Oh that Robert! Such a tease. The sexhair has been detained. I repeat, the sexhair has been detained.
Click HERE for earlier fan pics of Rob at the show and when the sexhair lived a freer life.
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The actor has revealed he jammed with Russell Crowe when they worked together on L.A. Confidential and years later, he sang with co-star in The Rover Robert Pattinson, who he describes as a “great songwriter”.Click HERE to watch the video of Guy talking about Rob. He starts after the 3:40 mark in the second video.
“We had a few good plays,” said Pearce of his music sessions with Crowe. “I mean I’m not a great guitarist to be honest, Russell’s a much more formidable guitarist than I am, but we sat and compared notes and played a few songs together at times”.
“You know I’ve done that with a few actors along the way — Rob Pattinson is a really great songwriter, so on the road we had a bit of time together playing music.”
You made Maps for a little more than $13 million. What is your approach to film financing?David mentions Cosmopolis later in the interview and talks about how he's very proud of the film.
Money can be neutral, and as long as the source of the money doesn’t involve giving up creative freedom, I don’t care where it comes from. In fact, I rather like that independent films are put together like Frankenstein: You get pieces from all over the world, and you stitch them together and hope it ends up being a living organism. That’s the financing. But creatively — obviously that’s one of the reasons you make independent films, for creative freedom. You don’t have studio interference. When I was making [2012’s] Cosmopolis, [Robert] Pattinson said to me, “I’ve never seen this before.” I said, “You’ve never seen what?” He said, “You just make all the decisions right here on the spot.” I said, “Yeah.” I mean, you don’t actually have to wait to get memos from the studio. He said he’d never been in a situation where the director did what he wanted, without consultation. I said: “You know, it’s just us making this movie. There’s no one else — there’s no Big Brother.”
Older directors often lose their creative edge as their careers progress. At 71, you don’t seem to have that problem. Why?
It’s a matter of creative force and edge. Cosmopolis, which was not a successful film in terms of box office, for me was a really successful film in terms of pushing the envelope of filmmaking. So I’m really very proud and happy with that film. That’s the thing: I’ve never lost sight of why I’m making films. You can lose sight of it. When you get older, for me, you can even get choosier. If a film isn’t really exciting, if it’s just ordinary, there’s no way I’ll do it. I don’t need the money. Not that I’m rich, but I have enough to live on, and I don’t need to do a movie for money — and I don’t need to do a movie just to be doing a movie. It has to be something that really pushes my buttons, and Maps to the Stars did that. It took 10 years to get it made. The same was true of A Dangerous Method, and Crash as well. The more difficult, interesting films take 10 years to get made. Eventually I’m going to run out of time, but it takes a project like that to get me interested. So I’m not likely to make a boring film.
David Cronenberg making a boring film — that would generate some scandal.That would be the bad kind of scandal, absolutely.Click HERE to read the full interview