 or 6 fans and one paparazzi. Rob came out and as usual he had his hood up, was covered by an umbrella, and surrounded by about 6 guards. The girls were all following behind Rob and because of the commotion, a few people on the streets may have also been following or looking. NO ONE even tried to touch Rob, & from what I could tell, no one was even snapping pictures in his face except for this one paparazzi who had been hanging around outside the building all day. He was crouching on the ground snapping pictures behind Rob's umbrella, Rob was hiding his face. Some of the security guards were moving very quickly, causing their little circle that was protecting Rob to break up. Soon one guard was guiding Rob by the shoudlers and led him across a street where there was a red light and moving traffic. I was right behind him at this point and saw the entire thing happen. The cab was coming quickly but saw them jump in front of it, so the cabbie slammed on his breaks. Rob was tapped a little in the hip, but they kept going. Rob then went into his trailer. The security guards were yelling at everyone and saying everyone was chasing him, but really no one even tried to touch him and there were honestly about 10 people absolute maximum trying to see him. Then the guards also made the fans move away from the trailer but let that obnoxious paparazzi stand outside of his trailer so he could snap pix the next time Rob came out. Its unfair that these people would blame the fans outside. First of all, there were only about 6 girls and none were crazy teenagers. No one yelled to him or tried to touch him at all. The security guard apologized afterwards for flipping out, he said that they were just trying to be overly cautious after Monday's fan incident.
I think the lack of adequate security on the first day of shooting was due to the poroduction company underestimating the following that Rob has. The location of the shoot was all over the fansites 3 days before the shoot (we didn't post it). 3 days is a pretty good head start for a stalker.
Rob was pretty well guarded on the New Moon set and I believe they all thought the crazy people were after Robward Cullen NOT Robert Pattinson. Well news flash: They are after Rob. Would you leave a Brad Pitt set that unguarded? No? Well the same applies for Rob now. Unfortunately people know no personal boundries when it comes to celebrities.
The overly affectionate stranglehold Robert Pattinson suffered earlier this week on the set of his new movie Remember Me may have left the actor unscathed. (Those bruises he's been sporting lately are just stage makeup, ladies. Your services won't be required for kissing it better.) Still, surely something must be done to ensure no hardcore Twihards lay a finger on Pattinson's glittery skin. Where's security? Shouldn't they have someone monitoring this dude while he sleeps, already? Edward needs an Edward.
According to E! Online, the Pattz Attack earlier this week has put Twilight producers Summit Entertainment on alert.
"There's not even close to enough security over in New York for [Rob]," a studio exec dished to E!. "They've certainly taken note," said another source. "Security yesterday was addressed. We may hear more any minute about how it's being increased. Or we may not. We're waiting."
In the meantime, Pattinson appears to be as vulnerable as Bella Swan with a paper cut, as paparazzi and crazy fans alike storm the shoot of Remember Me on location in New York City.
According toEntertainment Weekly, hundreds of girls have been gathering in the city's Washington Square Park to watch -- and squeal their love for a fictional vampire from the mountaintops -- during filming, and have even chased the actor between locations.
"They might as well call it [the movie] Paparazzi and Tweens, 'cause there's more of us than them!" the magazine overheard one crew member exclaim.
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