After the torture that Tink inflicted on you all yesterday I thought that today you deserved a treat.
So on Wednesday's you will be getting...........Some Wicked Wallpapers.
Did you see that coming?

But these are not just any Wallpapers. These are Wonderfully Wicked Wallpapers (as only Robert Pattinson Wallpapers can be)
Wallpapers that will make you Weep, Whimper, Weak at the knees and Wanting more.
Did I say I wasn't going to torture you?
I LIED!Warning: Robsessed will not be responsible for any wicked thoughts that may occur when you display these Wallpapers on your computer. The responsiblity lies firmly with this guy..............

SO let's get going.......
This first wicked creation is by
JulesI dare you to put this wallpaper on your computer and do anything else but stare and think wicked thoughts.

This second one is also by
Jules and is guaranteed to make you weak at the knees!

I think this one by
chococats-imaginarium sums him up perfectly. But could you handle multiple Rob's ?

This Rude Boy Rob wallpaper by
Eva would surely have you whimpering (in only the best possible way)

And finally for any of you who want to have Rob on your computer at work, here is the perfect wallpaper by
Bewlyer with a wicked worksheet attached.
Though how much work will actually get done is another thing!
Have a Wicked Wednesday!Click and Save Below For Full Size