Showing posts with label Well hello jacob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Well hello jacob. Show all posts
New/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Set Pics
New/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Set Pics
I love when gems like this pop up. Here's Rob with Aleksandra Kaniak & Ilia Volok who played his Mum & Dad in "Water for Elephants".
Hmmmm it looks like Rob is having a bit of button trouble.
I see you Rob ...........
Source via Lurker 1510/RobPattMoms
I love when gems like this pop up. Here's Rob with Aleksandra Kaniak & Ilia Volok who played his Mum & Dad in "Water for Elephants".
Hmmmm it looks like Rob is having a bit of button trouble.
I see you Rob ...........
Source via Lurker 1510/RobPattMoms
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.13 ~ Love Quote From A Rob Film
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.13 ~ Love Quote From A Rob Film
Oooh myself and Tink are in sync today. Kat's was actually my second choice!

"Probably totally predictable but i'm going with this one ;-}"
"Awwww... love quote from a Rob movie, has to be this one, it's the way he says it. It's beautiful :-)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk.
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!
Oooh myself and Tink are in sync today. Kat's was actually my second choice!
"Probably totally predictable but i'm going with this one ;-}"
"Awwww... love quote from a Rob movie, has to be this one, it's the way he says it. It's beautiful :-)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk.
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan.19 ~ Rob Characters You Would FMK
365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan.19 ~ Rob Characters You Would FMK
I can't wait to see what you're all going to come up with for today's 365. I wonder will yours resemble any of our choices?
"F**k Eric, a little danger. Marry Jacob, because why not? Kill Edward, surely it's not possible anyway?"
"I’m switching things up from last time I played this. I would f*ck Georges Duroy because seriously. The man was built for a good f*cking. I would marry Jacob Jankowski because he couldn’t be more loving, sweet, sincere, and devoted. He’s a family man and loves animals - SOLD! I would kill Cedric Diggory for 2 reasons - 1. His age prohibits the other two things. Gross. and 2. This is his fate already."
"Oh my......... what a hard decision, well the first 2 aren't difficult, but the last one is the one I had problems with.
F**k is easy, DuRoy all the way. Marry, has to be good old Jacob. And kill, (I don't want to kill any of them. Don't laugh but I always thought FMK was F**k, Marry, Kiss, I think I prefer that ;-}) ANYWAY, if I HAVE to kill one of them then I guess it'll be Edward as he's already dead (I would also kiss him if it was F**k, Marry, Kiss ;-p)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the January calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
I can't wait to see what you're all going to come up with for today's 365. I wonder will yours resemble any of our choices?
"F**k Eric, a little danger. Marry Jacob, because why not? Kill Edward, surely it's not possible anyway?"
"I’m switching things up from last time I played this. I would f*ck Georges Duroy because seriously. The man was built for a good f*cking. I would marry Jacob Jankowski because he couldn’t be more loving, sweet, sincere, and devoted. He’s a family man and loves animals - SOLD! I would kill Cedric Diggory for 2 reasons - 1. His age prohibits the other two things. Gross. and 2. This is his fate already."
"Oh my......... what a hard decision, well the first 2 aren't difficult, but the last one is the one I had problems with.
F**k is easy, DuRoy all the way. Marry, has to be good old Jacob. And kill, (I don't want to kill any of them. Don't laugh but I always thought FMK was F**k, Marry, Kiss, I think I prefer that ;-}) ANYWAY, if I HAVE to kill one of them then I guess it'll be Edward as he's already dead (I would also kiss him if it was F**k, Marry, Kiss ;-p)"
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the January calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
Beautiful *NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills From The French DVD Blu-Ray Box Set
How gorgeous are these *NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills From The French DVD Blu-Ray Box Set.
Why didn't we get this? I waaaaaaaaaaaant ittttttttttttttttt *pouts*
I also want to run my hands through his hair!

Click for Larger

Source rpattzkstewtwilightaddict via Source
Why didn't we get this? I waaaaaaaaaaaant ittttttttttttttttt *pouts*
I also want to run my hands through his hair!
Click for Larger
Source rpattzkstewtwilightaddict via Source
"Manly & Handsome" - Jacqueline West, Costume Designer for WFE, On Robert Pattinson
Yes that's how Jacqueline West the costume designer for "Water For Elephants" described Robert Pattinson looked as Jacob in his roustabout clothes when she was interviewed by Real Style and we have to say we totally agree with her!!

Real Style: What was it like was it working with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson?
Jacqueline West: It was a treat working with them both. Reese was lovely, collaborative and game about wearing all the very slinky and revealing performance costumes and the very bare thirties gowns and had the perfect body to make them all look alluring. We watched thirties films together and she studied the film goddesses of the era and really got the body language down perfectly. She’s a fabulous actress. It’s wonderful working with good actors! Rob was wonderful. I’d only seen him as a very pale vampire. It was so much fun to see how manly and handsome and period he could become in thirties working class “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” roustabout clothes. He too is very serious about his acting and wore them so well and managed to be so of the period.
Head over to Real Style to read the full interview.
Real Style: What was it like was it working with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson?
Jacqueline West: It was a treat working with them both. Reese was lovely, collaborative and game about wearing all the very slinky and revealing performance costumes and the very bare thirties gowns and had the perfect body to make them all look alluring. We watched thirties films together and she studied the film goddesses of the era and really got the body language down perfectly. She’s a fabulous actress. It’s wonderful working with good actors! Rob was wonderful. I’d only seen him as a very pale vampire. It was so much fun to see how manly and handsome and period he could become in thirties working class “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” roustabout clothes. He too is very serious about his acting and wore them so well and managed to be so of the period.
Head over to Real Style to read the full interview.
Today Is The Day! Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" Is Available In US & Canada
Yes ladies today is the day you've all been waiting for.
You can finally get your hands on Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" in the US & Canada.
You can watch Robowski to your hearts content.
This should help get you in the mood ;-)
HAPPY Robowski DAY
If you haven't already picked up your copy
Triple Play & DVD
AND you can also get it on Amazon Instant Play
You can finally get your hands on Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" in the US & Canada.
You can watch Robowski to your hearts content.
This should help get you in the mood ;-)
HAPPY Robowski DAY
If you haven't already picked up your copy
Triple Play & DVD
AND you can also get it on Amazon Instant Play
Some *NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills
Some *NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills and some old ones that are now bigger and as we say bigger is ALWAYS better where Rob is concerned.
I love this one....... Jacob & Queenie

Click for larger

Source via Source
I love this one....... Jacob & Queenie
Click for larger
Source via Source
*NEW* Behind The Scenes Still Of Robert Pattinson In "Water For Elephants"
A NEW BTS still of Robert Pattinson & Frances Lawrence from the Polish "Water for Elephants" DVD

Source robpattinsonpl via Source
And we had this before but now it's in HQ and HQ Rob is ALWAYS the best!

Click For HQ

Thanks to robertpattinsonau
Source robpattinsonpl via Source
And we had this before but now it's in HQ and HQ Rob is ALWAYS the best!
Click For HQ
Thanks to robertpattinsonau
Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson and the characters he's played
Torture Tuesday starring Robert Pattinson and the characters he's played

There you go, ladies. Our 3 worthy contestants. Contestants for what you ask? Contestants in the evil, torturous, impossible game of FMK. Based on the types of men Rob has played, pick which man you would F*CK, which man you would MARRY, and which man you would KILL. *releases maniacal laughter*
There you go, ladies. Our 3 worthy contestants. Contestants for what you ask? Contestants in the evil, torturous, impossible game of FMK. Based on the types of men Rob has played, pick which man you would F*CK, which man you would MARRY, and which man you would KILL. *releases maniacal laughter*
*NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Still
Another new "Water For Elephants" Stills this time featuring Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon & Rosie

Source Come l'Acqua per gli Elefanti via
Source Come l'Acqua per gli Elefanti via
More*NEW* Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills
We are being totally spoilt with all the NEW Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" stills that we are getting lately but you won't hear us complaining.

This is the one that was in "Girlfriend" magazine a couple of days ago.

This is the one that was in "Girlfriend" magazine a couple of days ago.
More NEW "Water For Elephants" Stills With Robert Pattinson
A few more very cute NEW "Water For Elephants" stills with Robert Pattinson.
I probably don't need to point out why I love this one, right?

SO cute

Source ComelAcquaPerGliElefanti via Source
I probably don't need to point out why I love this one, right?
SO cute
Source ComelAcquaPerGliElefanti via Source
*NEW* Robert Pattinson WFE Still In "Girlfriend" Magazine (Italy)
There's a gorgeous new still of Robert Pattinson as Jacob in "Water For Elephants" in the Italian "Girlfriend" Magazine.

Check out the full scans at the Source RobertPattinsonitalia and if you want to read a translation of the article head over to RobertPattinsonMoms
Check out the full scans at the Source RobertPattinsonitalia and if you want to read a translation of the article head over to RobertPattinsonMoms
Some More NEW Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills
UPDATE Added 2 more new stills
Can you say CUTE?

Yesterday we posted some new stills of Robert Pattinson as Jacob from "Water for Elephants" HERE and today here's have a few more for you.
HAVE to get Kat to do an arm/bicep pic spam (I'm pretty sure it's on the list already)
After the "Breaking Dawn" pic yesterday and this today I think it's a must!

I love this one. It would have fitted in well in Kat's post last night.

And this last one is VERY similiar to one we had before in UHQ but there's a slight difference.

Sourcevia RobertPattinsonMoms
Can you say CUTE?
Yesterday we posted some new stills of Robert Pattinson as Jacob from "Water for Elephants" HERE and today here's have a few more for you.
HAVE to get Kat to do an arm/bicep pic spam (I'm pretty sure it's on the list already)
After the "Breaking Dawn" pic yesterday and this today I think it's a must!
I love this one. It would have fitted in well in Kat's post last night.
And this last one is VERY similiar to one we had before in UHQ but there's a slight difference.
Sourcevia RobertPattinsonMoms
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