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Can you tell we’re having a GOOD TIME with #RobertPattinson at #VultureFestival?— Vulture Festival (@vulturefestival) November 19, 2017
Having Good Time with the charming #RobertPattinson @vulturefestival in Los Angeles @olv #VultureFestival #RooseveltHotel— 🥀Aurora Val-Rod (@marilerie) November 19, 2017
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The critically-acclaimed star of the Safdie brothers’ breakout movie Good Time, Robert Pattinson makes a rare live appearance to discuss his work in the film and other highlights from his varied film career. The Hollywood Roosevelt – JetBlue Studio: 7000 Hollywood Boulevard, West Hollywood. Tickets $25 (includes access to The AT&T Vulture Lounge poolside at The Hollywood Roosevelt, and one (1) complimentary drink per ticket holder)Click HERE to get tickets! And HERE to read Vulture's nice bio on Rob (you already know everything, I'm sure. Or turn in your ROBsessed badge at the entrance of the DR.)
“There was this weird thing that happened in the hotel,” Pattinson told Vulture. “It flooded everyday at 3 p.m., because we went in the rainy season. No one realized it was the rainy season, and somehow all these massive spiders would float into our room. At night there would be like an inch of water in the room, it was kind of terrifying. I made a little hammock on top of my bed just hanging there, in terror.”Gold star for Vulture explaining "ropey". Now can we have video of that? We do have video of other great Rob tales. E! snagged Rob on the red carpet and got him to talk about his squirrel face/hip beard and starving into a skinny jeans.
Meanwhile, Grey started filming the bugs. “There was one that was called a Brazilian wandering spider,” Pattinson said. “James, who is normally very neurotic about anything wildlife related, saw this spider, and it is incredibly beautiful, and he was like, 'We need to get the B camera, get on this, get on this. Somebody get it to move.’ And he was prodding this spider, which is like six-inches wide, with a stick, trying to get it to do something interesting. And the Colombian crew was like, ‘That is the most potent spider in the world.’ There were a lot of situations like that.”
Pattinson said things also got ropey — British for sketchy — while he was filming in the jungle. “There were moments where me and Charlie were going through with machetes and we were in totally virgin jungle humans never went through,” Pattinson said. “And they were like, ‘Yeah, just do a beautiful shot and hack through it with machetes.’ Me and Charlie were just like, ‘Uh, this feels like really ropey to do this.’”
According to People, Pattinson and Twigs are officially engaged after six months of dating. Gossip Cop has reached out once again to a rep for confirmation and comment. The Twilight actor and the musician have been linked since last year. They’ve been spotted together across the globe in recent months as both pursued busy professional schedules.
When Gossip Cop first reached out to Vulture for clarification on T-Pain’s comments, a rep for the outlet told us, “This is a real interview with T-Pain and to our knowledge he wasn’t joking about the engagement!” As we contacted other sources, T-Pain tweeted that the whole thing was a joke, and we took him at his word and reported it. The rapper-producer’s tone and language in the interview seemed earnest and straightforward, but given the April 1 coincidence, we gave T-Pain the benefit of the doubt.
It now seems like T-Pain’s subsequent “April Fools'” explanation on Twitter may just have been cover for unwittingly revealing a real Pattinson-Twigs engagement. We have yet to hear from their mouths that they’re engaged, but the latest report sounds more confirmed than any previous engagement buzz. Gossip Cop will have updates.HMMMMMMMMMMM!
"T-Pain claims his seemingly accidental slip at the end of this interview regarding FKA Twigs and Robert Pattinson's engagement was in fact an April Fool's Joke. April Fools?"Hmmmmmmmm....
"Added a little #AprilFools to my interview with Vulture Magazine today. Check it out!!!!"There's also this exchange from an associated editor at Vulture:
Who have you been listening to for inspiration?
FKA Twigs, she’s one of my favorite artists right now. I’m also super into James Blake right now, and Sampha. A lot of international artists.
Will FKA Twigs be on your new album?
Well, the first time we even met each other, we met in the studio. Her music’s changed a lot since then. But she’s on tour so much, and anytime I call her, she’s in a different place. And she’s engaged now, so that’s about to be a whole other thing. [Laughs.]
Wait, she’s engaged? That's news to me.
Yeah, to ol’ Patty [Robert Pattinson]. I don’t know if she wanted anybody to know that …
"David Cronenberg's Hollywood-centered family melodrama Maps to the Stars marks the veteran director's second straight film with Twilight alum Robert Pattinson after 2012's Cosmopolis.
Although many still see Pattinson as vampire heartthrob Edward Cullen, Cronenberg told The Hollywood Reporter he can easily look past that.
"I have no problem ignoring that," the director said. "Of course I watched the first Twilight movie just to see what he was like and get a feel for his screen presence and so on and so on. … By the time you're on the set, it's just the two of you making movies. You forget your own movies too."
Speaking to THR ahead of Saturday night's New York Film Festival screening of Maps, Cronenberg explained that he wanted to work with Pattinson (who wasn't in attendance at the New York event) on this movie not only because the director thinks of him as "a wonderful actor" and they "had a good time on Cosmopolis," but also because it provided the opportunity for Pattinson to participate in the sort of ensemble film he'd told Cronenberg he wanted to do.
"He told me that he was scared about Cosmopolis because he had not really wanted to do a movie where he was the lead and had the whole movie on his shoulders," the director explained. "And of course in that movie he's in almost every scene. He said, 'One day I'd love to do an ensemble piece where there are a lot of good actors and [he's] just one of them.' "
When Cronenberg was putting together Maps, he thought of his Cosmopolis star."
" “They’re going to do a qualifying run — I think it’s in New York and L.A. — so that it will legitimately qualify for the Golden Globes and the Oscars,” said Cronenberg, who admitted, “There was a lot of discussion. You know, they really felt that they could do a better job releasing the film in 2015, in January or February. And then, of course, the discussion was, ‘Yeah, but wouldn’t it be great if Julianne got an Oscar nomination, since she won Best Actress at Cannes?’”Want to see some Exclusive Photos and Video from the Maps to the Stars Q&A At NYFF?
A strong recent showing at the Toronto Film Festival convinced Focus World to put the film out this year, though the distributor hasn’t committed to funding a costly Oscar campaign. “You know, I think the movie will find its way regardless,” said Maps screenwriter Bruce Wagner. “It already has.” "