Grab a bag of glitter and plan a night at home around a computer with your friends. The first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is almost here. We’ve just learned it’s being released on Thursday, March 11th at 6:00AM PST / 9:00AM EST. The Eclipse trailer will really be more of a teaser. It’ll clock in at only 90 seconds long and, as for what it will contain, werewolves, vampires, and Bella looking at one of those two possibilities longingly is a sure bet.
But with the Twilight Flu being what it is, odds are you won’t want to wait till Thursday, so there will also be a teaser for the teaser released on Wednesday, March 10th. That’ll only be a 10 second long version of the 90 second teaser, long enough for Tyler Lautner to flex his muscles or something. That shows up in the morning at around 9AM PST.
You’ll be able to see both the teaser and the teaser for the teaser here on Cinema Blend, as soon as they debut. Stick around, we’ll have them for you and so will the movie’s official site. Or if you want to wait a few extra hours, it’ll officially debut in theaters this weekend in front of the new Robert Pattinson movie Remember Me.
Source CinemaBlend. Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip.